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Tbe Lug-islaiure eoayened at Laiising oo Vednesday, Jan. 7lb. SE NAT E Callad to order by Lient. Gov. May, :it 11 A. M. The mcmbers elect n!l ansvvered to their uame?, and took tho oath The iollowing:offioers vvoro then elected. Sccrctary - ÏÏM. A. Bryce, Enrolling and Engrassing Clerk - Wíl. A. YVlUTNUY. Sergeant afArms - Wil. H. Brock wat. Tho rules of Üie last Senato vvere adoptad, tirenmn and messengerá or dered, the House and the Governor notifiuti ihat the Seríate wan read)' foi buemesst, and resotutions adopted rclatlve lo the duath of Gov. Wiï.nkh. HOUSE. Ruil cfi'ted, quorum' present. Mem bers sworn in by Chieí Justico Martín, The (oïlou'ing-officers were eh?cted : Speaker - Scllivan M. Gutcueon. Chitf Clerk - Edward W. Bauuhií. Engrossins and Enrollinq Clerk - W. A. Hall. Arms - Alb-eut F. MoreHouse'. The rest oí proceedyiífs portained to organization, excepj the adoplion of ■esolutions touohiiig the docease of Exöov. Wis. neb. Thuüsday, Jan. 8. SENATE. Standing committeer annouticed SenntcT Jay of fchis county s a mernber of the oommitteea on Public 'Instructicn and Federa] Relations; and Senator Robison of the comtnittees on PöbticLnnds, and Roads and Br;.ir,-,,. Met liie House in Joint Conventfon ind listenedio Govërnor's rriessagO. Returniny to.Senate Chamber. Senator Jay offered tha follovving: Whereas, We, the peopl-e of the Jnited States, are now etigaged in uyilmg the most gig-antio rebelliou hat ever exieted, and, Whcrcas, The woliare, prosperity nd bappinèas of ua all aro inseperablv onnected with the perpetuity cf the Jnited States in all of ics raa'gflifieent jroportions; and, Whereas, Loyalty is cfinfined to no party, bul is general throughout the freo States; therefare, be it Ut sol ved. ly ]ie Seiale and House of Representativa uf the State of Michigan, in Legis ature assemblee!, Thai, vvo tender toibe President of the United States our hearty support, and herebv pledgo ourselves to aid him by every m.eansioour power i;i putting down this infernal rebellton. Resolved, Tbat the eystem of individual, tovvn or oounty. bountiea is, jn our op;ujon, al] wrong, and ought to be diseountonancod, as it oreates a rivalry between the different disuicts, and inetesd oi hastening, only retareis onlistments. Resolved, That if, in the opinión qf the President and his constitutioaal advisters, it should become neecssarv to cali tor more vol un teers, tha Governor of this State is hereby aathoriaed -to offfjr any amcunt not to exceed one hundred dollars bo-unty to eaoli and every private and non eominis.Moned offiaêr that imvy volunteer to iill our otate rju'it :i Mcsoved, That the thanka of tbis Li'gislaliiifc nre hïreby tendered "to tho volunfceers froin this State vvho have, by tfieir undaunted bravery upon inanv a hard fought field, shed' i lustre upon our Swte, and inade the nftme of a Mcliig:m Volanteer a pass-ivori fotchivalry and eourago thro-ughcut the worlií. Risolvetl, flml the Omnks of the people oí liria State are due to Gov, Blair for the quicknesa and ahüity' rnanitcHted by him rn misino and equippi:ng our brave. private, and the iopartiality on patriotism in appointin-g their officers. RefoiTt'd to the Conimittee on Federal Relations. Adjourned to 2 o'clock P. M. -Met at 2 and prftceeded io nrnninate a United States Senator, Zachariah Cuandleh reeereiiiií 18 votes, James F. Joy 11, Alphuus Pnoii 2, H. G. Wells At . P. M. met House in joint convention to comparo nomirmtions for U. S. Senator, and the nominationa fomid1 tt irgree. Zachakiah Chaxdlkii was dedared elected ibr the term of sis years frotó tlie 4th oí Marcb nest. HOUSE. Nelaon B. Jones, of Iuhain, was elècted Assistaot Chief Clerk; W. A. Nirnocks, of Lenuwee, As.sistant En-rolling and Engrowaini.' Clerk; and Luther L. Tuokor, of Hillsdale, Assis tan t Sergeant-at -Arm. At 11 o'olóc'k the House met the Sonate in joint convention to receive the G-overnor's message, and after re sntning; rts sesHi'on irocueded to normnate.a United Suites Sena'or. Zaciiaiüafi CrtAivjDLiiR received 60 votesJames P. Joy 34; and Solojion xM' Wiihev 1. At 3 o'clock P. M., the Ilouso met the Senatu in joint convctftion to comparo nominations for Senator. Balance of session was occupied in putting machinery inft-unning order. -Fridav, Ji,n. 9. SENATE. Nothjng of general interest iransacted. "Considerable routine business was transacted, and snndry bilis notiend. Thos. II. Glenn, of Jjerrien, was appointed Assistant Secretary. HOUSE. The petition of Henry Mïler of the county of ();ib]and, conïesting the seat of-Hon. J. M. Dotialtlson was presented, and a largo number of bilis were noticed, among thein the following by I Eeprewentative BeakJss, from tï.is oouii' tv: A bil] to provi-Je for the payment of moneys (Jvanced by the citizens of Michigan to clotbo and equip tho unfeors oí tho Síute. AJso :t bil] to repeal section 3246 of couspileil lavvs, and one to amcnd section lilfl, Ho as tö ipply the provisions I of s iil seulion ío judgments on ver' diets. S ATURDA Y, Jan. ÍO; SESlATE. Business consiMed principallv n nti' ticin bilis, but in condensing "our report w cannot recite bilis at tljis stage they are local or very geDerul interest. HOUSE. The Standing Committees woro en-' nounced by the Speaker. The members from Washtenaw are plaqed as follows : Mr, Beitkcs on the cnmmitfees on Eduoation and Militia ; Mr. Congdor of that on Towns and Oounties ; and Mr. Allen of that on Mines and JUinerals, The ■ Qovernnr'.s message was reforred to appropriate committes.


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Michigan Argus