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G RE AT. G21EATER GRE ATEST BAIíGAXNS EVEIÍ OFFEEED 1859. lNry1859Iu thisOity, are uow being offered at the OHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & 8 Jewelry StoorrniEStibscriber wouldsuy to the citizensol Ann ArL particular, and the rest ot Wnshlcnaw 'Cnuntv ingenewl, that hehnsjuat 1M PORTEO PJRECTLY iruro KUROpE.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! All of which he blnds himsr-lf to sell CHKAPEH tban can be bouírht west ot New York City. Open Face Cylinder Warehes trom 6 to $3 0 S do do Lever do do 8 to 21 ;s ïlunting Case do do do 14 to 35 c do . do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 c Gold Watehes t'rom 20 to 150 I have also the CE LE BR A TE I , AMEBJCAN WATCHES, which I wlll se'ïl ttr $:tf. Kvory Watch wafranfod to !s pcrfunn wel!, or th mom;y retunded. i . Clücks, ,i Jewelry, Piated Ware, t Fancy Goods. Guld Pens, ,s Musical Instr urnen ts and Stringa, e Cutlery, &c, and in fact a variety ofeVftrytnfcg n au all y kept sy Jewelers can be boughU'or the next uinety days at yuur O W N PRICES! Persons buying anything at this well known -eatabr liaiime nt can rrly upon cjetting goods exact'y as repI resentfd, orthemouey refunded. Oallearly and sej cure the best bargaiaa ever ofte red in thif City. One word in regard to Ecpairing : We are prparod to make any refrnirs onfine or cornil inon Watelies, evi;n to hihIuiiüc er the entire watch, if necessary. Repttlring of" Clocks and Jewelry as usual. Aleo the mamifftcturinc oí RINGS, BROOCHS, r or auythine; des ired, from California Gold orishortnoy tice. En&rarixis in all its branches exeented withneatiicöS and dispatch. J C. WATTS. - Anu Arbor, Jan. 2BthI859. 7L4w 9 . : , Important National Works, I'ubliheil I). Al'PLKTON & CO., 3ÍG AND 343 BROADVV A.Y KEW YORK. _______ The folW-ing works are senttó Subscribers in any part of tho country, (upon receipt of rotail price,) by mail or espre.s.s, prepaid: . THE NKVVAMERIAX CYduOPjEDIA; A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. Kdiièd by J GíBO, ÍIiri.iiY and Chírlb, Paa, aided by a numerous select corps of writera n ali brancUna of Siiejocefig Art 3 and Litérature. This Vork is,bi'ing published in aboul lö large octavo roluineR.eacb. cniaiBmg TÖOtwo-columu ■ vois. i.. i., ni., rv., vu., vut &rx. ■ are now reaiiy, each cfjDtaining near 2ffi00original arti " c!(:. Au ail'lition;il votóme will be published once in 1 nboui l roonthfl. , Price,m Ootk, C3; Slieep, $3.50: Half Eussia. S4.,rj0 eiieh. The New Amerfcan Oydopasdia is popular without be' ing aupeffieial, Leamed without beiag pedantic, cöm'pre■ hf'nsivc lyutsafficiently detáiled, freefrom personal pique ' and party prejtadice, Fteafi ana vet accuïïi-fce. It íh a - complete st&temeut of all that is knmvn apon everyimI portant topic williin the sctope of luunan inti'lligtnce. - ' Kvery important artide in it has b&en specially wntien Tor its pagesby men wüiiareautboritiea upon UiO topic on which thoy speak. They are.requiredto bns th subjoct up to the present moment; to state just huw it stands nuw. All the statistical iirformation is fromthe latest rpportS; the geogrftpílioaJ accounts keep p&fce with tli c lateat asplorations ; b.istorictt.1 m&tters include the ÉreBhest just views; tlic biogrSpbicaí notictif? uils ak nol only of thedead bui al.süof the living. It iá a librarv of tself J AÜRIÖGEMEAT OF THE DESATES OF CONGRJESS Berag a Political Ilixtory of the United States, from tho oEganiaatio.D ofthéfiral Federal Cotígresin ÏTS'-Ho 1856. Editedand compileil by Hob. Tiio. Hart Bbnton, from thé Official Records ol Congress. Tho work will be compieted iu 15 rovaï octavo 'volume; of 750 pages eaeh, 11 ui' which "are nor ready. An additional volume will be published once in tlireoncnths. Cloth.QS3; Law Slieep, H.df Mor., $-J; Half Calf. $4.50 each. A WAY OF l'KOCURTNG T1IE CYCLOPyEDIA OR DKBAT2SB Forra a club of four, and remit the príce of fourbooks, and íive copies will be sent at ihe remittcr's expense for carriage; or for ten subsfcribers, eleven copies will bv sent at our expense for carriage. To AgfiUs. No other work will so liberlly ï-pward tho exertions of ygents. An Agiínt w.intkd i.v ptps Couxty Terms made known on applicatie, to the Publiéhera. Ann Arbor, March. 1859. 6üO2aiiit -Ëtl Bev, THOS. WBItiHT, agent at Kinne k Siniths Book Store, Tpsílañti. I8E2. NEW 1862, ! WINTER COODS! . 0 MACK" & SCHMID ! are noiv receiving a Largo & Attractive Stock of Stap] e and Fancy Dry Goodsr LADIES'DKESS GOUDS, FÜRS, CLOAKS, I . SHAWLS, Bek in great variety of the most desirable styles aod quaüties. A good assortment of M RIBBONS, Ï1ÏIMMINGS, M GLOVES, M IIOSIERY, &c. b Also a cboice stock of goods for Li Mens' We ar, L Ladies' and Children's Shoes. IF HATS -A-ISTID CAFS, Fresli Groceriesi O E OOK EBT, t&e.,dio., which will all be sold at tho J Lowest Cash JPrices. So MACK & SOIIMID. m AQn Arbor, Nov. 7, 1862: 878tf : Rifle F actor y! Beutier & Traver, [Successors to A, J Sathorland,] ■ , Manufacturera of and Dealers in ten Guns.Pistols, Ammunition H FlasJcs, Pomhes Game Bags, and Ö Evcrjotber article in that Line. s AU klnils of it lone at the shortost nntioe, an.l in tliejScst iuuuner. "I1? w&. je: "stsés - o..' . fiill assortment ahvays kept onjiïlud ;uirl nuule onlev, V; %. Shop on U uron strcit. Ann Albor, üct. 8, 1362. J 8ï3tf , of a " ke. Oval Picttirü Fvaines i U.SIZE3, STYLES and PRICES just reemed auJ T1 fx forsale cheaput Ol' OIIQFF & MILLER'S. y 18(i0. Dcc. 2fl, tSOtl" A


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Michigan Argus