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jornal itotwsu - K - - i-i rw % - ,OH„ [TT TWEJSrTY-ONE YEARS AGO.o Mr. 0. C, BaiaTOl a dtetlngufahed Chemist and Druggtet of the cl y of Buffalo, N, Y.( invented and manuíactured a coraponnd known as BRISTOL'S BAI.AM Oí" I10ARIÍ0UND, which is a pörfeet specifiu for COUCilIS, COLDá, Of auy BROXCHIALor LtfKti DIFFICü'LTIKS arising from damp, cold, or sudden change of the weather. Every person ho has ever taken BRISTOL'S BALSA M OF HOARH()UXI, pronounces it the btst article ever inventod ; and so justly celebratedhas it become, that the market is already full of ïmitatioos, counterfcits, and most datierous compounds, unler the name of Balsatn of Ilourhound, Therefore, always be careful to cali for Bristoi'a Balsam, and see Üiat hls WKOTKN signatufe is ou the outside label of 1he boitle. Makk.- This hivuIiuLblc Mfdicfoc has been now some twenty-uiit; yems before Ihc public, unl wlfhout any effort on the part of the proprietor, itssale h&a becorae voi'3' extensive , and is daily incrensing. The low price at which the Medicine ia sold (?5 CLNTS) enubles ALL to p&rtakfl of its healing qualities. C. CROSBY, BUFFALO, N.T. Sole manufacturer, to whom all orders should be addressed. For sale byall rcpectable drugglsts , _ ' lyeowSSS MICHIGAN CENTRAL BAILR0A1K ■BUDCjEBV mr =ffw f Passenger trainH now luave Detroit and the severa Stations io tlily Cuunty ,is folluww : G O I N G WEST, Leave. Máil. N. Y. Ex. Jack. Ac. Nightüa fletroit. T. 20 A.M. 10 A.K. n,l.r) p.m 9.30 r. M. Ypsilanti, 9.00 " 11.25 " 6.20 " 1 i.SO " Ann Arbor, 9 20 " 11.45 7 05 " 11 10 " Dexter, 9.50 " 12.10 P.M. 7 35 " 11.35 ' Cbelsea, 10.10 " 12.30 " 8.00 " 11.55 " Ar. Chicago, 10.HU " 10.05 a. m The mail train goes only to Michiga n City. GOING EAST. Leave. Kigbt Es. Jack. Ac. N. Y. E-r, Mili, Cbicugo, 9.48 .M, (i.SO .1.51 Chelsèa. C.C5A M. 5.C0 1'. M. Dexter,' "50 " f 45 " Ami Arbor, 6.05 A. M. 7.25 " 3 45 P. M. 6.1') ' Ypsilanti, 5.88 " 7-50 " 4,05 " 6.40 " Ar. Detroit, 0.45 " 9.20 " 5 15 " 8.09 " The mail train starts Trom ilicliifiau Lity. Traint do not stop at stations wln-re figures are omitted iu the table. O" TOBACCO- You ean buy the best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBA.CCO at from 50 een; to One Dollar. ÖMOKIiiG from fourteec to twenty cents at M. UEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red Indian. South side Huron 8treet, i few doors frora Cook'a Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec. 11, 18G2. 883tf AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS KRUIT. So is a gooit Physieian by liis Hucoei:ful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GEEAT AND OEI.KBRATEI) PIIYS1CIAN ÜF THE THKOAT, LÜNG3 AND CHEST, Known all over the countri as the Cftlebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From 5outh America, ivill be at his roonïi, RUSSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, On the 18 th and 19th inst.,011 the mme daíe of and every subsequtmt month duriug 1862 and 18G3, A NEAT PAMFHLET !)f the life, study and eten.-iive travels of Dr. Lyons ;an be procured by all whodesireone, f ree of cherje. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, Jackson.and Adiiau, Mtch-, as tollo vvs : Ann Arbor, Monitor House. 20 th. JackaoQ, Hibbard House, 21st Adrián, Brackett H use. 2íd and 23,1. Modk of Exasiix-tion. - The Doctor discerns diseasfts bytUeeyes. He, tlierefore, asks no que-itionsjior re q :ires pa tienta to explain symptoms. Afilicted, come and have your symptoms and the lucution of your disease explained free of charge. ImportWfëmalës" THEHEALTa nu lmü OF WOMAN Iscontinually mperilif she-ie mad enough tonoglect or maltreat those sexual negularities to whieh twothlrda of her .ex are more or less subject, DR. CHEESEMAN'SPILLS, piepare. from the same Formula which the inventor, f'ORN'EUÜS CHSESEMAN; M. D,, of New-fork, has for twenty years URed riuccessfiiüy in an extended private practice- immediately relieve without pain, all disturbances of the penodical disebarire, whether arising from relaxation or suppression. They net üke a charm ín removing the pama that ar.crmpany diflicult or immodorate ine-struation, and are the only safe and rcliable remedy for Fluhes, Sick Headache, Paius in the ioins. Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart Nervous Tremors, Hysterics, fípasms, BrokenSlepand other unpleas;int and dangerous eft'ects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they elTect a speedy cure . To WIVES and XvITROISrS. DE. OHEE&EMAN'S PILL8 are offered aa the only safe means of renewinginterrupted menstruation, but. LAD1ES MUST BEAR I MIXD Tkere is onecovdliwn of thefemnle systern in which tht PMs camtotbe taken vi' kout prodnevng a PECVL7AR RESULT. Tkecanditionreferred to is FÏÏEGNANCY- the resuh, MISCAMUAGE. 8&ck is the irresistible tendency of the mediente torestors the serual fnvottoflê to a iiormai condiiion, that even tht reproductivc power tif nature cavñnt resist it. Explicit directions stativgwhev, and roken they should vol be used, wilh each Box, - the Price Out Dollar e ach Bor., f,unlai iiing 50 Pilis. A vahiable Panphlet. to be had free of the Agonts. Pilis sent by viail jiroinptltft by enclosing price to any Agent. Sold by Driiggihis general v. it. B. UUTCH1NGS, Proprietnr. 20 Cedar-St., New York. For Salo by MAYNTAHD STEIJIHNö k WlhSON and GREN'VILLE & FULLER. A CARD T0 THE LADÏES. DR. TjUPOjSWS GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. In fallible Ín correct Ing, regulatïng and removing all ob.slructiuus, iruin whalever eauaa, and ahvays succcs.sful as a prcvcntivi;, The combination of ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis for Fcmalca are perfeitïy'harmleas. The have been used in the privato practJce of Dr. Duponc over 30 years, and thoussmds of ladies can testify to their great and never failing in almost every case incorrecting trregularities, relioving painful anr distressioc; menstruation, particularly at the change of life. From five to ten piils will cure that common -vet dreadful complaint, the Whites Kearly every female in the land suffers frf.m this coniplaiut. The abovt' Pil] has permanently cured thousands, and tliey willcure jou if you use them. They eannot harm you; on the contrary. they remove all obstructions, re store nature to its proper channel, and invigorate the whok sysicm. Ladles whosc health will not permit an increase of family, will flnd these piils a successíul preventive. Ladies pcculiaily siluated. or thoso i'ap, posing themselves 50, should not ufe these Pilis during the first three months, as they are eortain to produce mïscarriage, "after which admonition" the próprietur ftssnmea no respoaaiblUty, altbough their mildness wil] prevent an in jury to health. The ingredicnts composing the above Pilla are inado known to evrry Agent, and they will tollyou they are safe and will perform all claimed lor th.em. Prioe $1 per box pld in AXN ARÍÍOI1, by STEBKNS& Vt-j],SON'. Prug-iVts W. A. ML'XT, Druist. Lftdien living at a difttROQe by seuding tlifm $1 ,00 through rhtiAiin Arbfip Postofflce.can have tbe Pilla ent (confidentially) by mail, n aoy part of the country free oí lape. ■lï. B. - Beware of a base rounterfeit of hete PMs.-. You can buy thO rounterftitarticle at inv price from 23 to 76 cents a box (dear at that). LiluKs your livtii nn health are of tuo much value to be trified witb besidea being imposed upon wilh a worthlea artfele. Therefore any ODe offering Wi these Pilis for less than $1 % box' avoid them as yoVwould poison. They nrebogus, None aregenuine unten tbe name of S. j). HO WK ís on ovry box which has lecíntly been added.on account of the Pilla being couterfeited, Sold also, by KJNXE& 3MÏTH, ypuüaaü. BLT?3 X BEiSBBJiLekson, andbv one drugp ist in evcry viHage and city ia the United States, aml by KAKRÁNDjSJlEELEY & CO. . General State Ageqts, Detroit. S. I) HOWE, SnlProprVtnr. 1 ÍWKv5 Vopk.


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Michigan Argus