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Salt In The Manure Heap

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-One of the most eoonomical artioles about yarde and stables is salt. It is just as good to feed to the manure heap as to pigs and cattlo. It is best applied in a weak so lution in water with a ooinmon watering pot Whethor the salt doea or does not supply direct plaat food, it at least preveots the escape of amino.iia, the most valuablo part of the manure heap. The gas is always leaving animal uiauure, unlèss there is plenty of moisture present, ov some agout to absord it. Salt does t.Liri without arresting the deeomposition ot' tlie mas-". Searshore farmers make a Iarge use of sea-woed, without fully undeistau.iiüg the philosophy of its aetion. It is earted into the styes and baru yards several tí raes in the course of the year, and intinjateiy mixed by means of the plow with thedroppings of oattle. Thus all the best parte' of the ïnanure are saved by the sale, and a large addition is made to its bulk by the vegetable matter of the sea-weed. These weeds gathered from the shore are gooi manure by theinselves, but are still cierre valúaMe when deoomposed and saturated with 5TrÍ9trippiiig as they pass through ike sty and yard on their waj to the plowed field or meadow. - Amer&an Aariculufüt. jL" Jones vs discovered the respectivo natures of t uistinction and & difference. He says tliat a ' little differenoe ' frequently rnakes many enemies, while a littlo ' distinotiou ' attraots hosts of fricuds to the one on whoin it is eonforred. SSí" A Poughkeepsie farmer has a $5 gold piece wbioh ho nieans to keep for kis children and their ehildron again, to look at as the currenoy which the country onte had. ld Dr. Johnson compared plaintiff and defendant in an aetion of law, to two men duoking tbeir haada in a buoket, and daring each other to remain the longest under water. J53JT" A youug farmer asked tin old Scotehman for advioe n his pursuits. - He told him what bad been the secret of bis own duccess in farniing, and concluded with the following warning : " Never, Sandie, never, above all things, get into debt ; but if you do, let it be for manure." PiiovisroNS for the Enolish Poor. - The ship George öriawold, which is loading at New York with breadstuffs and provisions for the suffering poor óf Lnneiiïibiro, has received some seven thousanrï barrels of flour, and a considerable Cfuaritity of oorn, bacon and pork. Sha wfll taita about four thousand be ready to sail probably inside of a week. When Does a Pío Becomb a Hoo ? - The tas men have declar.ed that a pig becomes a hog at eix raonths old ; and slaughtered hogs are taxed, while pigs are not. ■ Kr' A cotemporary noticiñg the appointtnent of a postmaster, says : " If he attends to to the mails as well as he doea the femnles, ho will make a very atteotivü and efficiënt offieer," üdp3 Tho difïerence between a man of blunt sincority and a carpentor is, tbat one is a plaindealer, aDd the other a deal-plainer. U3T" You mny gnther a rich harvest of knowledge by reading; bat thought is tho winnowing machine.


Old News
Michigan Argus