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The Michigan Argus

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íuMfshad cvory Friday morninj?, in tlie tliiril ston of tlie brick Mock, coruer.of Ualn and Hurón Sts., AN ARIiOR, Mich. Kntrance on Hurón Street, oppostte de Frankliu. ELIHU B. POND, Editor and Publisheí. ïernïs, $l,5O si Ytar In Advaiice. Ailvertlslng- One square (12 linos or bas), om week, 50 cents; and Í5 cents for oyery inscrtion ttiero íUtur, less than thret niuutlist)ne square 3 mos $3.00 II Quarter col. 1 yeai $-:o VJne siu:iri' 6 moa 5.0 Half column 6 mos 18 Oae square 1 veai 8 Otl Half culunin 1 year Ü5 Two q'res 6 moa 8 00 One column 6 mus. 36 Tivo sii'rcs 1 year ÜÜO One column 1 ycar 61) I-y Advertisemeits onaooorapauiefl by writtea or vWl dlríotiona wíl be pubhíbed until onkred out, and cbargcd dccordiígly, Icgl adrertisemHitJ, firat insertiun, 50 cents per folio, 25 cents per folo tor each subsequent Irsertion. Wl.enapostpc.numeit ís added to an advertisement the vholc wiü bu chargst thesame as for firt tosertion. Job Prlntiiig- Pamphlets, Itaud Buis, Circular, Cards, Ball Tickets Labels. Blflnks, Bill rienda, and other varieties of Pliin and Fanc; Job I'rinting, esecuted with iruini1in.-s , and inlhe be=t style Canls- We havil Rugóles Rotary C'ard Preas,and a large variety of tle latest stvli-s of Caril type which enables us u," print Cards of 'all kinds in the neatest possible fltyle auj cleaper thau-anv other bouse in tbe city. Business cara for men of all avocatioiis and professions. Hall. Wedóng and Visiting Cards, printod ou flliortnotice. Cali aid see samples. BOOK BINDIIG- Connected witli the Offlce s a Book Bindery in cha'ge of two competent wórkmen. - . County Records, Legers, Journals, and all Blank Bookfl mado to order,. and (f the bc-t toek. rampblets mu! p„r.„i;„.,ls boiiiid i, a neat and durable manner. ai De%.. Entraice to Bitdery tbróugh thc-ly"