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A Young Hero

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You reraetnber last February, hovr we n the North wero almost buried alive in the deep snow drifts, and how the little children wondered if the sky were falling, and asked if " all those snow flákes carne out of the very hcaven where the angels are." But in the "sumiy South" the westher was as mild as May, and a Northern lewspaper eeeraed like a voice from a iiow drift, almost set the people to sbivering. Down in Tenneesee there lived a lad uimed Williani Haynie, a noble, handome youth, the only comfort of his widowed motiier. One of those tiright, )almy tnornings in Pebruary, he stood at he little cottage door, whistlng like a mocking-bird, wbilü bis mother cut slices of cold bacon, " hoe-cake," and peach pie, .o put in his tinpail, for lie was going nto the foreít, as usual, to chop wood. "There, there!" cried Wiliic, as he saw the last morse! going in ; " I don't want my bucket so full as that. ; and you havn't left a speek for yourself I" "Ali, how do you know what I may have in the cupboard ?'' said his mother gaily. " Notliing more than cold ' corn-dodg erp,' I know;" repüed the boy. " Mother, I'll teil you what it is, if I-didn't know that Jeff. Dávis was a scamp, and ihe war an awful sin, Id like to join the army and get a little niotiey. It would be rather comfortable to be sure of enouh to eat !'' " Oh, my son !" cried his mother, " before I would have you take up arms against tliis blessed government, I would starve to death ; you know I would '' She spoke with earncstness and feeling, as only those can speak who have seen the wolf at their doors. " Starve !" echoed VVilliun, with flash ing eyes; ''you don't deserve my father's name, if you wouldift starv? a "thousand times before you'd see me turn traitor 1" '■ I never was afraid of your"doing it, Willie said his mother, proudly, " I am thankful that you can be an honest boy, these hard times, and still eura the salt in your porridge " " Earn the salt, in case I like my porridge rather fresh," said William, laugh ing; " but its high time I was off to my day's work. Good bye, mother " "Good bye, Willie deur," said Mrs. Haynie, kissing li ís forehead. She stood in the üoor-way, watching him as'he went iu and out ainojig the tall trees; and long af'ter his handsome figaro was out of sight. she stood there still, thauking God that, poor and liuiuble as she was, she had such a treasure in her boy. Poor mother J she did not know what trouble tliat fair day held for her 1 The air was so still, and the sky so soft, that you might fancy the sun to be walking in his sleep, writing his dreams on the idle, fleecy clouds. Af'ter musing for awhüe the lonely woman went slowly in to the house, smiling as if some one had been whisperiug pleasaut things iu her ear. All the wtjy to the forest Willie whis tled and sang patiiotic tunes, winding off with a few words he had caught somewhere, and relished exceedingly : " We'll hang ISavis to a sonr apple tree,'1 &c. " ÏV-hat's that youVe singing ?" cried a voiee close to his ear. " You might as well hush your mouth - pretty quick, too !" " Wait a minute, and I'll give you the rest," said VYiliie, íiotliinj' daunted, " I'd like the chanoe of singing it before the bogus President of your sham Coufederaey : ' V.:'1I hang JeíT. Davis to a sour ' " - " Say again,' shouted the strauger, '■ and you sliall see stars " "Hands uff!" cried Willie; " I don"t say die while tuero is any cliauce of livId But the man only laughed in his face, and, looking about him, VVillie saw that a snuill baud of men in uniform were close at hand. " Peaceably, if you will ; forcibly, if we must,'1 said the fiist man. '' Iu the uatue of President Davis, I comuiand you to enlist d our army. Do you, of your good free will, volunteer as prívate in Company , regiment ?'' "I do not I" cried VVillie, looking firmly into the soldier's eyes. which were as grey, and cold, aud hard, as if they had been cut of granite. ''Come, come," said one of the otliers, "don't fly iuto a pasBion, ruy lad, aud no body will harm you.'' " I'm not iu u passion," Baid Willie, " but I hope I've got spunk enough to hold oí) by my country. God bless the Fedeials, I say 1 They are trymg to stand up for the good old stars ind stripes, aud I II never shoot a Federal while my name is VVil'iam Haynie !" " Poh, poh 1 You've talked about enough for a young scamp that has got to eat his words. G'omeon, sir; marón t" VV itli desperate courage Willie fought against his fate : but wliat oouid a sfeuder youth do against teu strong mcu i "They may lead me into battle, but they can't make ne fight," muttured the the lad butweeu his teéíh "I'vc passed my word - and my word is as good as an oatli - that rWnevér shuot a Federal! '" Willie vvas closely guarded that uight. He feít ÜKc a wild beaat iu a cage ; but knowing how useless were words, or signs, or tears, ho kept his heart " uuder lock and key." Thiuk of the agony of such patience ! Wheu his seo sa of justice was rebelling against the wroug doce him] when his poor heart was ryiug out, " Oh, mother ! mother 1" for well tlie boy know how ihe long days aud nights were coming, nhen the desolate womau would cry : '■ 1 ha V naebody now - I ha'e naebudy now, Tu clasp at uiy bosoni at evuu, O'er his caliu sLep to bre:i tljLí ouí a vow, An' pray ior tho blessin Motiven." Before long carne on the battle of Shiloh. Tiue to his word, VVillie did not fire, though he loaded his gun every time tho order was given, ti 11 the barrel was nearly full of charges. This conduct could not long escape the uctice of the Captain. He had heard of William's vow, without supposing for a moment that he would have the fortitude to keep it. " You young traitor!" cried he ; you miserable dog! What do you mean by disobeyiug orders? Take that!" level ing his gun, at,d shooting him down on, the spot. He was not killed ; the ball lodged just above the right kfiee, breaking the bone, and probably f a surgeo;i had been at hand, his young life miglit have been spared. But he lay on the field till the close of the fight, and when the wounded rebels feli into our hands, he was amoug thein, and was hurried into a boat and sent up the river to Evausville. Indiana. After reaching the hospital at Bvansville, he was immediately taken iu charge by a good physician, and tenderly ca'rèd for by kind and noble women, wl.o devoted themselyes to the care of the wounded men. The wife of one of our soldiers, who carne on the same boat, told the boy's sad history, and every loyal heart was moved to the deepest pity and interest. The secoss:on sympathisers, it is true. when they visited the hospitals of that city, would be very atteutive to tho wounded rebels, but when they heard William Haynie's story, they turued coldly away from him. But if the poor boy ever found warm friends, he found them among the ioyal and humnne people of Evansville. I know some of the excellent gentlemen and ladies who visited him, and am sure no kind office was neglected; but it was too late; he lived but a few days. Thus the brave boy, for no crime but lovinar his country, was forced to die among strangers in astrange land Some one offered to write to his rnothêr, but he said a letter would never reach her in that obscure town - " therfi were too many rebels in the way " And to the affeotionate boy this longing for his absent mother was "sorrow's crown of sorrow." I hope that while hit, pooi heart was aeliing, he had tlie dearest of all I Friends to comfort him, and gave up his life like a Christian, as well as a boro. But who does not pity that lonely woman in Tenneasee, " wearing " to see ; her boy, and perhaps not know ing to this - hnur why he has uever returned froiu I that day's chopping iu the woods. ' $ríLf" Be diligent, frugal, and faithful, and success is sure. W" If you bay what you have no occasion for, you will soou have to scll what you can't spare. U'S London coniic jourrial says the " right man in the right place " is a ! husbaud at'houie in the eveuiug. STS" Why does Stuart's late incursión iuto Penusyl-vania beat King Solora on ? Because riolomon, in all his glory, was not a raid like one of these ! jgjjg" An advocate haviug gained a ' suitfor a poor young lady, who was very homely, she riiinarked : " I have notliing to pay you with, sir, but my heart." " Hand it over to the clerk, if you please. I wisb no fee for myself," he replied.


Old News
Michigan Argus