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Moxday, J:in. 12th, Sesatk. - Siindry petiüons were presented, rosolgtions iotr duced, and billa noüced, from a recital of tvliieh our readers would gaia no special information. Hodse. - A largo number of billd ivere ni)ii(;ed and introduced, inany of ihem of au amendatory character, and of a local rnther than a general nature. Mr. Beakea, we sce, gave nntice of a bilí to amend the charter of the City of Alm Arbor, Tuesday, Jan. 13tb. Senate. - This body spent considerable portiou of its session in the coösiderutioo of a resolution fixing the per diem of tlie. firemen and messengers, which was left un-determined. House. - Petitions, notices, resolutioiiti, and reports, vvero numeróos, the j only e.-ipeciiilly noticeable report being one irom Spécial Coramittee Hou-dl, that he had purchased fnr each mernber and officer one of Farmer'a Map of Michigan at 40 cents. Cheap enough, but by nhat right do the mombers buy themselves maps? Mr. Hemingway introduced a series of preambles and resolutions denouncing and expelling M. M. Ham, reporter of the Free Press, which were tabled. A resol ution oñered by Mr. Morton, instructing the military authoriues to cali upon the clerksof the several éounties for a fiill and complete list of all volunteers who havo enlisted from Ihei.r several eounties since tlio coramencement of the war at any place in the State, in any of the Michigan regiments, was adojpted. We donut see how the Clerka are to furnish this inforrnation. Wednesday, Jan. 14th. Sexate.- Maps were ordered for oach rnember; a 40 cent s .vindie. The use of the Senate Chamber was granted to Prof. Pkujze or White ai this city, for the delivery of a lectura on Thursday evening next, for the benefit of St. Paui's Episcopal Church oi Iansing. As Prof. White is in Europa we suppose that Prof. Frieze nill " fill the bill." A resolution, introduced by Mr. Jay, fixing the dny of adjournment for Feb. 16th was laid on the table. An important memorial from the State Board of Education relativa to libraries, urging the enaetment of a law roquiriog the district boards to purebase books of the conti'actor under the law of 1859, and appropriaticg a portion of the two mili tax to übraiy purposes, occupies the larger pprtion of the day's journal. We shall refer to this subject at auother time. Bills were intrad uced to autborizo acknoivledgments to be taken bef orecertain military officers, and to provide for cominissioners to take aoknowledgments of, and administer oaths to citizens of tliis State absent theref'rom. A series of joint resolulions relative to the war were reportad by the committee on federal relations, and ordered printed in the journal. Tiiürsday, Jan. 15th. Senate. - The petitions of to-dav, as for severai days, nearly all prayed for an appropriation of' awarnp lands for the benefit of certain colleges - the colleges not named in the journal. A number of bilis vi re introduced and a number reported back from committees and placed on the general order. House. - A large number of bilis ivere introduced, and two p:is.sed ; one. a bill to prevent and punish the counterfeiting and fraudulent use of trade marks, labels, starnps, &c. And the other, to legalize tho action of the board of supervisors of Mecosta county, in paying bounties to volunteers. We presume thia may be considered as determining the action of the House on all similar bilis. FliiDAY, Jan. lGth, Sen ate. - Journal of the day'iw principully occupied with reporta oí curamiüees up ti bilis and resolutions. Several bilis vvere noticed and introduced, and three passed legaüzing assossment nnd extending time for the colleetion of taxesiü some of cho towns oí Sagináw, Oatooagon, and Houghton coumius. Hosse. - Numerous petitions were reccived and referred, among them one o{ Hiram C. Hodge, claiming the seat of Hon. Chanciler Freeman, of the second district of Clinton county. Mr. Sherman from the Committee on Mines and Hiñerais submitted alengthy report, elaiming that greatinjustioe and ippressio had been dealt out to the Jpper Península, and recommending the passage of a bilí to remit the specifio taxes on minina;, manufacturing, sinelting and other companies, in the Jpper Penins'ila, for five yearsJ#to the eounties in which they arise A resolution was adopted requesting ,he Senators and Representivos in Conjress to endeavor lo procure a sixty duy furlough for the Seventh Michigan 'nfantry, with the privilege of visitjng lome. Mr. Morton iutroduced eomo resoluions on the state of the Union, which were laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Lockwood also introducid a series upon tho same subject, which vere referred to committee on federal relations. Saturbay, Jan. 17th. Senate. - Tho petitions were hearly ill for a grant ot lands in aid of cer,ain colloges. ïhp committee on militia reportef accompanied by a joint resolution appropriating . $10,000 for the relief of sick,'wounded and disabled soldiers, and providing fr tho appointment of commissioners to visit them in hospilal and field and extend sucb aid as niay be required. Iíead a first and Pecond time,ord jred printed, and referred to the committee of the whole. 'J'he House joint resolution relativo to a furlough for Seventh Michigan In fantry va? recoiveil. read twicc. and referrod lo tho ooimfejttee of the vvhole. Mr. Ijomb intfoduced severa] proambles and resol ut ions on the statu of tho Union, which wore road twice und refsrred to tha eommiüce on federal relationn Mr. Freneh offered the fullowing, , which was adopted : Resolved by the Señale, (the House 'enncurring), That the Committee on Militia of the Sánate and of the House bo QUthorized to act as a joint comrrittee, and be instructed 'o inquiro into and report some suitable mcuns of perpetuating the meinory of our brave atid patriotio officer.) uní soldiere who have lallen, on tlie field of baltic?, and died of disease in the camp and hospita! white in the service ot the country, to the end that their nones and heroie deeds, their sucjriñues and suft'eringp, ■ may be transmitted to posterity upon tho enduring records ol the State in a glorious and imperishaHe Rol! of Honor. House. - Tho joumal of the day abounds in resol utions, notices, &c. A joint resolution ws passod aeking Congress for a grant of land to aid in the eoDstruelion of a wagon road ironi Oopper llarbor to Appleton, WÍ9. Alcio a bilí to legaliza certain iamily relief orders in Clinton County.


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