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The JsSgifii ature conveued at Lansiug cm Wednesday aud eflfeotcd! au organization. Üü'i'CKEox,, of this oouuty was elcctcd speaker of the House. The inessage of Governor Ulaiu v6. slull give ïicxt week. . Ciiandlek w;is probably re-e]eeted U. S. Senator ycsteiday. J&UST Kx-Governor MoBEi Wisner, late Coloiiol of the Twentysecond Michigan Iufautry, died in the camp oí his regiment, at Lexington, Ky., on Sunday, January 4ih, of fevor. llis loss will be mounied by the peoplo of Michigan as woll as by his regiment. U3g" Ou Tuewday, by a votu of 73 to i&, the House paPsed a bilí providing for the issue r.f U. S. bonds to theamount of $10,000,000 to compénsate tho slave-ovvnfirs of Missouri, provided tha people of that 8tato shall accept tho bill aud abolish slavery. LS" In tho partial list of wounded in the receut_ battles at Murireesboro, Term., We notice the names of Captain C. G. Webb, 13th Michigan, severely; and Lieut. A. G. Iiussell, Sist Mich. We do not knów how mary Michigan r.egiments were in the cngagements, but understand that the lOth, llth, aud 1-ltb werc at Nashvillo. LT The " Monitor " has fought her last battle. At l30 A. AL, on the last day of December, while in tow of tl;e steamer llliodo tsland, off the coast of North Carolina, she encountered a severo storm, sprung a leak, and despito the efforts of her officers and men and those of the Rhode Islaud, she went down in 45 futhonis water. Several of her officers and men went down with her. And thus ends a career so brilliantly begun. - mom S3T At the latest dates from Vicksburg the eaemy had eonoentrated 65,000 nien under General Joe JohnstOn, and Gen. tíuEüMAX had been driven back to the first line of rebel intrenchments. - ïhe fighting on Monday, Jan, 5th, is reported desperate, and the federal losses heavy, bciiig ëstimated at fróm 4,000 to 5,000, iucluding several officors of high rnnk. - Banks had not cffected a junction, and the gunboats were doing little. . - It was thought Shermau could hold his position until re-enforcements arrived. E One of the first important officia! acts of Gov. Seymouk, of New York, was to cite the Polico Commissioners oí New York City to appear beforo bim, and answer to charges preferred against thein for permitttng the Superintendent of Pólice and his officers to use the Station houses and prisons undur tlieir control, for the eonñnement of persons arrested without warrant of law, and in contempt of the law and constitution. Gov. Skvmoukís evident ly of the opinión that all arrests should bc made by order of the proper judicia' offiners, and n the mode preseribed by avr. And ccrtainly there ia no cause for nraking arrests in any other nianner in New York of any loyal States. - The game of " arbitrary arrests " in States where the Courts are as loyal. as the Cabinet Ministers, or even their secret pólice, is about " played out," at which every good citizea should rejoice. J&2ST We have received ttio Michigan State Gazetcer and Business Directory for 1863 4, a handsoinely prioted and substantially bound volume of nearly 700 pages. We eau not botter give in brief nu idea oí the work than by quoting irom the titlepage: - '; Embracing Historical and descriptive sketches of all the cities, towns, and vülagea throughout the State, togelheip with classiiied lists of all ïrofession.?, Trade3 and Purtiuits, names of all organized Coinpaniep, State and County ofticers, and full information regarding tho rner eantilo and maoufacturing in té reste ot the State." Thereare some errpra in compilation, and othor uuavoidablo errors caused by the business changes sinoe the canvass was made, but it is tho most valunble work of the kind ever issued in our State, and every business man would find it for liis interest to possess a copy. Chas. F. Clark, Pub'isher, Detroit. S" The New York WorU urges the President to issue' a proclamaron abolishing the Alabama.


Old News
Michigan Argus