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ieat.greater greatest bargains ever opfereü 1859. MqJS59 ' Iu t li is City, are uo w beingoüered at the CHEAPjCLOCK.WATeiI, & Jewelry npHESubaorlber wonldsfty ii citiz-nnfio! Aun Ar 1 tjor.i! particular, and che r oí WnhlcnRW i Rouoti ;i 'j.t:, .r-!. j .3t LMPOM'ED rilKKrri.Y trom EUROPK.a Tretnendous Stock of Watchcs! Ali of wlili'ii ha bindanimsrlftnaell OHEAPEH than ' can he boycot wes. ot' New York City. ' Opon I'acu Cylindcr Wtcbua trom gij to gin I ' do do Lever do do 8 to "1 Huiiting Case do do io 14 to ::: do do CyUuder do do 9 to 2{ 1 Qold v.'atctipg froin 20 to liü ' 1 Lavo alsu tin: ■ CELÉBRATE!) ï AMEltfCAN WAT CHES, i wbleh I wlll sen tir $:5. Every Vvatch warrnuti-d to erforin wel], orUit: muiuiy zelundcd. Clookt, Jew.lry, Pinted WBre, f Funcy Goode. Gold Pona, ' lusicnllustruments ail,j gfrtoga, ! Cutlery, 4c, nd In fact b variety of eTerytbing uuoally kcpt yjew elers can beboagbtforibe ucxtñtnety daya tit Yrir OÏÏN TRIGES! 'oraoiiB huyinganything at this wi'll lcnown enrae of chu rely upon getting goods exnct'y as 3 esentod, orthemoney refundid, rail oud y and seure the best bnrgalns ever ofte red in thii City One word in regard to Eepairing : Ve nripn'parnd tomjiki ny rupaira onfinn or ' ion Wiitfiics, even to maktngo er the entlre (Vatofa f uncegnry. Itrpttiring of Clooka aiH Jewelry na ! Bunl. AÍ o :■"■ manufacturlng of R.ING3, BROOCB9 r atiythiiifr dcsired, frmCliffrnU Gold onehortnoice. EnjrraTiPi; iu alliU brunchesexcented wiibncrttcöb anddiBpatch. J C. WATTS, i A nu Arbor, JD. 2fthlfi59. 7L4w Imporcant National Works, I ubllihed i.y D. API'LETON 4 C0. f 346 AND 348 BR0ADWA.YKEW YORK ] The followlng worlül are sent to Subficribors in nny part í th ïtMuntrj, (upoa ncelpt of retail prire,) by nujl r expr , TlllSNKVVAMIilRUN CYCLOPDÏA; A J 'opuhir EHctíonary "i' Genera Knowledge. Edtted bv Jeo. RiPUtï umi Cjuiílbí a. JUna, aldad by a aumerous 1 eloot ootpê ( treiters In ;ill branehea of Sdences, Art n Llteratnre. 'l'h vork is bedng pabltsJ ëd En about y Urge octavo volumes ,t;ach cotí tai nïnr ?50two-oolajDj] i Vola, i., ii., ni., iv. v., vi., 'vu., vin., t ix. . re now roacly, eaoh contaiuing 2.,rjufn-iginal urli les. Aja additlona] volume wíll be publislied oncein ( bout tluí'i' numilis. ( Prioe,ÍO Uuth.S3; Bheep, S3.50; Half Eussia, $4.50 ach. 3 The NV.v Amwioan Cyclopaadia i.s popular without be itt Buperíieiftllearneíl wíibout beiug pedantic, compra fc leiwivc bal tMBalentlT detaUed, I . ;,;ii pique 1 ml juirtv prejuilioe, frotÜ anffyci ntwA. n (a a f '■'"i"1 ; : of all that la known opon evory imfi ortan1 topic witUin tiie p. of tuunao IntelUgenoe.- f Ovcry iir,icií;int artiele iu t has bëeu sptsclüll wvtttan f or its pages by men wlioareaiithoriüea appn the topic ! n wliicih thcy ppenk. They are requirt'.'l to bnnsf tb ubject up lo preaeot moment; to state j iurt bow it 1 tanda nato. All che BtaiJaticaihuormationfBfromthe atest raports; tli1 EOQgraphiCAl accounts keep pace witli he Uttest explorauons; bistortoaj mattere inolude the J itjust riewa; the biogf'aphica] aoticeaedsak m-i nly of hedoacl but alsoof the tiviHf. It s a librarv f tself " , AURIDGEHIEXT OF THE DEBATES OF COX6RX1SS Belhg :-. Política! Híatory ofthO United . Erom the i Cn. i ■ [. Ettedanü oompilod by Hon. Tho. 1[akt BsNTUNtfrum tbe Official Records of Congress. Tbt work II be compleíod in 15 rors lo ::■ i.f 740 eaeh, n of whioh "are oow ready. dn ad ' ditíonal volume wül be : athe. ' aoth,?$3 Uv Sheep, Half Mor.. $4; llalí Cálf, Si. 50 each. AWAYÜFPHÜCUR'NGTHECÍTCLOFDIAORDEBATKeí ' Form a club of fout, and romlt theprlceóf foorbook, and íive copies wiU hu sent t t . . ■ ;.,; oarrláge; or for too subsoribexv, eleven copies v.ill h ( scut ut oui cxpi'iiiit; for cm riage. ; To Af; i: ts. 1 Ko other work wiU s libomlly rovardtíte eatertloás of vgentM. A Ai;:;vrO.Ti::h in TIUbCOÜMTT 'íVihimade tvnown on tu vhe PubliüherA. Aun Arbor, ttaroh, 6902.1,111 i ; ■■.■ Taos. Wíuoiit, ageut at Kiu;ie & Smiths ' Book ütorc, Ypsilunti. 1 13!ackwood's Magazine ÁW THK British líeviews. untAl liUltji.uLiruMI)M'{loiüi ; PREMIUMS and REDaciIOiMS. LSCOTT &C0., XKW" VtïlïK, continue to pitblish tht following leí h Perodioals, tiz: 1 THELOXDOX QÜARTERLY (Conaimttve), THEEDIN'BUUGH REVIEW (Whíg) 3 THENORTII RfilTISHREVXEW (FreeChoÑb). THE WKSTMINSTER.REVIEW (Liberal) 5 BLACKWOOD'S EDÏNBÜRGH MAGAZINB (Ton). The pyowQt ritlcAl .state of Europeao at&br wfll roniifr ihese pubhcations anasuolly InWresting d uring th forthcomlog year. They wiíl oceupy l middie ground between the haatily written newsitnis, crudo ftpeculatfóns, and fiytnig rumora ofthe dally Journal, and tbe ponjduroua Tome oí Uiefutore historian, written afttr öieüving Inierost and excitement of tlie great poUUcal evontaof thotïme.Rfaall liave pattaed away, It s ío these Poriouioala th&1 readers tnat look Tor th only reiitly tntelltgible and relmble bi&tory ol correal eventá, and as SQcb In adftítion totheir well established Uterary , flcientiño and theological cbajraoter, wo urge them upon checoni luration of the reading public. The reoeipt of Ailvnncc Sheets from Hrítish puljlishcrs ;-:u mM itioual valué U tlu'.se Repiinta, iimsnmch as they can uow be placed in the hand of tuhscrlbcri :i'u ;ut íi 15 floon Utlie original cdilious. J TEltMS. (Regular PriceB ) lVr finn. Forany opeof the four Revlewn, - - - $Ii 00 i Kor 'iny ttro of thefour Review, 5 or ( For any threo of the four Keviews, - t n For all Tour of U.o lïevw , 8 00 For Black woAd - 5T"gaxpe, 3 OU 1 Kor Hl;ickwf!.-i:. j.n.'. ]U- ii-w, - - .- 5 00 y .,■ Black wood and two Review. - 7 00 Por Blpcfewood and three PeWews, - - - "O ü0 For Black wood and the fourlleTiews, .10 00 Mon&j cnrrtnt iu the State wktrt issucd wiil be received át par. POSTAtiH. The PoeitUU to uny part of tho UnitedStatefl ill be but Twcnly l'nurCcntt a yewT for " BlaskwowL" and but Kourtccu Cents a year for each of tbe Review. At the abovè prloés the Periodicals will bc foxnUhed for 18Ö2. AND AS A Premiiiin to New Subscribers, the NTos ofthe same Pariodldftls for 1800 wiUbefornlahod complete, toithotii ñdditioval chnrga. [JnJlke tii f mor,; ephcmoraJ Uagaainea oi ile day, these lince, a full yeaj of the Nos for 1860, maj bewgarded neurly as vnluable %.% for I Subscrlbèrs wlfihing abo the Mo. Tor iStif wlll bo BUppüOd at tho toUomog kxtkemei.y low iiaths. Splendid Offers for 1860, '61, & '62 Together. POr 6taiEwoodvfl Uagftdne) the lliroo jwn, S- Ofl '. Kor any ono Rtvicw, - - l " 5 KÏ i Foraoy twoReviewi, - - " "8 00 i i i [ïlackwoorl andoneReviftw, ' " 8 00 KorBUckwood áodtwoBevíews, " " 1200 For three Reviews, - " " 1100 lm Blackwood and tbree RevfowSj " (i 15 00 1 the tour Reviewl, - - " " 13 u0 For Blatkwood :-.ü'I thefour RstIowb, " 17 00 Anyi'f tho abcivo v.-uvk will .il. be riirulhd to New gubsaibtrt for the var 1856.1 , R, and 9, At One Half the Regular Subscription Prices, Thus aiïacSub-r.ribrr m:iy obtain the Roprlnts af tlu FourKeviews and Blackwood. Seven Consecutive Yoar for $37 ! ! ! Wlrich Ia but llttlfl non thüa ihe ]rice ol' the original works for no year. Asweeball avfvr again b.e Hkcly to offtT iuch indiir.eDUnta as tii'.'SC l.cif pMMütAd] Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! lp Remittsnoes miut, in all-caMl, ba made direel til liit Pttb'.lihcrs, fot ut tlio.SL' pdOfiS no commitíáion cnu beallowvlto uyentd. LgQNARDSCOTT fcCO, fip 54 Gold street New York Ann Arbor Marble Works. TT AS on hanü a fine asuortment of American and I 1 TA L 1 Air MA li B L L [ whichhcls prepari'il tn manufacture into ! II E A I) yBmBfeBSppA STONKS ín alUheir 7fatle,ABdln a WOHKMAN'l.lKK mannei HbvIvS i'"1 cottaideiabte oxpoïieacfl latha baainoM hc flatUrs uimself that he will he ablcto please ; all who may favor mo with thuir ori".er.". Hls pnces ; LOW AS TTIE LOWEST. . ín'?d;:rSr"ythinsinív;:aí;Sm1J Aun rhor. May Í8, 1861. soul TO LET. TUF. BIUCK musí: nnOBarn now ooenpied by Olnry Hawkins.Knq:, oo Detroit st o t , Anu Arbor, posaMioBgtrn Ilio 1 -I of A ] i l . .,„,,. Abiosevöral ai i tns in Iiuenoi et tnïio.l sica.;-, ■ rerj tow rent,lmniMlIate possessiuugiven. lmiuireof R JJUCHOZ


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