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- Alaiiy liousewives who have beeu using Suda for yeara have become satisfied tliat DuLaud & Co's Chemical Saleratus is better for all purposes tliun Soda, and therefore cannot be induced to use Soda or auy othcr brand f saleratus. L-C" e have tlio Kebnviry nunbor ■of Frank Ltêltt't Lilie-f Mdgazin and Oa%Me of Fathioa, profu uly illustrated, apeoially in the fiw'iiu i djpirtment, aud with a variüd tuble uf ooateota S a jear. Address F.ían'ií Leílle, 19 City Hall Square, Now lf.)rk. 2y3r ''le Atlantic fr Pabraary ia on our table with a read iblii list f papers. Amoag thein are. Soreraigua and Sjus, by C. C. Hazewell; Uadur tbs Pear Tree, by Mrs. Etopkinson ; Thu Siego f Cincinnati, by T. B. Read ; The Boston Hymn, by K. W.Ejuergon; ïiie Proolamation, by J. G. Whittier ; The L iw of Oosts, by D. A.. WassM, and aoother Bigelow paper. 3 a yeir. Addresj Messrs Ticknor & Fiklds, B iston, Mass. &3T The Cnnlinmtal MmtMy for February, has, (Jar N"itional Fin.uiuos, bj R. J. Walker; A trip to Antiutam, by Charlea W. Loring; American Deatiny, by John Stahl Patterson ; Nullifi oation and Seeosjion, by R. J. Wilker; ïhe Consequences of the Rebellion, by Hoa. F. P. Stanton ; and other articles of interest. This list will comm.ind atteotion. 83 a year. Addre-s Jons F. Trow, 50 Greene Street, New York.


Old News
Michigan Argus