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Dr. Wm. B. Hurd's DENTAL REMEDIES, AJSE THE BEST IN THE WORLD, IXSfKI.NQ FL E TËETU & A SWËET BREATH, AXB Curing Toothache & Neuralgia. Do roo wMi (u l)i btaSKd with and admireri tnrVr.Ani.v Wurm and Sound TEhTll? ue l)r. IV. H IU 'viA UNHlVAl.l.KIiTniiTK POWDKB, wsrrañwd fre.-froñ,, ackl, alkall, or auyinjurious aub.-tancc. l'rice,2 cinta ijcr box. 3. Beware of tlii' wliuar ohcvp Tuit!) Poiydec, wlticli whiu-n but destroy. Do you wish to he curtain tliat your BltfUTIl m pure weet, an! ugrceable to husbaod or wlfe, lot or' Use Dr. HÜRD'lj CELKURATKD MUl'TII W A.-ill. I'riée, :S cent.i per buttle. Tliis astringeilt wash is aluo the best remedy in tïi& arorldfov Cajvekr, Bad Bkbatb, Biekducü Gvms, Sumh Mol ni, dj. lt Uuá cored huudreUa Do vu'i. or your ehlldron suiler from Tootiiachk? Git Kr. mauic IOOTHACHE lUiOl'S. Prico, la cunta pui Utt D. Are you aülictcd with KEDKáÜQUf Get Dr W. B HURÜ'S NEURALGIA PLA,STERS. TV mot 'cffeetivo and dflij;litful rclnedy Unown. f ftiey do not adhere nor bliátor, but soothe an1 cliarm pain aay. Try them. frico, J8 and 37 ccnU Maiied on ïx-ceipt ol price. Do you üli a complete set of DESTAL REMKDIES and ii o.v Pbesïkving (it-t Dr. lil'HO'S DEOTAL TREASUBY, tho uratc-rt an.! most valoabio praaeat tbat une friend can puke to anuthtr. Palco, $1 Svut iy muil on recclpt or pnce. For sale at all thf beüt stores throughout tlie cotiatry. Cai'TION. - As tlierP are dealers wlio take advantatr of uur aivortis(jii)eutij in tmpOM upon Ihoii cafftonuii lafeiiorpn-]:irations. it is naoeBMry t insist upon baring wliat you cali for, and you wïll OBT tuk best, tljoroiufl.y ad prepared l-y an expenenccd rul fieieotitic Dentist, Treaímrer cf t!ie New York State Dentfrt'i jSOCÏAtioa, :iui.l Vlce i'rt'öideut of the Now Vork Citj Deat-il Locu-ty; Addresa WM. B. HURD & CO , New York. t& Pr. Hurd's Dental Romedus are for snlo in Ann .Arbor by ËRB8i(fl i: Vilsu.v, Luekuacu ti Co, , m CJRENYILLU Í; Kl'LLKK. 8Q0t TnE OLD CORNER EENEWED! with jst-w stook;,, MWGOODS.&C. FARMERS' IW CASH STORE (At the old stand of Thompson & Millen.) I am now opening a carefully SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS C0XS1STISG OF DHESS GOODS, PRINTS, BliOWN & BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, &o. anrl every thing that is kept in a Doraestio House, also :i fiae assortraent of BOOTS SHOES! AND YANKEE JVOT1ONS, A full stock of GEOCERIES constantly on hand. ARMER'S PBODUCE ! Bouglit and SoldThankftil to old friends and custoraers for past favors, I hope to raerit a share of their patronage, by dealing juitly vrith all. C. B. THOMPSON, (forraerly with G. H. Millen & Co. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 18G2. 872tf "Provide for Yg.r Family." KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE GOMPANY, '. 711 oflicc, Kinsbury Block, Uandolph 9L%woag4 Assets Jan. lst, 1802, $27G,22iU4. rollete uro tsrod upon Qto Uves "f ilcMors , anl'toj all busio0aB purpoaes, eitber ut lite or for a v ' ■ '■' viar--. 011 as hYorttblo termi i by dv othi r inii'j" " Morried ladiea haj nnre the live of n.eir i accordin;; to a law of the Stte,ecurinf } fj ' :?Mirancc lo tlioraselves or their clllMrtn' rmtrrj„l the claims o( ttaclr husbanda' crrfi.! Jt of thel tedia cm igaom td- ir own Uvon uw w v a t„r r. jm nilt csoeedins i'..lidcs on livss rn sued for anv .'■":irt"r! .-umuMlv in iivWond. tod pa.ving moi Ulan pe Cf ( notiv„ ,h„, snm '■'V''";1 ] 'Ze "'." capital, the surplus bciM '" ,. 1,, Í InmTrowj henee it wkll ,"',! ''.'forfnurtonlhs oitlls ara. uut. Kati-i a, a, othergoodeompanr. Kffiv is the time ofueourt a compMoney for t""J Süólly hooia deth lim'. your honu-stcad encumli.:d .,,A involve.1. BigyjH, PredSP." " orn BrmnohÖlBoe, Chicago. E. B. POND, Agent. WM. I.i.Wlir.M. IV. U Hcjl i:xamincr.


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