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Estáte oí Charlea Slingerland. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Ounty of WnKhteiKiw, :- At a tíssinn oí the Probiit Court for th; County o! W&tfbtenair, holden al the l'rubute Ufiie, in ilie Citi )t of Ann Arbur, on Mnmlay, yhv fiilenth day oí . December, in the jrtar om: thinisiiud eiht liundred an sixtr-twn. Present, Tüomaa Ninde, Jmlge of J'rubat. In the matter of the EState of Charles Slingerland, late of siit.l Couoty deceased. (ii rciidiaff ;tü'l tttfng the petition, thilj verified, of Harj' Aun Hiogertund. prnyHJg for tb Appobilauat ot' an -niiii iin the ent$fa of Sfwi de#es4 Tnrt-uponit is Or.lerea. 'i'hi.t Fri.Jay, tke sixteentli diiy of .lauu-iry ni'xt, at ten u'clock in the forenoon,, b6 MRÍLffiMÍ f r tlm ;irig oí sai d yeijtwaani' tlit the at aw of k i il ftffM'jfcëed, ;'! til oilicr pei-.-ons in tere teil n -:ii'l Bflt&tfi n-ijiiin d t u i ppcin p'tJ BW1 Bion of said Oourt, tbeo to be hohlun at the l'robate Office., in the City of Ann Arbor, in sai County. and il ' show cause, if uij there Ik-, why thu pruyfiT uf tho petittrfnei' slionid not bf granted . Andit is lurLlu-r Ordt-rptf, that said petitinner give Doticc to tho penKura interested in said t-htütc, t the ppiirlincv f aftid jifütion. and hearing tWreof by cutsinfi a cnpy yf thín order M bc iiiiMisliwl in the Michigan A' newcpjiper pfintéd and rirculat'np in said County of W;t-!ilcn:m-, ihtée succc.-sivo wek previiii tn Kai'l lay of hfarinp. (A iruccopy.) THOMAS NTNDE. ■% Judge of Probate. W, . Attachinent Notice. U VJOTICE s hercbv given thal on the 24ih day oL il November, A D.,eighteen huodred and aixtv-two, a writ uf iittiiclitut'iil via i-Kued out o tbe Circuit Court for the County of Wa.shlstiaw, in favor of Ihomr as Morgan, piaint-ill, ngaiiut the gcods, chattls, hud, lent-ments, moneyn and tifects of Peter ?cliafor and William Schnitzcr k-ffiidunls, for the suin of tTo bunárea and sixty sis dollar.s iind iifly two c nts wliich faid writ was returnable (n TfaMday Ilie cond dy of December, Á. D, eighteen hunrlred and Mxty-fwo, and tlmt it iïpppRTd bj returns of the pieper vfffeêr to said writ tlmt pr pCL-ty'Das been attacbed thereon, that neitiier of said defndant could bc t'oiind. THOMAS MOKUAX, Plaintiff. Hl J. Brakiïs, Attorner fol PlainiiliIliited, Ann Arbor, lieciinber '24, itü2. Mórtgage ale. SP; EFAULT having bctn made n the condition of a cerJ tain imlenture of morfgage. executed by Jttmes SicCartUy and Slargret VfcCai thj hU wife. of the Cily of Anu Arbor, County ol Witsliteou an.1 títuíe of MichIgáú', to Nelson Cole of the same place, bearing date 1 the lirst day oí .Iav, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundredand fifty-six, and recorded in the Office of the [ïegister of Deeds ín aml for súd Ooènty - of Washtenaw, on thotitlii lay of May.A. 0. 185Ö, in Líber No. '22 of MprtfOges Otl page o'2, wbïch said iiiflfíitiiri' fit Mor gage was dnly as.-igned by the said Xclson Cnle to K'hviirl lï.van, óf fittsiicld, in saiu Couqty, by his añ.-iígiíint-nt unhr bis hand .-md .seal, bearing nate the s xtevnlli day uf Iccember, A. D.i8ö2, aud reeorded in the offioe nl sajd Hegittr of iïeeds on the 'ö twentysivthday of Lecembrr, A. i. 1862, in LiuerTo. 80 of Hoitgagea on page -153. by wbich dcfault the power oi alf contafnd in sn!d mórtgage becurae opera t i ve and !be aincuinl eúiQMd to he dtte on sa ui iniJniture of MoJtgage, at tlie da v oí 1 his notce, b ng five hundredañíl loríy elglii dolfar au thirty-tifili: cent Sandno sait or procecding hay ing bten inslituted at w, , er in chancery, to recover the debt now remainining due and uecured by Bid mórtgage orany part thereoft Notice i.s thereFore bereby ffiven that on batutay. the (ourihdav of April, A. I). 1S63 at ten of the clocle in the 1(Tenuoii of that day, at the south door offhe Court Ho ose, in tbe City i Ann Aïbor, ia said Cunntyof Washtemw airi fltateof Michigan, (s;üi Court House beingthe place for bolding tbe Circuit Court for =aid CountyJ I baM si-ll or cau+e lo be suld at public auct ion in (orectófturë of said mbrtgflge to ihe higbcst bid der, tbe premies doscribad thirein, or so mucb thereof as shafl bc oece&Hary to eatúf-j the amount due on said ?3 uden tuie of MórtgAgeypith iaterest and all the rcasonable costa, disbu riemen ta nn expendes of all proceedings relatïve to Üie foreclosure of the same ircluding reaaorrabfe charges for attornqy.s' sf-rvices. as pro vided in said i uden ture of mórtgage; that is to sa y ,.altthouc certain tracto or parcela Öf lund situaieil in the sairl ci:y of ALn Arbor, known, bounded anl deciibed ï s followfj, viz: Beiai! lot numbtred frje (X).iro f21 linee. (3), mul four (4), in bloek number two (2).souih in numbf i'ton (10) east, in thé said city of A-rn Arbi r, County of Washtenaw, aod State of MiclugüaDaled Det-embei 31st, 1,62. EIAVAItD SYAN', A. FKf-cn, As.signeeof Mórtgage. Attorney for Assignee. . 8S5td L am Bound for 'MGÜITERMANiCO'S! 3 Dispute tbe tact if y on can, 3 It tiikes tho ï A ILO R after all to give f appeaiance to tho onter man. If you wlh to appenr well You must accoidiiigly Uresi Well. Go to ïij. Guiterinan & Co's,, Therc you will find things exuctly SO. SOND HE IMii]v ays ready to take yovir metis'ure, GÜITERAlAiV wil] sell you Goods wit h greut pleusure, At figui-ps LOWER iban you will find in hu Statu, 'J'nke heed - oall early, else you are too LATE. The IND&CBMENT8 are now greater tban ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and clever. We will show you Lood CLOTHINQ of our (nvn gkjtinq up, Füling our Stoiu f'rom BoTTOM-jro rop. STÜDENTS especially will find it to TH BIK ADVANTAGB, For it tiikes but LIÏTLE MONEY te replenish. 1500 0VERC3AT8 of Cloth, Beaver, ;itid Beur, Warranted for almost ever to ear. COATSof Cloth and Cassimere of our OVVn IMPORTAT'.ON. Forwurded through our New York relations. From Englnnd, Belgium, Germany and Franco, Suoh ;is yon can stand up in. or wkak, at the dance. Pnnls ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fanoy C4SSIMERES and DOESKIN of evwv grade, We sell thern froin ONE DOLLAR up lO KIOHI. VETS, &C, of every description,. You will tind it so without fiction,. Furnishinar apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all wre sav now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M GUIT 1ÏR MAN. & Co., ■ Fruit and Ornamental THEES, .A.T LO-XV PHICES. TTÍaE SUBSORIBÉR5 are now prepared 10 reeene or. -l I.m-hII kincis uf Fruit an.] ikaOWMltel Tree, Shrubs, Plnnts, Flouers aod Vmu c.f every desariptloa iind varíete, fot tl]eFall uf !) ind Spring of 1863 We have a large stock now irroning, and inteml ta malee largo ioportationa from tiroe t time as the vantn of the country iemand, Wtum-itc ti psoplo to mko themselves icqiiniiit.d withour facüi ties for duingbua.nesSj beforc purcliaKiiiK elseiiere. We warrant all varieties to he. truw to name, and to be rigoroaa and lieulthy spi'cirotns , A 11 Communications will bc proroptly responded to. Our office is in Rogei.H' Agricultural Store, Detroit at., Ann Aibor. Mich . DuBOIS, CARE & CO. 4nn Arbor, June 24,1862. 856tf Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


Old News
Michigan Argus