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Washington, Jan. lst, 1863. XVherezs, on the 22nd doy of September, m the yearof onr lord 1862, a I'roeiamntion was issued by the Praei(fentol the Unitod States, containing ainong othcr thing?, the following, to wit : "That on tlie flrst day of Jauuary, iri (he year of our Lord, one thousand, eight nundred and sixty-ihree, all f#rso.s eeld as slaves WITIIIX ANY STATB, 011 DESI9MA.TED PAltT OF K ST1TE, THB FE0PLÏ WIÏRÏ0F SUALL THEN TtK IX SEBELLION AGAIHST TUK L'XIÏF.I) STATES, SHAI.L BU TIIEX, HENCEFORTH AND FOHEVEIl F REE ! and tlie Executive Government of tlie said United States includinq Ihe military and natal autíhority thercof icill repngnize and maintain the freedom nf such persons ttftd will do no act nor acts to represa such per sons, or any of them, in any eübrt they nía; niake for tlioir actual freedoni ; that thc exec utive will on the fivst day of January aforesak issue a proclamation designatrng the State and parts of States, if any, in which the peo pie thei-eh) respectively, shall then be in rebell ion against tlie United States, and the fac Ihat any Slate or thá people thereof shall on that day, be in good faith represen ted in the Coragress of the United States bj members chosen thereto, at elections wiiereir 3 majority of lile qualiíied votevs of sucl States sh.ill have participated, shall, in tht absence of strpng Countervailing testimony he deemed conclusive evidence that tho peo pie thereot', are not iü rebellion agains the United States. Now, therefore, I, ABRAHAM LINCULN, President of tho United otates, bj viríue of the. -power in me in res ted as Cominander-in-(Jltief o f the Armij and Navy, in time of actual arm ed rebellion ugainst the authority o tho Government of tho United otates and aa a fit and oecessary war meas ure íbr auppregsing aid rebellion, do on this íirst day oí' January; ia the yeai of óur Lord one thousand eight hun dred and sixty three, and in acoordance with iny purpose so to do, public'y proclaimed for the full period of one hundred daya f rom the dutefirst above rnentioned, order and dtsignate as the Sutes and porta oí States therein the peopl.e whereof, respeotively, are in rebellion agairist the United States the following, to wit: Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, except Parishes St. Bernard," Plaquerninc, Jefferson, St. John, St. Charles, St. James, Ascensión, Assumption e Bonne, LaFourche, St. Mary, St. Martin, and Orleans, including the city of New OHeans, Missiaisippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Noith Caro'iDa, and Virginia except the 48 counties designated as Western Virginia, and also the counties of Berkloy, Accomae, Nortbampton, Elizabeth City, York, Princees-Ann, and ISlorfolk, including the cities of Norfolk and Portsmoutb, which excepted parts are for the present left precisely as if ihis Proclamation were not rssued, aDd by virtue oi the power and for the purpose afore6áid, I do order and declaro that all persons held as slaves within designated States and parts of States, are, and lienceforward sball be fiee, and that the Executivo Government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities theieof, will recognize and maintain tho freedom of said persous, and I hereby enjoin upon the peoplo so declared to be free, to abstain f rom all violeoce unless in necessary selfdefence, and I recommend to thern that in all cases when allowed they labor faithfully for reasonable svíiges; and I lurtber declare and make knowa that such persons of suitable condition will be received into the arrned service of the United States to garrison forts, positiong, stations and . other places and to man veesels of all sorts in said service, and this I believe to be an act of juetiee, warranted by the eonstitution upon military necesity, I invoke the considérate judgment cf mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God. In witness wbereof, I have herounto eet rny hand and caused the seal of the "United Btátee to bo affixed. Done at tiie eity of Washington this flrst day of January ki the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundted and sixty-three fed of the índependeneo of the United (Sicrnêt-Tjerica the eighty-seventh. By the Presidenta bhaham Lincoln.


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