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IÍSPpk BOOK STORE j.--SS) Opposito the S 'T' " RKNOU' Ol'KNiXíi, ÜIJÍKIT FKÖ5I PÜBUSHEES l ANTf) Manufacturéis, a Nrev and Complete stock o[' LAW & MEDICAL BOOKS, School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, dan STATIOKTERT! Wall aud Window Paper, firatrtng and Hatheijaticallnsti-ument.s. Muiñt, Juvenile Librarle; Euvelopcs, Iuks and Cards. GOLD And all otJier kinds oj Pens and Penáis Windmv Cornice, tíhados aml Fituro, POCKET CUTLEKY! Andeverythíng pertaining to the trade, and more to wluchthey wuuld iiivit-e the attuntlon oí' the country. In conducting our business, we shall do ;i 1 1 that can be done,so that no rcaisonabte man, womark or cliild shall flnd any fault. We posaess faciUties wliicli wiü enablt' us to supply ourstomers at the Lowest Possible Figures.We Sosellfór READY PAY, ata mualladvance. We öxpect a. profit on oiir goods, hut Cash Sales wiil Admit of Low . FIGURES. The "EmpibhBoÖh Stobb," ís mannod by a good 'crev,' nd they wU always befounïon the "quarfcer deck," ready and wüliog to attendto all with.plea.sure, wlao w favor them with a cali. Kemember the "Empire Book Stote. JAMES R. WEBSTER & CoAnn Arbor, May, 1860. 7$ Great Reduction ijl the Price c] SINGER & CO.'S Standard Machines Well knoicn to be the Best for Manujacturing Purposes. No. I, Standard Shuttle Machine, for merly sold at $90, reduced to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Mnchine, for rnerly sokl at $100, reduced to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the best Machine in the world for Family Sewing au Mght M&Qftfaet uring Purpoaös : (with Hemmer,) au beautifully ornaniented $50. The Nos. 3 and 2 Machines are of great capacity ant apppcation for manufacturing puïposea. Üur No. 3 Machines are especially aüapted to all kinds of liglit and heavy Leather lVorlL, in -Carriage Triniming, Boot and Shoe Makiug, Harness Making,etc.)Ctc. They are of extra size, and - ith au arm Jong enough to cake under it and stitch the largest "size dashes. Th ere is scarceiy any pari of a Tri in uiers' Sti telling tfiat cannot be better done with tliem tban by hand ; so, too, the .saving of time and labor is very great. Tbetableof these machines is 24 inches long, and theshuttle will hold six time.stlie usual quantitvjof Lhread. Thelarge maoJiine works as fastas small ones. ifVe would ask for onr lcïter A Machines, the Special attention of Vest Makers and Deesa Makers j and all those who want Machines for UghtmaittifaetuTingpiir.poses. They embody the pridcipies of the standard machines, making likethem. theinterlocked sitch, and are desiined to be ascelebrated for rMii.v Sewhíq ard ligia manufacturing purposes as Jour standard machines are tor manufacturing purposes in geneval. We havo alwayson hand, HKMMlMa GACGKS,SILKTOT8I LI.NEX ANU 001TON TI1KKAD, ON 8POOIJ3, HliST JUC1IINK OILin bottles, etc, etc. We munuJacture onr ow-n Xeedlcs, and would waru all perwons using onr machine.s nottobuy anyothers. We know that there are needïesold of thé most inferior quality at higlier prices than wecbai-jis for the bat. The needies strtd by us are mañufactured specialïy for our ma,hfnes. A bad needie may vender tht tretf machine almost Our customers may rest afsurod thft-tal; nur Envnch Office-s are furnished withthe" genuineaetbkï " Ju case of small purejiasea, the munev may bu sent in pogtage stainps, or bank notes. Correspondente wil] please write tlieir name distinctly. It is all nportant thal we shoujd, ineacii case, know tin; Post Office, County, and State, &g All persona requiring iuformation about Sewing Machines, theïr size, prices. working capacities, aud ttíe best methods of uurchasinp-, can obtain it by sending to us, or any of onr BrancUOflicesioracopy of I. M. Singer & Co. 's Gazette, Wlneh is ft beautiful PIctorial Paper efltii'ely devoted to the subject - It wiü besentgratis. 1 1 We have made the above RKDUCTION IN PRICES with the two-fold view of benefiting i he public and ourselves. The public liavebeon swimlledby spurious machines made in nnitatiou of ours. Tue metal in them, from the i ron casting to the smallest peice, isoi poor qudlity. Their makers have not the mean to do tlieir worü weil. They arehid away in secret ])laces, wliere it wou ld be mpossible to have at their command the proper mecbanical appliances. It in only by doing a great busine8,and having'extensive manut'acturing establishments, that irood machines can be mede at moderatprices. The best deaigned machines, BAD], Y MADE, are always liable to get out of order, and aresure to cost considerable troublu and money lo kcoD them ín repaire The qualities to H looked for in a Machine are : csrtainty of correct action at all rates ot" speed , simplicity of construction, great durabiliiy. andrapidity of operation, with the least labor. Machines to combine these eesential qualities, maat he made of the best me:al and iinisht-d toperfi-ction. We have theway and mean.s.on a grand scale, to do this. The purchasers of machines, ivhosp'líiily bread itmay concern, will find that those having the abovequalities not only work well at rapi'l as ivell as slnw vates of speed ,but last longer in the linestpossiUle workingorder. Our machines, as ifie by us, will earn more monfy with less labór than any others whether m imitation oí ours or not. 1 fact, they are ohtta, oer tlian any other raachincsas agift. . I, M. SÍNGER & CO., 458 Broadway New York. &g Detroit Office, 58 Woodward Avenue, (Merrill Block.) 811tf M. II. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor NEW FALL GOODS! i BAGH PIERSON i Have just oponed a Clioico Stock of I WOOZ, C0TT0N& S1LK s a for Ladies' and Gentlemens Wear, H also a stock of I Best Family Groceries, ai wliioh will be cid 1 CHEAP FOR CASH. g Pi Gold, received at 16 per cent. prem. Silver, ' "14 " " " - Canada, ". " 14 -" " " Oíd demand Treasury notes, at 10 per cent. prern. BACH & PIERSON. Aon Arbor, Sopt, 23, 1Ê62. HORACE WATERS, AGENT 3 3 3 lï r o a d w a y , N e tv Y o r k lubllslui of Music anVl Itl uslc BuüUs jMi DKALKE IN Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Martin's oelebrated andother Guitars, Violins, IVnor Viols, Violinccllos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutefl, Fifes, TrïanglesCkriaaette, Tuning ForksPipes andllamrnera, Vioün Bows, best Italian Slri ngs, líass Instruments S for Bands, Piano Stools, 'Á and coVere, and all kinds of' Musical Instruments. I S Ii e o t IVt -ix S 1 c, ' fM'oni all the publtshe ín ÍW ü. S., Rei'tini's Huntin's. )m and Modern Scbool, aiul all kïnda of Instrnction Bookc S for the above instrumenta; Church Music Booka: Music j elegantly bou ad; Müdic paper, and all kinds oi .Music RC, I MercUaudise, of A t t he Lowest Prices. $3 New Planoii At $175, $200, $225, $250, and up to $800. Secirad Hand Piano from Í25 up to 8160: Nw Melodeon, 345, ' $60, $76, $100, ahaup tó $200; sécónd Hand Melodeona from fciSOto S80; -Uexnndrc i-.i ns, with ftre stops, $160, BiBe stops, 185 and $225 ; tliirteen sioj.s, $250, $275 :nil $300; (IfteeB stops, $820 and $375; A liberal discount to Clergymenj Churches, Sabbath Schools. Seminaries ts nd Teachers, 'i'he Trade eupptied at the usual trade discouots Testimoniáis of tlie Hornee Waters Planos RKtl Mclotleons. John ITewcttjof Cartbage, Ñew York, who has had pne of the HoraccWaters Pianos, writesasfollöwg: - :ó' "A lViend of mine wishes ido to pu rebaso a piano Tor her. Sbo likes the one yu sold me in December, 1856. My piano ia becomíog popular ín Chis place, and 1 think I I can introduce one or two more; they will be more popu lar t]ian any other makO.4' 0 "lVe have two of Waters' Pianos ín use in ourSeminary, oue of which. has been severcly teöfea for tïiroe yc;irs. aml we c;m lestify to í lieir gooá quality and duraan bility." - Wood & Gregory, Mount Carroll, TH. ' ii "1Í, Waters, Ea.[. - u&AX. Sik: Haviog used one of your Piano Fortes for two yoars past. I have foond ita very ,lv superior histrummt. AXONZO, y Principal Brooklyn Befyhts Seminary. "The Piano I rtteeived from you continúes to give s;itïsfaetiua. 1 regard i tas one of the bostinstruments ín the plftce." Iami:sI,, Clahkk, Charleston, Va. "The Wfelodeon has g&fely arrived. I feel oblieil to you ' fory our liberal discount." Hev. J. II. McCoiuiick, YarquesvillcS, C" "The jiiaiïo was duly röceiyed. Itcame in exeollent condïtion, and is very inucii admired bymy numorous family, Acce[)t my thanka fór yöur proinptness." - r,' Rohhht CoOPEb, Wárrmham, Bradjoed Co. Pa. ," I "Yonr piano pleftftea u%well, Tt la the best nne in our coimty."r-TiiOMaa A. Latiiam, Camphellion, Ga. "We are very mucli obligerl to you for havipg sent 5ï sach a ftne iiist'minsnt for 3Ü50." - Bkaxk,Held & Co., Bujfalo DemoQrat. "The Horace Waters Piannsareknown asamonthe very best ■ We aro enabled to ffpeak of these instruments with confidence, i'rom personal knowledge of tlieir _ excellent tono and dtfrable ijuality." - N. Y. Evangelist. "We can speak of the merite of the Horaee Waters piH anos from personal knowleilije, as ho'mg the very fines t qualiy." - Chrisiian Intetiigencer. "The Horace Watera pianosare traftiof ilio best and most ihtiroushly seasoned material. We haT e no doubt Ui;it buvors can do as vcll,perhaps betterT at thJs than at any otbertmuse in the Uiii'üti." - Advocate, a%d Jonnml. Waters' pianos and melodeons challenge compafison with the iinesl made anywhere in the country." - Home Jour al "Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of full, rich and [" even tone, and powerf ui - N. Y. Musical Rev'ezo. "Our friendswH) BndatMr. Waters' store the very best assortment of Stusic and of Pianos to be found in T the United States, and we urge our southern and western frïends to give him a cali whenover tbey go to New York. ' ' - Grakam's Magazine. 5 Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. id - - 'J Sa b ba th S ch ooi Bel], id 100,000 isstzed Ia ten Montlis. 1The nnprecedented sale of this book has induced the 2. publisher to add sorae 30 new tunesnnd hymns to ita pres0 ent si,e, witliout extra charge, except on the cheap ed e tioa Ani'Miji the many beautiful tunes and hymns added )t inay be fouml: - "1 ought to love my mother;" "O I'll e be a good child, indeed I will." These and eight otliers )f from the Heil , were un-g at the Suuilay Schor)! AnniverII aary of the M. K. Church at the Academy of Music, with e gtxeA applausë. The Bell contains neari}' 200 tunes and liymns-, and ,18 one of the best collections ever issued. - Priceïoc; $10 jut hundred, postage 4c Elegantly bound, il embosseel gilt, 25c, $20 per 100 It iias beeu iutroduced r. ïnto many of the Public Scí ls. d The i e I is pubHshed in small numhers entitled Annid versary and Sunday School Music Books, Nos. 1,2, 3, & d 4, in order to accommoJatcthe million; price f2 & $3 per hundred No. 5 will soonbe issued - commencement of another feobfc. Also, liovival Music Bools, No, 1 & U, T pxiofl $1 & $2 per 100, postage 1c. More thaa 300,000 n copies of the above booká have been issued the past eig'hteen months, and the deniand israpidly increasing. 1 Published bv e HORACE WATERS, Agent, r 333 Broadway, N. V. [ Publised by Horace Waters No, 333 lïioadway, New York, Vocal'Kiiül tVordscan oever -di;" "The Angels told - me so;" "Wílds of the West;" "Tboughts of God;" ''Giva me back my Mountftin Home;1' "Day Dreams;" "Dandv Cock Robin;" "l'm with thee still;"Petname8;ÏJ r "There'sno darilng likc mine;" "Saiah Jane Ie;""Ev; er of thee;" tlI'm leáving thee in Sorrow;" "Bird of , Beauty;" "Home of our birth;" "Grave of Rosabel,'' and 'Wake, ladr, wake,,' price 25c each. Ixstkumknta.. - ' 'l'alace (iardeu, or Singing Bird I Polka,' 40c; "Swinging Schottische;" "Mirabel Pcbot, tisch;" ''l'homas iïaker'.s Schottische;" "Piccolomini Polka, 35 cents each. The above pieces have beautiful Vigjettee ''Wehner Polka;" "Arabïan Wai cry March," ; the very last; " Doniells Mazurka; "Rea-1: , ing Polka;" "Crinoline Waltz," and "Lancera' Qua drille," 25c each. "Tlie Empire of Jïeich's Quadfille;" a new dance, and "The Hibernian Quadrille," 35ceach. ! Many of these piecea are played by Uaker's celebra ted . orchest ra witli great ilailed free. A largelot of Foreigii Music at half price. Pianos, üfelodeous and Organs. The Horace Waters Tianns and Melodeons, for deptb, purity of tnne and durability, are unsurpassed. Prices very low decond Hand Pianos and Melodeons from S25 to $150. Slusic and Musical Instructions of all kïndf,attbe lowest prices. HOK ACE WATERS, Agent, No. o33 Broádway,N. Y. Trstimoxiaiís;- The lïorace Watera Pianos are fenown as araong the very best.' - Evangelist. "We can spoak of their m er ita from personal knowledge." - Christian Intclugcncer. "Nothing at the Fair displayed greater excellence -" - Churchman. Waters' Pianos and Meloueons challenge coraparison with the ftuest made anywherein the country," - Home Journal. 719tf SGHOFF & mhL%% RE STILL ON HAND at their old Stftnd , No. 2, Franklin Block, with themost complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PEKFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, 8HADES, ROLLERS, CORDS,1-, TASSELS, J GILT CORNIOES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offci-ed in this Market ! i and they woulil suggost tothose in pursuit üf anythingin SANTA CL A US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchafiing from thia stock, as ench purchaser getf an additional present of Jewehy, te. , Eañging in valué írom 50 ets. to $50. aRf Theytrust that theirling experience in selectfng jooda forthia market, and strïot attention to the wants ;f Cuitomers, may entitle tbem to a liberal share Oj Patronage, Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 1860 777tf do Demand Treasury Notes ! For which we pay M.OUITERMANACo, " Ann Arbor Octobcr 3, 1802, ;, GREAÏ.GIlEATEïtGREATEST BAIiGAlNS EVER OFFERED I u this City , are uow being offered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & es . Je'welry JStoiOTHK Stibacribor wouldsay to the citizenaof Ann Ar bor. In particular, and the rest of Wnuhfnaw Cnuntv in cenernl, that hchnsjust ÏMPOKI'ED DlKEC'J'LY from JiUROPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! All of which he blnds himself to aell CHE AP ES than can be boughl west oí New York City. ' Open Faco Cylinder Watchea i rom S6 to $10 i's, do do Lever do do 8 to 21 L.s HuntingCaflo do do do 14 to 35 sic do do Cylinder do do 9 to 26 sic Gold Watehee from 20 to 150 1 have alao tne s. CELE BR AT E D tti AMER?CAN WAT CHES, 5 which I wlll sein ter $.'35. Every Vvatch warranted to )ns perform wel!, or the mon,;y rei undcd. 60. Clocks, ,n,l Jewclry, Piated Ware, int Fancy Goorts Gold Pens, es Musical Instrumenta and dt rings, ide Cutlery, fcc., and in fact a varit-ty of every t,h int: uaually kept by Jewelfirscan be bnughtforthe uextninety days at youc OWN TRICES! Pereon buying nuything at this well known otbror lisiime ut can rcly upon getting goods exactly as rep5q resentPd, orthomonpy refunded. Callenrly and sek j cure the best bargains ever ortered in thii City. " One word in regard to Repairing : We are prepared tomake any repairs onfine or comcefl inon Watchea, even to m-jkingo er the entfre watch, if neceasary. Repairing of Clocka and Jewelry aa i usual. Also the mannfacturini; of RINGS, BKOOCHS, 'ur or auything desíred, from California Gold onahortno iry tice. Engrnvine in allits branchesexeented witbneatness and dispatch. J C. WATTS. at. Ana Arbor, Jan. 2gthl859. 74vr he i ou Important National Works, ;k Pobllihed by D. APPLETON & CO., ■nt 346 AND 3-JS BROADW&YNEW YORK The followinjr worita are sontto Subscribers ín any part ur of th'j country, (upon recelpt of retail price,) by mail or expresa, prepaid: nt THE N'KWAArF'RIA.lV CYCIOPiEDIA; A Popular Dictionary of (j'cnenl Knowledge. Edited by ' GFÉo. RrPLBï and Charles a. Dana, alded by a numerous v select corps of writera in all branches of Sciences, Art u anil literatuce, TIn work i.s being published in about a. 15 large octavo volumes, each containincr 75Otwo-column L pages VüI.s. I., 11., IH-, IV. V., VI., VU., VIII., & IX. - are now ready, each containing near 2.500original urii st ccs' '" a(ldiiional volume wiH be published once in about tliree months. , Jlrice,in Cloth, $3; Sheep, $3.50; Half Rossia, $4.50 bt each a. The New American Cyclopaedia is popular trithoiit bejj ing superficial, learned wiUiout beiag peri'an-tíc, comprem hensivi but suffioiently detailed, freefvom personal pique and party prejudice, fresh and yet accurate. It is a complete statement of all that is bown upon every im1(j portan! topic within the scope of human intelligence. - EVety important article in it has been specially wntten for its pages by men who are authorities upon the topic on which they speat. They are required to bnng the ■n f1110.)60 UP to the present moment; to state just how it stands noto. All the statistioalinformation is from the latest reports; the geographical accounts keep pace witli the latest explorations; hiatorical matters include the r IVcsïtest , just views; the biographical notices atl ak not only of the dead but also of the living. It is a library of tsèlf ? ABR1DGEME1VT OF THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS Being a Political History of the United States, frora the organization of the first Federal in 178 to 1856. Editedand compiled hy Hou. Tho. ie Hart Biï-VTON.from the Official Records of Congress. The work will be compieted in 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pages each, 11 of which "are now ready. An additional volume will be pubïisbed oncf in three months ■ Cloth, 5 $3; Iaw Sheepj Half Mor., Hali Calf, $4.50 each. A WA Y OFPROCURINfl THE CYCLOPAEDIA ORDEBATKS ' Form a club of four, and remit the price of fourbooks, and live copies will be sent at theremitter's expensefor carriage; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will b sent at our expense for carriage. To Agnjits. No other work will so libemlïy reward the exertionB of vgents. A. Agext wantkd in tiiih Coc.vtt Terms made Lnown on application to the Publishers. Ann Arbor, March. 1859. 6902a mt iÊÖ Bev. Thos. Weiüut, agent at Kiune & Smiths Book Store, Ypsilanti. , 1862. NEW 1862, ' WINTER GOODS! -■ o MACK & SCHMID c are now receiving a f Large & Attractive Stock of % li Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ir LADIES'DKESS GOODS, FÜKS, J CLOAKS, . o; SHAWLS, &c. ï in great variety of the most desirable " stylea and ijuálities. „ A good assortment of of ke RIBBONS, pl TEIMMINGS, - GLOVES, HOSIERY,&c. - H Also a choice stock of goods for BLens' Wear, _ Ladies' and Children's Shoes. A HATS -A3STID CAFS, l i-eslx Grooeries. % O ROCKER Y, &c, dèo., L tiit which will all be sold at the cw i Lowest Cash. 3?rices. J MAC!? & SCHMID. .ni div Ann Arbor, Nov. 7, 1862. 878tf thé ma - - . low llifle F a c t o r y ! Beutier & Traver, [ A. J Satherlandfj -- Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition ai Flasks, Poushes Game Bags, and l Everjother article in that Line. All kinds of HBPAIHIWG done at the abortest notice, anil in the best nitinner. a full assortmeni always kept on hand and made order. tfc3U Shop on Huron street. C%tf Ann Aibor, Üct. 8, 1562. 873tf lJI, O val Picture Frames ALLSIZES, STYLES and PRICES just received and fórjale clteajiat filCHOFF & MILLElï'S. lMOJVe.35, ï80tf 1 THE OLD CORNER i EENEWED! with zeñte'W stook:,, NEW GOODS, &C. FARMERS' IW CASH STORE (At the old stand of Thompson & MHlen.) I am uow opening a carefully SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS COXSISTINO 01' DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, BROWN fe BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, &c. and every thing that is kept in a Domestic House, also u fine assortment of BOOTS SHOES! AND YANKEE JVOT1ONS, A full stock of dEOCEEIES constantly on hand. FARMER'S PKODUCE ! Bought and Sold. Thankful to old friends and customers foi past favors, I hope to merit a share of their patronage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. Millen & Co. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1862. 872tf LOOMIS & TRIPP, Successors to x. Chapín & LoomisudChapin, Tripp A Loomit T1HE above firm of Loomis fc Tripp having purchasei X the entire interest of the former companies wil; ïontinue t!ie business at the old atamls, where they wíl! 5e ready, on the shortost nolice, to fill all orders in tht ine ot Castings and Machinery, n the most workmanlike marnier, and on as libera erms as any other shop in the State. Among the vari us articlesmanufaietured by us, we would enumérate STEAMENGINËS ' Í all kinds; Mül Gearing and Fixturos, wroughtand ( ast; all the various castings for makiug and repairing [Iorse Powere & Threshing Machines eb as are at present, or hare formerly been in se m ■■ his part of the State, as well as all thevarious kinds of ' aatingB and machine work called fur by farmers 'and ïechanics inthis section of the country. f all the various patti-rns, up in sizesandpriceSjWill be c eptconstantly on haud, got the most modern and kroved utyles. Thankful for fermer patronage to the old firma, we ] ould solicit a continuance frora old friends, and atrïal y all wishiugforanythïuginour Jineof business. LOOMIS & TRIPP. Ann Arbor, May 18th, 1859. 697tf , ')'-■ „ 1 ; Provide for Yr r Family. " KNICKERBOCKER .IFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ' 'estern office, Kingsbury Block, Iïandolph St., Chicago. - Lsseta Jan. lst, 1862, $276,223.44. I Policies are issued upon the lives of debtors, and for g 1 business purposea, either for life or for a term of 'ars. on as favorable terms as by a.ny other Company. Married ladics ma.T insure the lives of tlieir husbands, cording to a law of the State, securing theamouu, of e Insurance to themselvea or their children, free f rom e claims of their husbands' creditors ; alpo, married dies can insure their own lives for the benefit of their lildren or trustees. p Folicies on lives are issued for any sum not exeeeding 0,0C0. By the terms of the charter, this Company is il paylng raoie than 7 }er cent. Hnnaally in divfdouds its capital to stockhoklers ; and it receives that sum interest for the use of its capital, tbe surplns bAing viüeA amoiig the Mutual Insurers ; henee it will apar that it combines the advantages of a Mutual with V e security of a Stock Company. -v When the premium amounts to $40 or over a note iy be given for four tenths of the amount. Ka-t es as jp as any other good eompany. y, Kow ís the time of secure a coropeteucy for your - nilj should death fine1, your horaestead encumbered d business iuvolved. ERASTUS LYMAN, President. EO. F.SsiFFBN.Sjfy. li. F. JohnBon, Vjce President, and Manager of Westi Branch office, Chicago. E. B. POND, Agent. [TM.LEWITT,M.n.,SIeaicaïExaminer. r 862. 1862. IEW FALL GOODS ! Í Slu w opening, a spionrtid stock nf New GooJs for the ï,'' FallTrarteat W, ln:il C. H. MILLBN'S 'L riet G1BG1!? ' Q&3Q Saik-S .nn Arbor September 15, 162 870tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Estáte of JosepU Kclsev, STATE OF MICIIICAN', Cdiinty Of Washfienair, ►: - A-t a ne.ssion-of the r-nirf lr the Couittv oí T WufatWUMr, holden attlie Probate Oflljo, in thu City m , of Ann Arber, on Moii'lity, ibe twclttfc day January, in the yeur une thmisand eight hiKS andsixty-three. Present, Thomas Ninde, .Jiulfre fProbnt ■ Ir the matter nf the Kwint e of Josrph KHsey, decena 'i On reading and filtZfg the pértif ion, duly verified, uf James M. Kelsoy, praying admtnistution on snid estáte' mny be granted to Ileuiy Kuarrick or some olner ,suif. a ble ptTsun. Tiiereupon it ís Ordered, Tlmt finrday, the ninth'. day of Feoruary next, at ton o'clock in the forenótíu be assfgned forthe htariug ofsaid petitioir, unithat the heirs at luwof said decA&sed, and all other peraeoi iny teres ted in said estáte are requin d to appear at a &essionof said Oourt, tfren to be holden at the Probate l Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in naid County. and show cause, if a.ny tbere be, why the prajer of the petHioner sliould uot be gránred . Andit is furtlicr Ordi-rcd, that said petitioner g-fV notice to the persons interested Ín said e.stale, t the pendeney of saiii jtetilion, and the hearing thereof by causiiiK a cnpy of this order lo be publinhed in the Michigan Argus, a newpnper printed and circulating; Ín said County of Wal](cnnw, three succeaive wt-ek previo 49 to Kaidday of hearing. - _- (Atruecopy.) THOMAS NTNDE, I ] Judge of Probnte. 1i Attachment Notice. VTOTICK is given tbat vn the 24tli day of Ll Novtmln'r, A D.,eighteen hundred and síxty-two, a wrtt of attachment was íssned out o Circuit' Courtfor the County of WashU-uaw , in favor cjf Tlioma.s -Morgan, plaintilt, against tlie goÖds, chaítels , tanas, tenements, itioneyu and etfects oí Peter Schaler and Wiliiam Schwitzer defendants, for the bu ni of two hundred and sixty ix dollars and flfty-two cntH wbfch Laid wvit was returnable on Tuesday the Eecond day f December, A. I), eighteen hnndred and fijxty-twn, and that it appears by the returns of the proper oflicer to said writ that property lias been att&ched theron, that neither of aid defendants could bf found. THOMAS MOKüAN, Plaintiff. W. J. Beakes, Attorney forPlaintiffDated, Ann Arbor, Decunber 24, 1862. Mortgage Sale. Sp EFAUI.T haviög been luiide in the conclition of a cer-L tain Indéotura of ui9rtgage. exeouied by Jépit McCarthy and Marga ret McCartby his vife. of 'the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and ötate of Michigan, to Nelson Cule of the same place, beariiig date the lust day of May, ia the year of our Lord one thou■ ,r.ï ; i iglit ïiiindred and fifty-six, and recorded in tlie (MBéöof the Register of DeeÜa iu and for said County of Washtenaw, on tbe fifth day of May. A. D. &5Q in Líber No. 22 of Kortpages on page &32, which said' indenture of Morlgage was duly RBrngned by the said Nelson Colé to IMwará lïyan, of Pittslielc], in said Coud-ty, by his assigimient under hls hand and seal, bearing late the fiixteeiith day of December, A. 1). lSb'2, and re3 corded in the office of said Regtetfcr of J)eeds on tlie í twentysixth day of December, A. 1). 1Sö2, in Liber No. 30 of Mortgages on page 153, by which dcfault th power of sale contained in said mortfjage became operative and the amount clafmed to be doe on said iudenture of Mortgage, at tbe dale of this notice, be:rg (ive hundred and fortv-eïgbi út Hars and tljirty-cihi ceutn S? andno suit or proceeding liaving been insiituted at. law, or In chancery, to recover the debt now reniainining due and secured by said mortgage or any part thereof ;. Notice is themfore hereby giren, that on r'aturday. the iourlbduy of April, A.I). 1863. át ten of the clock in ihe forenoon of tliat day,at the south door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, insaid County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, (said Court House being the place for bolding tbe Circuit Court fr said' County) 1 shall sell (ir ciiuse to )e sold at public auction in loreclosure of said raortgiige to tbe higherft bidder, tbe premiries deseribed thorein, or so mnch thereof j as hall be necessary to satifify the amount due on said indenture of Mortgiigf, witb interest and all the reasonablc costa, di.-bur.sumeuts and expenses of all proceedings relativeto the foreclosure of the same iiicluding reasonable cliarges for attorneys' services, as pro vided in said indenture of mortgage; that is to sa y , aü thoae certain tracts or pareéis of land situated la the f siiid city of Atiu Arbor, known, bounded and deeciibed as follows,viz: Beinc; Iota numbered one (l).tn-o (2) r th ree, (3), and four (4), ín block uumber two (2) , aquth, in range numbfr ten (10) east, in the said city of Ann Arbor, County of Waslitcnaw, and State of MichiganDated, Deecmber 31st, 1S62. EDWARD RYAN, A. Felch, Assignee of Mortgage. Attorney for Assignee. 8S5td I am Bound ior : M. GUITERMAN 5 CO'S Í A -i , Dispute tbe fact if yon can, j It takes the TAILOU after all to give appearance to the outer man. If jou wish to appear well You must accordiugly Dres3 Well. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's,, There you will find thinga exactly SO, SONDHEIM alvvays ready to tako vour measure, GTJITEEMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures L0WER than you will find in the State, Take heed - call earlv, else vou aro too LATE. The iNDUCEMENTS are now greater tban ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging aüd clever. We wiil show you good CLOTHING of our own gktting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to iop. STÜDENTS especially will find ie to TIIEIR ADVANTAT.E, For it takes but L1TTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 OVERCOATSof Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for aluiost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Caseiipere of our OWn IMPORTAT1ON, Forwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you can stand up in. or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN of everv grade, We sell them froin ONE DOLLAR up tO EIOHT. VESTS, &C. of every ciescription, You will find it su without fiution, Furnishing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours trnlf , ever soj Si. GÜITERMA.N'. & Co., Fruit and Ornamental .A.T LOVT" PRICES. ÏHFSriïSCIÏinERSare now prepared to re ceivf orders for all kinds of Fruit aqd tr:iamenttfl Trees Shrubs, l'lanly, Flowers and Vinos of every ilt-sci 'iption, ind rarïety, the Fall of 1863 and Spring of 18 '-i- ffe have a lare stock now L,rroviii,', ainl intonn' tt, nake lai-ge ïmportatftms froin time to time as the w;t :ntp f tbe couutry deniand. We invite tbe pennle to tiiü ke :1miiim Iv.s acquaiiiU-d with Our faciUtiesfox doingbusi iess, before purenftsing elsewhere. We warrant all ra r ■ieties to be true to name. and to b vijiorÓOB and' ïealthy specimens. Allcomuii:nications ill hc i, y responded to. Our offlceirt in lingtis' Agricultura! ïtore, Detroit st., Ann Arbor. Mi eb . DcBOTS, CARE & CO. Ann Arbor, June 2-4,1862. STiöif Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


Old News
Michigan Argus