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important fema les THE HEALTH AND LIFEOFWOMAN Iscontinnally in peril if she is mad ehouli to neglect nr maltreat those sexual inesfularities to vhloh two; tbirdfl af her sex nre nfórë ov le;=s subject. DR. CHUESKMaWSI'ILI.S; preparo I from tho same rormuliwtychthn Inventor.. TORNELÍUS L. C1I-:ksKMAN, M. D.,of Xew-fork, bas for twentjr ycars uned successfiil'v in an extended privnte practico - immediatety relieve without pain, all disturbancoR of the periodical dischartro. wlieiW" iinsinc? Trom rplaxation or Buppres' sion. They act lil;e a cbarm in removing the pilins that aeecmpanv diflicult or immorlerate roe 'Struation, and are the only saieand ruliabls remedy for, Fluxhes, Sick Hearlache. Pattyfl in the Loina. [ïack and Sidos, Palpitntion of the Heart Wrvcus Tremors, Hysterics, Ppaim-, Broken Plenp and otner unplensant and dangerous effeclSof an unnatiual condition f the BMCllal functions Tn the COrst cacs of Fluor Albii? or Whites, they effect a speedy; uro To WIVKS and MATRONS. DS.CHEEKMAN'P PII.LSaro o(Te"ed aa tho only safe inuans of repewingillterrapted menStruation, but. I.ÁDIBS MUS? BEAR IN MIMD ■ There is onecmiilhiav of the femnle s;s!cm in wkic.h the PUI r.inmotbetahev mhhant n, PECULIAR RESULT. ThecnndÜlim nftmtA to í" FJIEGNANCY- the re.fíilt, MISCMIK1AOE. Slichit Irrtrtstiblt te.ndrncy of tlic mudirjuctorestors-the fm'Ctions tn a vnrmal. con'Hlwn. that even the reprodnei:" P"er of nntttre canilffl rpaist if. ' Explicit direct': ons aiatblg when, andwTien they fihou vot he lued, witli e ich Box, - thö Price Oue Dollar each Box, c.bntabihlg 50 Pilla. A 7-fthiabta Pa nphlct. to bo had-free of the Agonts. Pilis sent bij mail gromptly, by enclosins; pnce to any Aeant. SoW by Druggisis gcueral y. R. B. ÜÜTCH1NGS, Propriett.r. '20 Cedar-St... Ncm York. For Sale by JI.VYNARD " STéBBINè Si WII.SON' , aüd GREXVII.LE & IULI.ER. AGOOD TEEE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. So is a goort !'hvfi:ian by his bucceslul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGREATANÜ CELF.BRATED IlIY-ICIAX OF THE ÏIIUUAT, I.UNGS AXIj CHfiST, Known al over the countr; as the CVUïbrated INDIAN II ERB -DOCTOR! From outh America , will bc at iliö rooms, RUaSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, On,tlielStli and 19i.h inst. , on the same tlaleof and every subsequent month 18D2 and 1B03, A NK1T PAMI'HLET Of tho life, study and exteoalve trnvels of Dr. Lyons an bf procured by all whodesiroone, freo of chr.rj9. Dr. L will visit Ana Arbor, Jackson, and Adrián, Mtch., as follows : Ann Arbor, Monitor [ïouse COth. Jackson. Hibbard II. .use. ílt Adrián, Bxaokett H e, 9)4 and 531. Moie op ICxamïsation - Thé Doctor discerna ctfgMSefl bytkeeyes. He, tU( rí'lix' . 'ím.s no quettons nor re q ires patients t cxplain symptonts. Afflfoted, come and have your syraptomq and the locatiou of your diseuse e.'plain"d frer? ol' cliai-ge. O TOBACCO- You can buy tho best grades of FINR CHEWiNG TOBACCO at frnm 50 eon:s to One Dollar riMOaliïG from fourleer. to twenty cent at M. DEVANY'3 TOBACCO ASD CIGAH STORE Sign - Red InJinn. South side Huron street, n few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Deo. 11, 1862. 883tf GÖIdTcANADA MOXEY, SIM -ANDDEMAN'O TREASUR.Y NOTES, Bought at the higliest rates, by MILI.BR, DAVI3 AND "WEBSTER, BAXKE1ÍSANN ARBOR, ' MICHIGAN. Ann Arbor, Dec. 31-t, 1832. 5w885 All Losses prompt I' djusted MERCHANTS'lSURAMCE CO,, of hartfobd; coKisr. Cash Capita], $200,000. Total Assets, Jan. lst.l8C2. 287,887 05 UabUHies, - ■ - 1-.8C4.19 MARK H0V7ARD, Hrêsident. E. Tuos. Lodeeli, !-'ecy. Tho undersigned has been app.r inred Agpnt for the . aoove rtdiablf Com;ta':v, and wil! elïect insuranct sgaijist losse; by fire at i rates . .1. W. KMGHT. Ann Arbrr, June 2, 18G3. 85tl A FEW TH1NGS I want to dispose of : A Yoke of Osen. A Span of Horses. HarnP33 and Wagon A goud younsj; Horse A good Mare for work or breeding. A pair twó yetti olJ Colts. A new Lumber Wagon. A good l.nmbcr Wngon , secorul hand. An aasortment of old wagons. A few CITY LOTS. A few itnproved Farms. Anyand ali tlje above prop''rty, for salö rery chenp for Cash or on tim WILI.IA.M S..MAYNARD. New Years, 1 SG3 8t'5w4 W O 3ï ! 3L ' TO THE.PUBLIC GW. UAiUCKR, M 1)., is ïhe only futliomiM ageni to m 1 in VVa&htgnaw counCy, ÏHiö Pícttniíil Hïtory öl theWarforthe 1'--a, byMrt. Ann S. StepHens, is.-i.-.tdl hy J . ,1. ;t,;.l( r iq.-thc roost u r;i phic , cnniplo-io, nul !'H':ih!e work ïviil bf wrloi; n tin present ■ar Ifwül bo pubiished in two rojal octavo vni, IÖ# tn fjacli v,lurti(j. subsinn1iu!]y boutid, üJlfl elegant ly imbclishod with )vr 200 Ulustrations, nc!ucljiig eletrant lift tike portniits of ail tlie MHi N'iival roes, by tiie bost uti.-ts in [ho cm,? try. togeihiT W)th a ctini[ilftcï chn;nloLical record ■y ovent m tlio order of'.ita occunence, miUin o no of the mo&t ftuperb irof]ncti'infi of iho agp Kuitnbl tn ;i''i rn I if ccnfr-1 t:ib!e, and n v;i!n;,b!c rtddition tö every Ubnu-y in the country Sold by subscriplion on!y - by tlio undersigoccl -niio is üow cr.nvnssiDij tliis counfy.' . ' 4w6:JI q. - BRKKTt ■ FAIRE ANKS' - - Jrè Standard LÁSCALES! Hjp:'":ï? AUo, WankoMe Truck), Leder Preses, tfc. Fah-iiauks, Greonleuf &l Co., 172 Lako Street, Chicago. SoM in Ü.Mroit by P.VRr; !) & HEr,T5Y. JSSrii ■ careful to buy ou!y the genuino. -L5, 885yl ■Where' mv wlf i!arbar;i "Iihim bas leftmy bed and boar 1, witliou!. anr provnefition rnmj pftrt', 1 fcereby eau t on all pers-ons nn' to trust hei on my Iccoiml , ai I shall pay no debts contracted by her aftcr thls day. JOHN' BI, LM. Ann Arbor, Dec 15, 1W2. 3r8S3 uctioïieers Motice. BYHOX i;::i.;". 1, ■,-.-!■ áppüod for n Meen e, iioiils himself in readinedf to al tem l to all callq ■ c, he is poitii e li e enn give gord Batisfttction . All cal.s prompttj attended to. Cbaigea ieaso:ial Ie. Apply at the Franklin Houfe. UYKON' GREEN' Ann Arbor, Oct. 24, 1S62. . 875tf DWKLLÍSG FOR SAI.F! I IF VOU wifih to buy a pood tvo-st,nry briclt dtveï'ine, ooflvenient to the bufines part of the ('i'y, with KiouaiU and jrdn wcll st - ..; -e Fniifofall kinds, pplen.T'enrs, Peaches Plums, Rat I ■ ■■. r m troes, SUrubberj, o.,fcc, mquiro attho Nov. HÍJtéS. XwSbs OFFICE. Money to Lesijd. r1 FTIÍRNISfl MOXE" oa rèaBonablo terma-aua long time ougood Farm ëeenrit y . E Tf MOBïH AacAi --. ■.■ ..:■ IffJ. ei ;


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Michigan Argus