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As the judicial distrio ts of the State uow are it is probable that the Deuiocrats ni:iy clect three or four Judgcs in the Sta'e. This is not to be tolerated at all by the party in power, and indications aro that tlio Legslature will reconstruut the distriots, not for the parpóse of better acconimodating the public, but to make assurauee doubly suro that not a sulitary Democratie Judgu shall be elected. It is usoless to enter any protest for the politicians have the subject in band and will do as tlioy picase, whether it pleases the people or 110. And so we wait. L-3JC" At tho Sorghum Convention, held at Adrián hast week, L. W. Bodwell of this city was awarded buth the first and fHicond premiums on uvrup. - J. G. Weeks, of Jiiukscm, was awarded tbefirat premium for Sorghum Piigíir, and Cory & Son, oí Lima, Ind., the Kecond. ïlio Btigars exhibited were said to be of good quality. - Tho e.ntrius at tho convemion iriclnded 3t tiiimples of syrup, and 9 sumples of BBgar, the produce of four States, Ohio, indiana, Illinois, i;nd' Michigan. - A oommitíeo was appoioted to examino into the cost of building nnd running a refinery, with view of taking meup lires to procure the erection of one at Adrián or sonio other suitable point. The folio wing olBcers were eleeted for tho eusuing year : Prttiient - Georgo E. Pomafoy, of Pulmyra. Vice Pretidenis - Wm, Tuft, oi Plymouth, Wiiyne county; lïnel Ambrqse, of Sharon, Washtenaw county Wesley Wriglit, of S'urgi.-j. Sccretary - Arthur Sharp, of liaisin. Treasurer - A. S. Berry, of Adrián. Exccutive Cnmmittee - Joim Richard, of Kiiisin ; T. 13. Tcioker, of Napoléon; W. II. Soott, of Adii-.n. 5 The radicáis take couraae over the conviction of the brave Gen. PoRTBK and threaten tho couit-martial of Gen. McCliUíI-an. We don't think General j McOlellan will object, but will rathor court it. L3f" I1 a said that 75,000 rebel ! soldier have been sent from tho line of the Rsppahaanock to North Oaroliaa. J53C" Gold rtíacbed 1.54 in N. Y.Jon Wuii.'iesdiiy, und Sterling esohaoge 170. idilio prospect ahead. J5 jr" (Jens. Fuanklin uid Sumner have been relieved From lhir commandii in ihü inny of Uie Potomaö"; for what tho country is vet iguorunt JS'-áT Col. 'Fknton and the othor rifljcera of the gallaat Eighth Michigan li;ivu Ment ;ni euFÓet rwnousiraAcii to t(le Legieduture ugajnat lbo consolidation oí' the old regiment?. Tif A. DeitHH-raiie Convention for this Judicial district compii.-os tho couníios oí Wusbteoaw, Juckaon and Inghum, but the republicsn wire-pullers are conteinphiling a chango lo make the ca 11 ing and election of a rcpublican more sure. 13?' Senator Suulsbury of Dolaware was culled to order for violent and personal denuDOiutiona of tho Pro.-ident on Tuesday, and reiusing to take his seat waa arrosted by the Sergeant-atArins. On Wednosday a resolution was offored expulling hiin, uharging ihat ho drew a pistol on the Sergeantat-Anns &c. Senators ho'ild confine thoir condemnations of tho President to digtiifiud and munly languuge, and, in Muuh tenns as they havo a light to condcmn. S3T It is distinctly chargod that SlMON Cajihuo.n depodited with a friend - an ex-candidate fur Congress - 30,000 to be paid to a Mr. Boyer of tho Ponnsylvauia House of Representativas on conditiou that he voto for said E5IMON Camekson for Senator, that BoYBB agroed so to do, thai, the Republican caneas tlvn nominated Camerou and theSeuato met the Houso in joint cor.voution, wlicn Boy er voted for Chakles A. Buckalew the Damocratio candidato, and SlMON Camehon was sold. A oomuiittee of live has been appointcd by tho Pcniislvai_ia Houae to ju ves tigatc the charge, and it is also said that the U. á. Senate proposes investigaron, though we caunot seo hcw that body is to get juriadietiou. - It is ouo of Simon's old tricka.


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Michigan Argus