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Burnside Has Resigned

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ihtlDQUABTEES ABMÏ 01' TUK I'OIOMAC,? Januaiy 2tJ. ( This moruing Oen. Burnside turtied over the oomraund ol the aruiy tü Gen. Hooker As soon as í lio changa was knowii the principal ofliccrs waited on Burnsidc1, and look lèiivo of hiui with regret. BurntiJe has issuod a partiug addresa to tlio ariüy. Washington, Jan. 20, Tlio fbllowing is the address of Gen. Burnside to tlio ariny: Headquakïers Akmy of the Potomac, ) January 26. ) GENERAL ORDERS No. 9 By direction of the President of the United States tlio commanding General this day transfers the conimacd of this ; army to Hnjor General Joseph Hooker. Tho short time thnt he has dirootcd your moverauQts has not been fruitful of victory, nor uuy considerable advaneoment of our line, büt it has again demonstrated ai amouut of courage, patienco and endurance tliat, under more favorable eircuuistanccs, would have aeoomplished great rcsuUs. Continua to exereise these virtues - bc truo in your defotion toy;ur country and tho principios you. have %vvorn to maintain - give to tho bravo and skillful General who has long been idcntitied with your organization, and who is now to oommand you, full and cordial support and cooperation, and you will deserve sueoess. Your General, in lakiogan affeetionato leave of the army froni which he separatea with so p.iuch regret, niay bo pardoned if he birls an especial farewell to thoso lo;ig and tjried associatea of the Niutb Corps. II is prayers aro that God tnay be with yon, and grant you continual sueeess until the rebellion is orushed. S:gni?dj l)y conmiaiid of Major General BÜRNSIL'E. Lkwis Ricusiosi); A. A O. The following bas just been published to the army : IIkadquarters Army of t;ie Potomac,? Camp xeak Falmoutii, Jan. 20. J GENERAL ORDERS NO. 1. By direction of the President of the United Stntes, the undersigned bas assumed oonimaod of tho Army of the Potomac. He enters upon the discharge of the duties imposed by this trust with a just appreciation of their responsibiüty. áinco tlie fonnation of this army he has been identiüed with its h istory He has shared with you its glories and reverses, with DO otlier desiro than that these relations n.ight reinain unehanged until its destiny should be accoinplished. In tho recoid of your achieveiuents thero is niuch to be proud of, and, with tho biessing of God, we will contribute something to tlio renown of our anus and the success of our causo To secure these onds, your commander will require the cheerful nnd zealous co-operation of evcry officer ani soldier in the army. lu equiptneut, intelligenoa and valor i the enemv is our inferior. Lot us nevor hesitato to t;ve him battlc wherever we can fiiid him. The undersigned only gives expression to the feelings of this army wlieu he oonvejB to our late commander, Major General Burnside, the most cordial good wishes for bis futuro. My staff will be aunounced as soou as organized. JOSEPH II00KER, Jlaj.-Gjn. Com'dg Army of the Potomac.


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