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Estáte of Charles Slingerland. STATE OF MICHIGAK, County of :w At a session of the Probate Court fur the County of i Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate Office, in the City f of Ana Arbor, on Monday, tlie fifteenth day of 1 December, in the year one thou.sard eight hundred afid' rfixty-two. Present, Thomas Ninde, Jadge of Probate. In themattervf the Estáte of Charlen Slingerland,late of said County rïeceased. 'On reading and tiling the petition, duly verifled, of Mary Ann Slingerland, praying for the appointment of au atlministrator on the estáte of said deceased. Thereuponitis Ordered, That Friday, the Bixteentü day of January next, at ten o'clouk in the forenoon, be assigned forthe hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at lawof aid decased, and all other persons interosted in said estáte are reyuircü to appear at a se.v Bina of said Coiirt, then to be 'holden at the Probate ( Oüice, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County. and I show cause, if anj there be, why the prayer of the petifioner should not be granted ; Andit i.s further Ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, t the M-mlency of said petition, and the hearing tbereof by causíng a oopy of t h ís order 1o be jmbhshed ín tlie Michigan .4r#tt,-a.newjBpaper prioted and circulating in said County of Wii.h(rnnw, three succensivc Wteku previous feo .-mid day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) THOMAS NIXDE, m Judge of Probate, il : - , Attachment Notice. i VTOTICEishereby given tnat on te 24th day of 11 November, A D.,eighteen hundred and sixty-two, a writ of attacnmeñt was issued out the ureuit Court for the County offfanhtenaw, in favor of Thomas Morgan, plaintilT, againflt the goóds, chattels, land, teaementa, moGeya aad effecta of Peter Schater and Wiliiiun Behwitzer defendants, Tor the sura of two hundred and sixty six dollars and fifty-two cents, whith said writ was returnabh; on Tucsday the eecond day of Hecembcr, A. D. eightcen hundred and sixty-fwo, and tliat it appears by the return of the proper office r to safd wrït that property it as been attached thereon, that neither of said defendants could be found. THOMAS MORGAN, Plaintiff. ir. -f. Hiïakks, Attorney forPiaintili1Uated, Arm Arbor, December 24, 1862. Mortgage Sale. DEFÁULT having been made in the condition of a eertuin Indenture of mortgage. execnted by James k KTcOarthy and Margan t MoCai ihy hts wife, of the City 9 of Arm Arbor, County of Washtenaw and -State of Miclï' igan, to Nflson Cole of the sanie place, bearing date the ftrst day of May, in the year of our Lord one ' Báná'íght himdfedanö tifty-six, and recorded in the Office uf the Kt'giste'r of Peedfl in and for said County of Waahbnaw, on the fif th day of May. A. -D. 1356, iu Liber Ño. 22 of SfoFtffageg on page 532, whieh said indenture of Mortgage was duly assigned by the said Ktílson Colé to Kdward Ryan, of Pittsfield, in said Cotiaty, by his assigument unier lits hand and seal, bearing date the sixteenth day of December, A. D. Ü862, and reoorded in the oilice of said Register of Deeds on the 1 twenty.sixth day of December, A. i. 1862, in Liber No. ' oü pf Mortgages on page 15'i, by which default the , ower of sale containea in said mortgage becámeoperative and the amount ciaimed to be due on said indeiiture of Mortgage, at the daté of this notice, being tive hundred and forty-eigïrt Gollars and thirty-eight ceuta t and do Buit or proceeding haring been instituted at l&vrf ), er In chanccrv-, to recover the. debt now remainining due and. secured by aaid mortgage or any part thereof; Hotïce 8 therefure hereby givert, tliat on faturday, the iourthday of April, A. D. 1863, at ten of the dock m tïie forenoon of that day, at the south door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, (said Court House beiqg the place för holdingthe Cireuit Court for said County) Ishallsellor cause to Gesold at public auction in forectoptii e of said eiortgbge to the higiiest bidder, the 'preinises di.-sei'ilj-.-M t licrt-in, ór 80 m.ich tliereof as shU be oecessa w to sattsfy the amount due on said ? indenrute of Morfngej wïtll interest aud all the reasonable costa, disbursemeüts and expenses of all procceding.-i' relativo to tlie CoreClcsiirè pf the same ircluding teasonable cha'reá lor áttorneys' services, as pro vided iu said indanture pf roortgagi ; that i.s to say, all tliose certain tracta or roela of land situated in the said city "f Ann Arbor, known, boundetl a-nd descrJb-'i ras followstTÍí Beioa Iota numbered one (l),two (2), , three, (3), a mi fout (-1) , in block number two (2), south, in range ten (10) east, in the said city uf Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and State of MichiganDated, Deeetobei 31st, 1562; ■ EDWARD RYAN, A. Fki.cfi, Assigneeof Mortgage. Attoruey for Assignee. 885td L am Bound for fgff M. GUITERMAN CO'S f Dispute tbc faet if yera can, It tafces the T AILOE after all to give appearance to the onter man. ■ If you wish to appear well You mast accoidingly liress Well. Go.tó M. Gufterman & Co's., There you wili ünd thing.s exuotly SO. SONDHEIMahvays ready to take your measure, GÜITERMAN.wilI sell you Goods ■ witli great pleasure, At figures L0WER than you will find in the State, Tuke heed - hall eaklt, else vou are too LATE. " . The INDUCE3IKNTS are now greater than ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHINGof our own gettingup, Filling our Store frotn Bottom to roí. STÜDENTS especially will find ie to THKIR ADVANTAC.K, For it takes hut L1TÏLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 0VERC3ATS of Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for ahnost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORT ATION, Forwarded through our New York relations. Frorn JBngland, Belgium, Gerinany and Franfce, Such as you can stand up in, or weak, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN of evèrv grade, We sell them frona ONE DOLLAR up S EiaiiT. VESTS, &C, of every description, Y9U will tisd it su without fiction,. Furnishing appaiels From SHÍETS Eq UMBRELLA& This is all we say now, Tlierefore we niake our bowr, Yours truly, ever so, JI. GÜITERMA1Í. & Co., Fruit and Ornamental T R EE S, A.T X.O-W PEIOES, 'PHKSl'BSCRIBERSrtnow pVepared to reccive orX lc;-s for all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrui-M, ri;uil:, Plq#-8 and 'iiu's of ever y dcscriptioii, uid vavicty. foi tht Kal! of - aad Spríog ót 1S63.- 6 have ;i lage stock now gro'ning, and inteud to, nake largo inportationa from tiipo tu tinic aa tlie want )f the country deiiinnd. Wo invite the penjile to tnhkQ. Ju'ins'lvt's aoquftinted with our facilitiea lor ' ïeas, before purchhsing rlsewheve. We waernmtal] va'ifitles to be tru to name, and to be Tigortua aul ïoaitliy Hptctmenfl , Allc(Muiiii;nic;i!onsviH.lj( promptv rf.-(Hunlrl t. Our oifice i in Rogéis' Agricultuiial store, Detroit .t.,Ann Arbor, Mich. DuBOTS, CAKE & CO. Ann Arbor, June 24,1862. 8"8lf Ayer's Sarsaparilla,


Old News
Michigan Argus