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THE REBELÏiION ON HIGH PRICE8 POE CLOTBING, HASCOMMENCEBATTHE OLO & RELIABLE CLOTHI N O 3H3CPOÏIITTM ! No. 8 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. TAMtoi openifi? alargo and varied assortment of 1 SiTiüg and Summcr Gewis, anrt n view of the rc-beUon un high j.rioe.i genorallv, will olicr tlienl to mt frienfls and custoiairs at the very lowes.t usures for CkkIi.- Thosein want of a miperioi arlicle oi CJullis, Cassiinercs. or Ready-Made Olothiag, -will cali cmWM. WAGNER, who.has juat rutumod frora tUe Eaat, wlth a large tidsorlment of SPRIMG 8ü SUMMER GOODS wliioh liavobcen purchascdattuelaU LOAV BRICES 1 id can offer them at alower figure than ever bcfore. ruoDg my Assortment maj bü fouud BROADCLOTHS, UASSIMERES, DOESKTNS, VE8TINGS f nll descriptiona, tngctlifr with a superior aaaortment L Made Clothlng, -- K y. yTRUXKS, CARrET BAKS, flEïiljiinlIcmen's Furnhliiüg G-OOD8, vith numnous Athf-r artiolea uaually four.d in similar Btabllshments. Asan EMPOBTÜiM OF FASHION, Ube subsiriber Satter bimrnlf , timt hls long exporienro andgentralsuocfss, will enablehim tu give the greatest tatisfnetion to all wbo may trust him in the v&y oi OP Manufaoturing Garments to order. Wil. WAGHEft. AnnArbor, AplilOtl'. 1S6?. 848 tf "Provide for Yo r Family." LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Western office, Kingsb'iry Block, Ranuolpll St., Chicago. Assets Jan. lst, 1862, $276,223.44. Policios are saued upon tbe Uves of debtorB, and for all business purposes. oither for life or for a term of o as favorable tersos as by any other Company. MarpSe laéíea mav insuve the Uves of their husbands, accordiog to i law of Un State, wcuitag the amouu, of theiasuranoe to tliemsglves or llieir ohildren, free from the claims "f their busbond' creditors ; also, married larties c!in insure their own Uves for the benefit of their ohildren or trustees. l'olicies on Uves are isisued for any sum not exeeedmg Bt the termsof the charter, üiis rOmpnny isprohibit8dpayingmo.tliaBi por cent. annimlly in d.vidends on its capital to stockholdcrs ; and it receives 1]iat sum in interest for the use of its capital, tbs surplus bemg divided amongtbo Mutual fltsiinws; henee it will appeur thut it combines 1I10 advnutages of a Mutual with the security nf a Stoel; Company. Whcn thé premium aenonnt to $40 or over a note KWy be given for fom-tunth of the amount. Eates-as lom ivs any otliergosd eompany. BNów ia the time of aacure a for yout Janiily shouM death finr1. your homestcad encumbeved and barnes, involved. ERASTÜSLYUAN% Presi(knt. Geo. F.SüiFFES.Sícy. B. F. Johnson, Vice Proi'.diittt: and Manager of Western Brancli office, C'llicago E. B. POND, Agent. W3I. LEWITT, M. B-, Medical Exiuniner. loos. lass. NEW FALL GQODS! Kow opening, a spirnlid stnok of N'ew .Goods for the FallTradaat C, H. M1LX.BN7S' m? (BaSSl' OT(D33 Ann .irbor September IS, 1832. 87Otf Tobacco I Tobacco! I AM SKIX1NG GOOD FINE CÜT CHEWING TOBACCO At f rom Fifi y cents to % per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 1 cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Aun Ar'our, Micfc., Du . Í7, 1862. 883tf , , J: J. .-V5T. KNIGHT, Agent for the Phceuix Insurance Company OF HAKTFOED CT., AND THE COMWAY ENS., COMPANY OF BOSTON MASS. Loases Honorably adjusted and protnptly paid at this Agcncy. Office Corner Ma?n and Huron Street, over the Store of Bacïi & Pierron, Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor, Sept. 10, 1862. ■ Trusses ! RÜPTÜRE CAN BE CURED BY A TRUSR of the nght kind, if properly fivted and du attended to. Thia has baen abundantly demónstrate in innúmera ble instancia by the use of the Multipedal Triiss of Dr. Klgiis ilunno; the last few years. Thia Tfuss beïngcoveied il H;tnl Kubber, ia ■perfeelly waterproof, may be used in bathng, aud is always cleanly as wel] as indestructible by ordinary usage, lf not satia fáctory aftei a fair trial of sixty daye, ït may be rtturned. It challenge s com{yi-i-ist)-n with any trusa 1 Dr RIGGS' uffice, No, 2 BARCLAY Street. NewYork. 885 1 f , ,■ ■ wommwo ' r HE an-nual meeting of forest l[ül Ometery Compiiny of Ann Arbor, for tlieelection of officers an6 Ihe transad on oí sflch otLer business au may come bo iia-u it. will ï.i hel'l at the office of the GJc-rk of said Company, on TuesdïV Juary öth, Iá63, at 2 tj'clock, P. M. E."&. rovn, .nn Arbor, Dec. -3, 1832. . Clerk. WbereftH my vifv Barbara Blum lias Icft my hM :iml board, without nuy provoea'tion en iu.y part," ] hereby cautinn all persons not tu irustlmi on my a ecou ti i, as I sh.ill pay lio debts coütractod by hi r aftír t!-.í day. .JOH BLUM. Aun Arbor, Dec 15, ySZ. 3S8a Auctionecrs Ifotice. BYROT GHEEV, bavinï Applied for a lícfn=r, noj holds hiinsolí in rwdirWBf U alterul to all calU.ntIIa inr IkhI fxprrionco, ln íh poíi---o lio can givp good satisfaefïon. All culis promptly attondcd to. Chnigos i'íasoBfible. Apply at tho Fniuklia ITonn. BYKOV fiREEX Ann Arbor, Oct. 2t, l?Pí. gtf Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


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Michigan Argus