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The Michigan Argus

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Published every Fridav mcrning, in thethirrt story o the brick block, corner of Main and Hurón St., AN ARBUR, Mich. Kntrance on Huron Street, opposite tl Franklin. ELIHU B. POND, Editor and Publisher Terms, $t,5O a Y'ear In Advance. Advcrtlslng-One square (12 Unes or less), on week, 50 cents; and 25 cents for every insertion ther fter, less than tbrce moiitbs. One square 3 mos $;l.C0 Quarter col. 1 year $ro ne square 6 mos 5.00 Half column 6 mos 18 One quire 1 vear 8 0:1 Half column 1 year 35 Tivosq'res 6 mol 8 00 One column 6 mo. 36 Tío sq'res 1 year 12.00 One column 1 year 60 ,-aF Advertisements unaccompanied by written o Trrb.U directlona wil' be'J until ordered Ou and charged accordingly. Ijegal adveitiscmPnts. firat iosertion, 50 cents pe folio, Í5 cents per folio for each subsequent icsertion Wirena postpi.nenient is atlded to an advertisement tb whole will be chargcd tbeaame as for firit insertiou. Job Prlndng- Pamphlets, Hand üills, Circulars Crds, Ball Tickets, Labels, Blanks, BUI Heads, an ther varieties of l'lain an3 Fancy Job I'rinting, execu ted with prompt ness, and in tbo bet style Card- We havea Rugóles Rotary Card Presa. an large variety of the latest stvles of Card type wbic nables us tb print Canls of all kinds in the neates possiblestyleand cheiper tban nnj other house n th city. Business cards for men of all avocations and pro fcssions, Ball, Wedding and Visiting Canls, printcd on sliort notice. Cali and see samples. BOOK BINDISG- Conncted with the Office s a Book Bindery in charge of tvvo competent workmen.- County Kecords, Ledgers, Journals, nd all Blank Books made to order, and of the bost stock. Pamjihlets and Periodicals bound in a neat an'.l durable mntiner, at Detroit prices. Entrance to Bicdery tbrougb the Argus Office. COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. DEPCHITORYof Bibles and Testaments at the So ciety prjces at W. C. Voorheie'. T. D. TOOKER. PREMIUM PHOTOGRAPHER, Exchange Block, Ann Arbor , Michigan. J O". WATTS & BRO. DEALERS in Clocks, Watohes, Jïwelry anti Silver Ware No. 22, N' Block, Aun Arbor. C. BLISS. DEALER Ín Cloeks, Watclies, Jewelry and Silver Ware No, 22, New Block, Aun Arbur. cTh7millen. DEMiER in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, &c. &c Main Street; Ann Ai bor. BACH & PIERSON. DEALERS in Dry Goods, Groceries Hardware, Boots & Shoes, &c, Main st., Ann Arbor. 0. COLLIER. MANLTACTL'RER and daalertn Boots and Shoes, one door north of the Post Office. RISDON & HENDERriON. DEALERS in Hardware, Stdves, house furnishing goods, Tin Ware, &c , &c, Kew Block, Hum st. A. P. MILLS. DEALER in staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes and Ready Made Clothing, Haron dtreet. ,A. J.. SÜTHERLAND, AGENT for the New York Life Insurance Company, Otfice on Huron strcet. Also bas on hand a stock of the most approve 1 sewiug machines. 885tf GEOEGE FISCHER. MEAT MARKET- Huron Strtet- General dealer in Fresh and Salt Maats, Beef Mutton, l'ork, Hiiins, Poultrjr, Lard, Tallow, &c, &c. SCHOFF & KILLER. DEALERS m Miseellaneous, Sciool and Blank Books. Stationery, Paper Hangings Lc. , Main st., Franklin Block. HIRAM J. B2AKES ATTORNF.Y an.l Counsellor alLaw, and Solicitor in Chancery. Office in City H.ü Block, over Webster1 Book Store. WM. LEWIT?, M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. CBce at his residence, north side of Huron Street, nel second house west f öivision street. M. GUITERMxN & CO. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealrs and Manufacturers of Ready-llads Clothing. Iiporlers of Cloths, Casinieres, Doeskins, &c, No. 5, 'hteuix Block, M;iin st. WM. WACNBR. TvEALFIÍ in Ready fade Clotlng, Cloths, C;issimeres, 1 and Vestings, Hat., Caps, Tunks, Cíarpet Bag.s, &c., Phceuix Block, Main str-eet. SLAWSON & GEER. ROCERS, Provisión and ConálssiOD Uercbantü, and VjT Dealers in Water Lime, Lan Piaster, and Piaster of Paris, one door east of CookMíotel . T. B. FREIMAN. BARBER and Fafihionabie HafiDresmr, Msla street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Ilair Frt.ts and Curls kept r.oaatantly on bami.


Old News
Michigan Argus