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The Proclamation Of " Freedom."

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The Pfesidoot's proclamatioD freeing the alavés held in eer' aio specified States anti pnrts of States wiil be fuund on tho second page ol tliis sheet. It fs an important document, inoro important, hovveyer, for what it assumes to do than for what it really does. it is iasuod as a war mensure, and it retnains to be een what effect it will havo upon tho war. And as a war measure it falla greatiy short of satisfying tho radicáis, and alroady the. clergymen of New York have petitionod the President to mako it more svveeping, to so enlarge it as to give freedom to every slave, including tho&e of loyal residerits of Border States. - The President a condemued by this elasá of people lor litniting the benefits of his proclamation to States in whieh bis arrniea have vet no'fooLhold, and in which it ca'nnot yet accoraplisb mueh. We are not disposed to diseusá this document. We can only sny that we do not believe the President bas any legal authorify, even as a war measure, to do what he has attempted. Proclamations will not put clown the rebellion and restore the Uaion. A peace is to be conqr.ered by tho lorco of anns, and we say push on the armies, preserve llie Union, and let slavery take care of itseif. The rebels have given tho instituiion its death blow, let not the President proloog its life by atternpts to strangle it botb prematurely and illegitimatulv. eO Wo ba vu feceived the ïïeport of the Board of Control, Superintendent, and other officers of the State Reform School for 1862, from which we compilo the following fauts : No. of boys ia school ut date of last report, 145 Reeeived during the year, 72 Discharged during yeaf, 34 Leaving in School Nov. 16, 1862, 183 of whorn 163 are white boys, and 20 colt. red boys. Tho 72 received during the year carne from 25 counties. Wayne sent up 19; Kent, the nest highest nuraber, 7; Oakland 5 ; Washtenaw but 1. 47 ■#ere sentenced by Justices, 8 by Circuit Courts ; 11 by the Polioo Court of Detroit; 5 by the Iiecorder's Court; and 1 was returned. 65 were sent up for Petit Larceny ; 3 ior assault and battery ; 1 each for grand larceny, burglary and larceny, and arson, and 1 returned. 29 were natives of Michigan ; 7 oí Canada; 6 of Irelaml ; 2 of Gormany; 1 each of Franca and England ; 5 unknown ; and the others of 8 of the United States. 23 wero of nativo born parent?, and 49 of ioreign born parents. 4 were under ten years old ; 54 between ten and fifteen years ; 12 fifteen ; and 1 sisteen ; the average being nearly 12%' years. The oklest boys no in the school aro 19% years; iho young est 7 ; and their average ages 15 years. Tablo VI of the Report gh'cs somé important facts showing from what class of Boys the Reform School is fillod. 19 had lost their fathers, 18 their mothers, and 5 both pareuts. - Near relativos of 19 have been arres, ted for crime. 29 of the boys had used intoxïcativg drinks, and 15 had been diunk. 53 had been in jail trom 1 to 6 times; 71 had been guilty of theft, and 10 of arson before their eommitment to the School. And 45 had slept out in barns ? boxes, and under od sheds. During tho year 28 have been discharged as reformed ; 2 pardoned by the Governor; 1 raturned to the Court; 1 kidontured to farmers; and ono perdebVïd to live v jier without inThre. Mb jral heijtiperiiitendent reporte the genexceHentlh ll[)d discipliuo of the scbool JCST" ïho robe. ._ - s rcportcd at 10,000, "fi Murfreesboro


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