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Foreign Trade

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- ílow ir is Afkjsctkd by the CcrrïncT 1'iiOuiiLES. - The rapid iufiation of the curi'eucy is leading to maiiy iiortat..t tuuiJilicui ioue in our foreign trado. Whilu 1 wiite thera is lyiiig before me, Lbr oxample, a circular irotu i one of the principal drug and clieuiical houaes to their tbreigu eorregpoudeuis, 8tating tliat ' in couseijuecee of the civil war existiug íd thia ooautry, the national fiuances huvü beuome seriously deraugad, and the tiuctuatious in the value of guld, or rat her the depreciation of paper currCBCV is 80 violent, tliat it has becoine unsafe, in view of the uneertainty of the future, to retaiu the same auy louger as a basis for tiansactiotis with fort'ign eouutries. Henee, froin thia dale, we shall eell ouly fur gold, or its equivalcut iu foreigu exchauges." Other foreign hou808, it ia understuod, have feit co;jstraiued to resort to similar actiou, with a view to guit' proleotioii. -


Old News
Michigan Argus