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Lntw pato MÍcÜÍGAiV CENTRAL lUILItOAD, Pagsenger traína now leavf Detroit and tlie severa átatioUH iu tliihCutinty .as followy : GOINO VVKST. Leave. Mail. N'. '. Ex. .Ineli.Ac. Night Kx Detroit. ".20 A. M. 10 A. M. ñ,15p. M9.30 P. M. Vpsilunti, 9 00 " H.25 " C.'-U " 1 '.ÍO ' Aim Arbor, 9 Ü0 " H.I5 " 7 0') " 1110 " Oexter, 9.nO " 12.10 P M "35 " l'.3S ' Chelspa, U.IO " 12 :.O " 8.00 " 1155 " Ar. Chicago, 10-31) " 1J.05 A. a The mail train goea only to Michigan City. tí O I H ti KAST. Leavo. KihtEx. Jack. Ac. N. Y. Ex. Mail. Chicago, 6 4j P. SI. O.GOi. M 6.C5 A Jí. 5.-0 P M. üexter,' SO " 6 4 " Ann Arbnr, 5.05 a m. 7 25 " íl 45 P. M. f 15 '■ Ypnllnnll, 5.25 " "■SO ' 4A5 " fi .40 " Ar. Detroit, 6.48 " 9.2o " 5 lï " 8.09 " The nwiltraln starts from Michicap City. Trainí no nut stop at stations whcre figures are orultted in tlic table. The Great French Remedy ! MADAil BOIVIN'á CELBBJUTED SILVER-COATED FKMAI.K I'ILLS. The only cortain an 1 Safe Itcinüdy fnr all Uterino ObstrüctloDB, Monthly DilïïeuUies, Irregularilies, and all Mie uther disease.s t which the Woinan, Wiít and Mothwr is pcculi.uly Hable. Tbtíde Pilla cootaia no deleterious ingredü-nts, bufare safe and certain iu their icti n. Thej wi 1 bo fouud ti i'xert tbe bapptMt effect 'n all cases of Prolnpsus Utvri, ín Lucorrhea, or the Whites ; ibey wiU bo found tfae eiiaiestanl most ct-rtain Curetliat can be iound. It is dd Acoount of thÍH eertrintj they should uot bo talen by Pregnant Femaloa {during tke firtt three montht as miñcarriage is certain,) to be brouyht uu, but at othei" perloán tbt'ir qm is pwrfectly saíe, N'. b. - Ono Dallar anclofted to any autVorized Ageüt, will easuce packagü of Pilla by return of mail. C. CIÍOíBY, General Agwit, FurtEiift, C. V.,B.ifTalo,N. Y. Cautios.- Beware of Ciunteifeits, the ;enuine have the Igualare of CROSBY, n the outside wrapper. Far sale by all respectable D raquis ta. lyeowS87 33 TOHACCÜ - You cfin buy ihe bt-st gradea of FINR CHEW1NG TOBACCO nL fr.'in 50 cenia to One Dollar SMOKING from fuurteen to twcnty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO A'D C!GAH STORE Sign- Red InUan. South side Hurón street, n few doors from Cook's Hotel. M DEVAKT. Ann Arbor, Deo. 11, 1862. 8S3tf GOOD TREE IS KN0WN BY tío is a jfooil í'li v-i jian by his Kuccesstnl Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYOKS, TÍIEGIiEAT AND CELRBRaTED l'll YHIA.N LF THE T1IUOAT, l.üNOá AXD CHEsT, Known all over the countr; as the Colebrated INDIA N IIERB DOCTOR! Froin íouth America , will be at liis rooinfl, RUsSKLL HOUSE, DETROIT, OnthelSth and 19ih inst..on the same date of and erery üubseiuent month duriLg 8 and 1863, A NRAT PAMPHLET Of the life, study and extenslve travels of Dr. Lyons ' an b procured b}r all vvho desire (ne, free of churre. Dr. h will visit Ann Arbor, Jackcion, aud Adrián, Mtch., is Collovs : Ann Arbf)r, Monitor ííoup COth. Jiickson. Hibbard House, 21st Adrián, Urapkett H ufe, SM and L31. Modk OF ExamjsaTIon. - Tfa Doctor iliscerns (lineases bytket-yes. He, tfecrefore. abks no quttoas nor re q ires pHttients t PXplain symptom-. AfTlieH'd, come íin:l )i iva vmr &y mptunirí itn.l ilie lo cu t ion of your disenne explüin-d Iroe of cuarge. IMPORTAN! tojúbaUí) THE HEALTH AND LÏFE 0FW0MAN Iscontinniillv in peril i f slio i m:id enouh to ueglecl or maltreat tbow sexual inegularitiet to wbicli twothlpda o f hor kx are more or It-ss subject. DR. CHEESEMÁXS PIU,, prepare-l from Ib e mine f'onmila which the inventor. ''ORVELIUS L. CHí-JfSEMijf, M. I.,of fork, has for twenty years ued xiiccessful'y nan extended private practico- imme.liately leliiuc without puin, all distiirbanct'S of tlie periódica! 'lischarjr. whether ariRwag from iol;ixatinn nr suppreHHion. They ;ict like i charra inremovinp the pfllÚH tlmt ftcecmpaoy lilTicult orimmoderaté ma8trufttioa, and are the only safeand roliatd remedy for Klulies, Pick Ilca-liichc, l'aiij-; in the 1,-iin, lïack and Sidea, P.i!pit:itin of thfl Keart Nerveus Tremors, Ilysterics, fpftiuas, Broken slep aml otner anpleasant and danorórnufl efTocts of an unnatunit ctniliri'm nf the sexual functions In the worst cases of Fluor Jtbus or YVhiles, they "ITect a speedy e ure To WIVKS and JVTATIlOlSrS. D;í.CHKPKMaN's l'ii.rsarer.ffe-ed as tbe only safe novaos of resewioginterrupte meii.struat.on, but. iiAJn'Rü MUST DEA II IX MID Tkcre is oncf-ovdinmi of tkefemttle tyttem in which tkt Pili na a vut be 'alcen w'rhonl prodneng n PECULIAR RESVLT. Thëcovdittoitreferredto i PREGNANCY- tkt rtult, MISCAHltlAUE. Snck i the irresistible teudeney of the mediciné 'o reitorë the. aer val fim nOonn tn a normal cowlilio'i, tint even tke Teproductive power of nature caiiTint rea'mt. i'. direct.ions stativg wke?it and whm they should nat be uae.d, with e icli lïox, - the Price Oue Dollar each fínx, r.untaining 00 PiUê. A viiluable l'a upblet. tf be liad free of the Agents. Pilla xmthij mail prompt lyt by enoloslmg pnce to any Agent. ÖoW by Pruggiwin euernl y. R. ü. liL'TCtllVOP. Proprletor. 20 Cedar-St , New York. Kor Palé bv MAVXAHD RTfiBISINe & WII.SOX , and 'RKXVII.I-V: ft lUIJJ'.R. A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. MJPONeO'.S GOLDEN riLLSFOR FEMALES. Intallible in correct Ing, reguhiting .and renwving all ob structions, ir'in whatever c;iuse. and ahviys .succe.ssful aa a preventivo The combination o' Í$gdtnta in Dr. Puponco's Golden PíHb forFemaiea are pérfet1y harínU m, They have been used nlhe private practico of Dr. Pupnnco over GO yíiTs, ílikÍ tbouutada of ladfea can teetify to their great and never failing success in altnont evtry case in correct ing irrculuritres, relU-vioa; lainful and cll&treSfling mertstruation, partïeularly ;it the ciiange of Ufe. Krom íiv to ten pilla ffill cure that commnn yet ïreailful complaint, tlie Whitea Kearly every female in tiie land suffers fr in t!n.-i complaitit, The above Pili has permanently caaél Üiousani8,aml they wiU cure } ou if you use them. Thcy can not hann you; oq the cnnirary. tliey remove all ohatroattoMn ro store nature to its proper chiinirt-] , am] Eürigorae the I hole syatem. Líidles whose ln-altli will m.t permit an íncrease of faniüy, Will íin'l these pilla a successíul prevenlive lidies pecuharly situatpdt or ího&g sup[ ) r s i 1 1 lt tlicmsplves fO, shoui 1 not u.-e these l'ills during the first three montbs-, nn thoy are certaiu to produce misearriagf., ílafter v.hich admon ilion" tho pro. asuraes no responsibílity, altl.ougli their mildne will prevent an injury t bexltD. The ingrodiecta comp'osing the above Pilis ure tnade ItñoWQ to evrry Agent, and they will tell yon they ave safo and will perO-rm all claimed for tbem. Pnce $1 per box oíd Ín AXN AHCOIt, by W. A. IICNT, M-u-ist. ba ' LadiPH livinff at i distan;? tty Mi-nding them SI ,00 through the AnVArbor Pnstoffice, can liave thg Pilla sent (cunü'lentially) h'J mail, tu any pari of the country Cree of postage. N. - Beware, of a base CQurtlvfeit of thmp, Pilis. Von can buy tho cotioterU-rt-article at n'iy prici'from 25 to 7n' cents ti box (dear at t'iat). LAniKs -your lives and health are of too wicb valué t.n he triíird wiib, beidea be ing imposjsd apou with a worthlesn ai-t ele. 'fherefore any one efferinyou these Pillsfur lej (lian il a box' avoid tbem as yon w-ould pollón. They hre bogus Nono arefíftijuiiie aniega theníwne of s. t. fJÓfe a on evry box whicli bas reeently beeu adjcd.on account of the Pillo bein eouterfeijud. Ho!d algo, bv KI.VNK 5MITH, VpKitoÜ. BLIá k BEEBEJacfion, Rndby ono (Impt 'st in wcry víIIhcc and city in tho United States, audby KARKANl,tíUELlEy & CO. General State jlgootí, r-'-troii. g. D UOWE, tíoiürroprletftr. ' L 2STEW BOOT $c SHOE M. B. COLE, to Moore & Loumis ) has opened a Btore d C' FJIANKLIN BUILDINGS, Mñin itrmi, A nu Arbor, and bas on Land ft large asflortmcnt of BOOTS, SH0E3 & RUBBERS, manufactureil iïom the best materml an.l warranted to fjive BatiflfactioB, coomating i MLN'3 KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, DOUBLÉ SOLED MEN-S BUI FALO OVÈRSEOES, of a.11 descuptions. LADIBS GAITERS, Morocco Bootees, Raimarais, Feil Ovcrshoc, and Rubbers. Also, Boy's Kip, Calf & Tliuk Boots, toyethet willi n nirfety of CIIILDREN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I int also SlnunAtclurlng WARRANTED BOOTS & BH0E8. Men's Fine Frcurh Caif Hoofs Fegged and seweil. Oive me i cali befare purclia.sin elstwbere, I will scll my uoods cheap For culi. KEPAIUING NEATLY'DONE AND ON SHORT KOTICE. N. B. COLE. nn Arhnr. .Inn. lSth,1868. 8STtf WONDERFÜL LsUCCEbS. The iittenünn and research of the moet d'stingaialied C'liemisla 10 d IMiysiciutia (br yenra li.tve bwn devotsd to the produillon ui a remedy for th:se motdltrtasing maladies NxOKAiouand KhíoHíTsm. Aller huif; KtuT mi in.iuv exieimeiito, a sprc-ijic rrrparaOon lias been diacuvered. IVJIM'N'Í Neuralgia KiiiL'.an Interna', Ilemidy, s curing thousawls of Cases where all otbcr remedio have uttgrlv failed. Wïre assuieil lliut it is 1111 mere " ANOUYNB," relieviug fur tlit mcmci.t wbile th cauiM lemiim, but 1 a pcrfeci -l'k( 11 JCntid CUSE for tliu-p painful The v:ist number o) Lumnents. mbrooaiii a 1 nl 3 slem.l Medie ñus wh'cli act a Btimulan 1 uf tbe urlace 1 n y, are ïnerely temporal In their iït'cta anl cf duubtlul virtue. ïhe SküBALljIA KINO tlie s-iui ix "f all troubtf, auü clfectually banishes ihe (linease frora tlte ?y.-tcm. Price- liu Doüar ier Bottle. Pnprd by C. R. WALKER, 1}887 Dúdalo, N Y , an,l Kort Kiiu, C. V. goldTcaísada moxey, mlver -ANDDEMAND TREASUR.Y NOTES, Boiighl at llie highost, by MILLBR, DAVIS AND ■WEBSTER, BAKKERSANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Aun írbor, Dec. Sist, 1832. 5v885 All Losses prompíly adjusted MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO,, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capita], $200,000. r„tal Asets, Jan. lsi , 18f 2. ?S7,887 05 LiaMUties, .... 1 .804.10 MARK IIÜWAKD, President. E. Tuos. Lobdeix, Pecy. The unrtersignprt has bot'n aipcinted Agent for the aoove reliable Compa'ly, and will eBect insuranct' lo.iües by firii at reasonableratcs. I, W. KN'IGHT. Ann Arbcr,June2, 1362. 865tl J. ATT". KNIGHT, Agent for the Phcenix Insurance Company 0F HARTFORD CT., AND THE CONWAY INS., COMPANY ÜF BOSTON' MASS. LniiH"s Honirably a'ijusted and prcmptly paiJ at tliio Agi ncy. Oilice Corner Mu:n and Huren Slreet, over the Sluit; ui IÍACII .t I'lKBSU.V, Allll Albür. Ann Arbor, Pept .11, 1PC2. A FEW THIKGS I want to dispose of : A Yoke of Oxcn. A Span (if lloraos. Harurs9 and Wagon A goud youDg Horse A good Mare tor. woik or breeding. A pair two year old Colts. A ncw Lumber Wngon. A good l.uniber Wnsnn, srcoml hand. An nssoit inent ot' old wagons. A few CITY LOTS. A few improved Farms. Anyandali tlm ft bare propurly, for sale rery cliep lor Cash or on time WILLIAM S. 1IAVNARD. New Yi-ars. 18CÏ 8f6w4 Tcba cco 1 Tobacco ! I AM SKI.l.'.Nli GOOD FINE CUTCUEWING T0BACCO At f ram Fifly cents to 1 per pound SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 1 cents lo 20 cents per pound at rttail. M. DEVANY. Ann árliur, llich., Db .17. 1SK2. 883tf -A-ttention Company ! fjïlK firm of Moore ft Loopiïa, jirc now eloaing mt. 1 their ini-incss in t In city. and 11 llioae Indtbted to the (rin, eittier by note or book aocount, are rOpectfuily inviiüil to cali and setUtt the innmvii nfly nnd save enst. r After liie lOtli , nst.. ilu1 books and accounts of Ba!d DVm will be l'lt wifh Mr. N. B. Tole, oae loor Dorth of Messrs. Seholi d. MiUer'n Boolutore, tfranklio Biock, wlio in ftüly auiborized to : nt'ttle the samo. iMÜÜIÍK k LOOMI. Aan Arbor, Jan. 7tb, 18"3. tSfitf Vlieren0 my wlfe Barbarn Tïlmn hñn Ivïï niy liol nn'l boanl, vvitliout any )rnvcfttiin innn patt, J ',rhv ' caution kII person no' In trust hei on „. ncooonl is I ihall py no Osbta oatraoted ;lOr stter y,ta ,,,lv; JOHN BLÜM. Ann Arbor, Dec 1 5, 1S(2. 7SS3 j. uctioneers 'NoUce. BYFïON (RKKN, hnviuï applied for tícense, aow Ii"). is lifmnelf iji rertdineSf tn fittend to all calis li;i íjü; !,;.'! 1 1 jikm', lit-is poKftlve h CRU 'ive groil Hfttlsracttnn. All orKb prompt 1,v atteuded OhaigeB ' ïoasnaiible. Apply ut the Fmukhu Hojoso BYROV OREEN nn Arbor, Cct. 2t, 1802. eVötf DWEUaXO FOK. SAJvE I TF TOU wish to boy n good two-ator? bplck flwe]llop, 1 ennvrnifnt fco the bafinti rnrt of tlie ('ity, with and yards wellstockci with choice Frnitofall kinds, pplcR. Péaw, Peachea Plu nis, Rnfiberrieo, Ürpameotl tron, yiiruljber , So. ,&c,,ÍTiqnire at t Wov, 14.1S6ÍAfiüüÖ OFFICE. FOIt 5ALE I nrtWO of tb nsot desfrahíe vuillinïlo(fl ín tb City of i Ano Arboy , o.ontaininp caeh onft ncre nd aqimiti-r of ST-Miiid. Thsyfcré Alfca&tdn9ate Strtt,iiear t"h Sfuih wpRt corner of t!e UinverP'Ty Square V - wrras fto., liwiaïns at the ARGXÍÍ OPFICK THE RE3ELLION ON HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTI1ING, HAS CüMMENCED AT TUE OLO & RELIABLE CLOTHI NG EMPOEIUM ! No.8 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. r AM now openinsr a Urgo and varied assortmcnt of 8 ring and Sumwer doods, and in view of the rebell011 i,n higiiprlcen generalij, wiüortl'rÜH-ra tomy frieuna andouatoratrtat the vi-ry'lovveat figures for Cash.- Tbose ín want of u uuijvrioi article ot Clutus, Cusailuerca. ur Heady-Made Clothing, -will culi unWM. WAGIMER, who has just returaed frora the East, with a largo aasortment of SPRING &SUMMER GOODS which have bien purchaaed at the late LOW PEICES! aml can offer th era ut a lower figure thaa ever bofore. Among my Asüorluient may be found BBOADCLOTHS, (JASSLVIERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of all ilcscrlritionn, tngethnr with & superior assortment ui Made Ciullilng, ■,-L ..NTUUXKS, CARl'ET BACS, iBMiï U1IBRELLA9, and HEÖlJeniIcnuüi's Furnisliiüi GOODS, with numeioas othor articles uaually füucd io similfoestabliühmeuts. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, tin' lubonribsr fluttersliimsolf, that his lnng exjiofience and gemral suoeew, will usable him to Uu Kre"t"t satiafactiüu tu all who may trust hiin iu the mi ui OP Manufiicturing Garments to order. WM. WAON'ER. AnnArbor, Aplil 9th 1862. S48tf CITY COOFER SHOF. Tbolwale and Iietail, O C. SPAFFORD WouM respfctfnlTv aunonnce to the citizens ol Afin and vicimty, that he ia uovr irunuractunug and keeps constantly on hend a Large Assortmcitt of Cooper Work! such as Porie and Oider Rarrels, ÏCcgs, Firkins, Churas, Well Backets, &c, Which will he sold cheap for cash. ctjstom -vsroiis: Made to order on short notice. llepairing done with nealncds and ditspatch, I would cali particular attentiou to Mcrcbauts ia want of Bntter Firkins I ara manufitcturing tlie IVtw Yolc Sítate Klrkln, whioh isa better Kirlíin than has evfr befor been of feied fntbid I would inviieall who want Firkin-t to Cali and exaninc for tliemsclves befcre parchaMiDg elsewhre, and I will couvince you that you have c:i led at the right place. 1 woiiU uho cali the attention of Brewors ia want of BK ER KEGS, I nm now prepared to manufacture íuhts, Quarters and half Bbls. Ín 1 ugo or smull Iota, and of a Better Quality than can he had in Detroit or ölfiöWhOT. 5 "All work warranted to give entire satis 'action Thankiul for p st fa vors :ind by n strict attention to bu-iititsH, I hope to merif a continuad liberal supply of the nublic patrooajge, ut forget to cali at tho City Cooper Shop. O. C. SPAFFORD. DitroitSt. inn Arbor, Mich. 8881 aHE ROOÏS ANDTHK LEAVES -L WIIX bc fur the Healh g of the N'ations. Bible. i=i-c.f. n. ar. xiyotjs, THE GKEAT AXD CELRURAÏEt) l'HVüN-'l IN üf the THKOAT.LÜNGS, HE ART, UV4.R AXü THE ULUOD, Knowu alluvcr the country as the (KI KTÜÍATKD IKTI3IA.asr EIEKB DOOTOB 1 Of ISli Supeiior Street, Cleveland, ühio. W.II vi.sit tho fullowjiig plact', vis Al'l'OIS'TMUXT.FÜU 1S1Í2, lSoöand 1S64. Plof 11. J. Lyou can be consultad at thü foïlowiDg; places every moi.tli. vizj lJetroit, Kus -el ilouse, each mo-itli, lSlh :uiil 19 Ih. Auu Arbur. Houitor Haase, eaoh inonlh, 2Gh. .Jack.sun, li.bbajü House, tacli month, 21. Adrián, lirjici.ot House, eacb nmnih VdmidSSd. Toledo, uhio, folliuá ílouae, each mouth 24th, 25th, and 33th. HHludale, Micli. , HHtaAale House, each moath, 27th Coldwater, -Uich.. tíuutaern Micbigaa lluuse, ench monüi, 28th. Klkli.ut. Blkhart Houjp, eaoh raontli, L9th. South Deml, lnd , Si. Ju. Uutel, e.icli inunth, 30. J.apnrK-, hui-, Tee tiardeu Hoqb6, mch aoath 3Ist. W'ii, ster, uuiü, Grai)(ltn JEkaliaoee, each muuUi, 7th ■ ManHftbld, Oiiio, Wilcr House, each mLinth, 9th and lOlh. Mt. Veinon, Kenyon Houaü, each moiith, llth anil l-'th. Nwark. Ohio, Holton IIouki', each month löth and Ulh. l'ainesvillc, Ohio, Cowles Houpe, each montii 4th l l.l-Vl.l.ANll, ollln. RtPll EN0E AN i OFFICE, 282 SUPEHJÜK SÏREET. Kast of the public square, opposite Uu1 Poatoffiee. Offloe dttji encli month, lt: 8d, 4 1 h , 5tli, öth, löth, - Oiiice Uours rum 9 A. W . ló 12 M, and Irom 2 I'. M. to 4 1'. M. OnSunday t'.-oni 0 to 10 A . M.tand 1 to 2 P. 31. 4ST Maxima strictJj arihered io I civy sucli balmas have no strife, Wii li oature or the jt8 of lifo, Witii bloodmy hands I nevir stain; Nor poisun men tóense theirpuio. Seis a phy.ñricni indeed, icho Cares. Tbe In lian Hut, Uootor, R. J. LVoKö, cureg the fol luw i i;omp;amtá in the most ubstiimtt; stages ol' their exisn net , vlz; UiaeuseR of the Throat, Lunts, Ileuvt, Livor, Storaach, Dropsy in the Otu'.st, Rttouni&tisiB , neuralgia , Pita, or Fallióte gwkue8fi,á&d all othr üervuaderdiigemenCs. Also all ilisciisc-. cl t!u:.bloid , sucll a.s tfcrulula, l-.rv.stp'las, i'jinjt-Ts, Ftver aoreB, (eprusy, aaü all other compllcated chnmic coioplaiftta il t'onns of témalo Uiilicultiea atH-ndcG to wit ', happíeí-t resulta. ' IIW it is Uoped tlit no ■ onc 111 Ip.-pair 'of a eure unti, th.vh.-m.i5.veni h; in.lian I erb "-)CLür.B üecin,-, a faii andfiiiilitiil ttial. tSrinff the Doctor1 ti-iv Imud, he „„„ been lll(J ISIU , , han.l. loreat-M-e to health Knd vigor th'ousands who wLrtgivenupRn.lpronouttoediiiourabUi by ,he must eminent oldsohuol .liyiciau; i.a.v, a.rr, lliu.-ands wiiu weren;, tlle v,,rgt, „f the gmif. are nov livinir '"":.. im"iils ti the Indiin llerb's Bpotor's skill nn.l 1 fjuccessTi] 1 Ireatmenl .and are daüv exclanniric: "B'easi-d bi Ih-.flay whin liil e faw uud rtuok of tha ludían Herti Uoetor's medicine." '"atisfaclory referpncesol' curen will bo glatlly and checiiitllv gtveti vthenever reqatrod. Tlie Oootor ))U'd (es hiri woi'd añil honor, that lio wil! ü no v. is', iü ivi'l ïy ir indirect l.v, induce or cause any nvalid tu take his medicine without thestrungest prubability of a cure. Mode of examinatiun, whieh is entirely different iiuoi tlie f;iculi y. Jii-, I,iin prufeRsea tu diwcern dif..-aiies by the eye. He therefore usks QoqaatiOD8, Dor doesho patientst" expliiin ïnjptms. t'all oue and .11, nul liave lliesyniptuiuH and loeattoB of your di.e.'ie nxjilained tree of charge F'l'lie pnori}]Hll !♦■ liberaHy consiöeicd. Shi'oatoUloe a4dren, box 'Ji fiü. n. j. i.ïoxs, m r. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25. !862. lyfHO Transes ! RUrrüïiK CAN BE CÍJRED BY A TRUI of tho right kind, if properly Bited and duly attended to. TUIa has b-en abunüaatl; demoDfftrh.t6d in innnmera ble m.stuüQef, liy the uso of HlultlU'(lnl Ti'ush f Dt. Rlgm, dunne tlie m% few ye:ir This Ti-ub boinL c ivei eil with Ifird Kubber, is perfeóiiy Waiw Iri'of, mny be Oiid Id bathing, aöd ijl always c'len.'ily Ba ■vr',I .is luieitruCÜUle by ordiüary usage, if uot hatisfftctory aftAr a fatr trial of Mtv rl:ivf, it m-i11 btt r - turned It ch.iüengts coiupariscu' with &dv tra lüjown. Dr. KOOS' UÍB, ia. 5 BARC!. .Y rfrf"i. .-. Yurk. ,.,„' Li RÍSDON & HEJN DERSOJN 3B XJ O ] DES ■3E' 3E3 CRAIN DRILL, filld Orass Seed Scwer, Slanufactured ál Bpnngfield, Oliio. TplIE YEUY LVTEST IMPROVF.MFNT aud better tban i. all otlur; nilaloi) to íuwlug Wlioiit, Ke, Uata, Barley andGraáj SwkL. lft. It has a Rotary Feeder, 2d. Will sow all kinds of Graln and Grasa Seed. 3d. liever buncJies the Gram 4. Never hrealis Uta Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Secd broadoasi lehindthe Drill. Qth. Has 7iigh wheeh and long Hoes. 7h. J'Za? long and wide steel jpoinis. 8t7i. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9ih. It has dovhU and ingle rank drills. lOth. It has a i-elf adjustiag s7mt off klidti. It is neatly and substantially made. Thero is hau'Jly a Drill ufltjrcd la tbc rnarkt-t bat can bo&st vi inonj or lea v FJIIST PREMIUMS? Tlwy Rre ftboutas indiEcriminntoly bestowed aa the tillo of ' Professor ," which i ao me limen npplieil lo the 'fiddlcr " or " bootblack," TLey cease to convey the idea DÍ'merit. The Üuckeye Drill has been on Exhibition at quite a number of State and County Fatri, -íqü seeking favor at the hands of any CütnmitLiE, hu,s rsceirtid it full share of Pitmíuins. TESTIMONÍALE : VTe gíve the followmg pames of a few Farmír iú tb's viciaity wao have bouht and used the Buckeyelrill : Gudfrey MiUer, Kclo. Jacob PolbeiauB " Jacob Trem per, " Thomas White, Nortbüeld, John Hruka'.v, " Chiistiun Kapp, " Edward Bown, Webster. Jamen í'readwell, Aun Arbor, Daniel U'Iiara, " w Joiin O. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Harabiiíl, l h. Ldmon b. Saline. tieurge Cropaey, ÜreenOdk, liv.Co. We arealso Agenta for th Ohio Heaper Sl Mcver, acknowledged te be thevery bost in use. We are just iu receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Wliicli we will sell clieap. Algo a large assortinent o G-rass And the Uirgest and best sclected stock uf BEjSTT STUFF FOR CARUIAGESever before offert io tUs market. We nisu keep a large and full NAIL3, GLA8S, PÜÏTY, PINT, and LINSEED OIL. A complete aaaorünent of STOVES, TINWAEE, AND EAVE TR0üGH3always on banu and put up atth ahortet nutice. RISDON & HENDERON Ann Arbor, June 211.186!. Q:n'e CU. BXiISS WouM tako this mctliud of snforiuiag liis oíd friends and patroas mul all others who maj favor hiña with tlit'ir patronage, ttat hy has greatly eulargeü hia Stock a tul Assortmeut ! aiiu liaviag íidopted tho CASI! SYSTEM BOTH IN BCYING & SELLING i prepared lo nell Gooda at H-íaíJOnn ble 3FI-ÍoeiSl, H' Elu(:k cunslslsm patt ol tbe íullowing: -). AMERICAN AKD OTUEK ir. 'Watches! ' SETHTHOMAS ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CriAINS, TA13LE AND POCKET OUTLERY ! Pazors} Phears, Pcissors an'i RruhoH, HOUKRS PLATEO WARE, the best in maiiot, Gold Pens, Steel Tgvz, Pencils, 1'iPER and EWEI.Ol'ES, Iusical Instruments, Siringx f BooJcs fot nstntmcnts, SPECTá Tfí'& , of Quid, SUvr.r, Stee, au,! Piated, wiih PERISCOPIO GLASS, u ujjrior üi'ticlO. PerHona having dtfflcult watohea to fit with glassrs can bo accomouatod, ua nor stock ii lurgo aiitt cotnplotc, P. S. Particular ttteaiion to the of all tdnda of lino WMobes, suob ;ls Makino' and Setting new Jewuls, Piuitin Scsjft ayff C:i!(hi-x. Aho CLOCKS, Sc TI3AWL3LJï'r nPAtly rrpèlred :mi wavantcd, at hls old Stand eist Blde of Main Street. 0, BLISS. Anu lrbor,Kov. T5, SSi'13 B20tl jgr FAIRBANXS' JBTi Stanaid Pnmm, lp. Fairfj:nks, Greenleaf & Co.3 K2 LkêStrt, Cblca-'o. PAIN CURED! RfVDWAY'S READY RELIE!4 U th nio t Important medicinal oanISn-for the i i medíate relief ot LaesuBn-er- of all varletles ol'l'.UVS, IC.IEdand IXHKMÏIIES, iind tilo p-oinjit Ciro t f th lok vh"ro l'AIN', citlioi' intoru;il tir, ïa a wra cüujiaut of iho dise.ic. tliut has over been dl.scoveied. IN A FEW MIXÜTES Aftor Iho appüraiton of the RKADY RI-I.IEF external iv iir Itdadmlnlatratloii hit Tualiy, th1 ] j.-itie.ii - selsed wilh the must rruclnting 1VIN-S A( MUS. i.lUMrs, iHEÜMATISM NEURALGIA. GOl'T, I.U.MBACO, KKVFJÍ NI) AGÜE, SHASM-, SORK iHfUlAT. 1NTUJF.NZ K, )IPrHERIA,Cl)OI0STION of INl'XAMMATION, wül eaoy and lomfoi't. RADWAY'S REA.DY RT?LIEP miS pnfer ti arimiiil-ter, Oni wil stop pain quickef, !C tli ui all prepaiviti ur 11,lnm, Horpbl e V.-niHfj tr ü ■, Ifyu.-jciit'nu.-j, ArBicafcVairiau, Chlurofand J) ur Ether, irader whtevsr namj dMIngumtioil ; nhtir Liniment.,l'ain Killers i r Sm,hinj Lili 'V.i,lih;h noi-i'ly nuprnis the faling of inn by beniHttbing tüo roeptlre f .oultlmi and kiiling Ce nw. ïh tkohu i iiniui-turaCli iror.irm,),iiuni, .vc . lo render Ins n Hilo he ïierv.'s of percepllnn- RAUWAY'iJ RKADY UEIJEF tnp lbo moít 'Sunu:i.itiiit pain, a ni uoiuires ih p it.ont Hjofollposae.'Winuorhlii'BDioa. Tlil-hthonn yromely i gt-iteiul uae that WiU stop pain, so qiick, thit U fed '(■■m Opium, Morpb-ne, or suuij otlicr UuUred drug, mrtful t ) the geuerul healli. Cuard agaimt BicllMrtS O;i Iho il.-i ladldmi of niifi ur uueailneaa, il1 in th fTOMAi Ii er UnWi-L-t, ako a teoiipiHinlul of tho KKAIiV ItKLIEF la a wmo lülais of witt-r. If in tho I.IMR', JiiINT.S, IKili, fUKOAT, CHÍXT. HA K, o1 oiiiv purU of "i 6Wj, iiiply tlio K, LIEK hxtukxlia-- in a few minai's a4 pain arul düamfort wilt c a-e. 'l'his slrapln applicatlan iny tiroali up a. lormidihl ■ ase. It il inucu uier tü prevuut tban t uui ú it. WEALTH FOR THE POOP.. M:ai.I'II U tho wnrktag man'a oapital Tho poor iimn ciin III illoru u beur iho burdcns if 31 kDtonapaydoot ir'abllK O -i' TWESrT FIV'K CENT BOlTLKOFRAIiWAY'SRKAnY ItKUEK win , 11 kii:i; , t; iro iiim uniek, an l e:i ilile hitn to nMUino hU lafoofBWÜlvnttloMQt fi"i- uni,if u.söd wllcn pa;n1- firH exrurienced, wlllstup it Immedlately. Koep Ihts Remeily iilwiiysin the house, umi me ttwhen you feul paiu ; you wi.l uut iuoü oue d.iy ia a yoir by siduináA IJIPOHTANT TO FAUMER8 Aud other, re.-iiliug u sparae'y 'ettled tricis, wliora !t cüJBcul t) segure II10 tcviuiMuf 11 phyuioint), KADWAY'á l'.EvDY KEI.H.F H i ivahulilo. H bu u-i;.i with pojitiva38urauo3 of duim guud ia uil -.a- where po.nor ciisco ƒ■( ia cxperieuwcl. 00 teized vMh IN'FL f.NZA, 1 Il'filliltl v, BOBB TrtKOAT, BaII COUUH? HO UbE'E-!i,BIMO(JilJllOUft IN'FLA t{n S OF THi-, WlWli-ï, BTOMACH, l.ü.N'ü-, I.1VKR, KIDNEl'S, or with PMUi POX. SCAUI.ET FKVKtt, MEASLKs'TYPHOIDFKVKR, Bil lOUd FEVER, tf.V R ANDAGUB, or w.'th NEÜRAUilA, HEAD A HF, TIC [XILOREUX TOOTHACHE, EAB ACtlE. or wilh LtJfH YU l' I Ñ- IN THK I! CK 'T RHHJMATFM, nr witli IHARI:H(F., CIIOI.KHA MO-JSU-i or HV -i:TKIIY. or witl. BUaXi SOALIB I! OISES, or wilh ,-T IaIN, CRMIM or áFA,MS nie apnhc-ation of R[WAY9 RKADY KEI.II F Vtfll care jou ui' lbo Würit ur tuoio Coa plaiuU la a i'jw hour.s, fci Li K IJ MAT i S M. ysi H' lii iful i.Uoaso hoa h.iffled thu m'wt skllfu! 'tvfiï phv8-cltü3 au I popular remedies, ltiíihc ma t GïY il lUcuit uf disoaea Ui - yet KAUWAa oAj ÜKADY REUI-F haa never fallo I inmr rd nj(lmnie.iiiit relietto tliestilUin;r ; urid In ai cae.s "f Aoittv, luü iminatin y ur Nervnis jihenmati-iu. to cü.:ct a perniauei tcurn. (In Ctironlc lïh ■umali-ni iln'l lïo it, BïVVAY'S CLEANINÜ ÏYRÜI, oilleil BenmaUng Betoren', sïiould bc ukeu ai au adjunct witU lüu ltLAiiY 11LUEF.) ACUTE CHRONIC SHEUMATISK. fo'lowlDg la wrïtteo by th ■ well knWii c neápa 'leut of iho Ne v Vu k tl ;-a;,l, Lo:idon TIuip.í (F.u :Ia;td;, New Or.eaua l'icay me, Delti, Cuar ciiun fiiercuity, Sc. : WJL SÍDXET VYE3S, ESQ , II,Va., CCBA. BUva.VJ, Cuba, J-tii. :, 168. Metsrs. Rathoa uu Cj. : tíKXELE3Oí - l li tve 1ko;i asuilVrer from Acute Chroiic Rhemnutism í ribo lust tweuty yeira of' wy lif;; ïuy BUtTertngd (luringihat)eriKl, ik ulier t' igua nor p q c-.u expresa. I li.ivc pe;ii a Uit u fïirtuneuü 1' c ar-i1 bil -, wi h Mitdo IviHRanys b taütiut iteinjüt. l;ei:cnily I IicrI ono f ra freqtieut ierio llcal at acl;;. I ai ve y lli for week, and h td BOt Blept an l.our fit utiy o:ie tim ■. A Spanldh Irien.l, tu whpm I ie ;tto t my a tfecttlg, tIl nio lio hud u romoJy vli..-ii wujii.ï givo me iei.i f, a'j't hö kiDftW v cseniüd m s with i b rtt.e f ' I;aDWA 3 RKAi.Y Hl IJEF." AlthpSfrliRkeptiualoi ctorivhtK n:y advantago froni it ui-, 1 ibit, ng t uppliud it f au4y on gotug to bed, ;mcl, t ) my great ain .z 'in ot, feit re lievedtaudfleiitduaudly. Thjuuxtiiiiitlügai.iapp.'ieil tlio HfADY ílEUEFand iiwoko in tlio morniug irtfu iVoiu pain, b iviDg ouiy used ubout ha f tho hoiile. Heartliv do I yni my huinh o ncknowlejgmenta for our InvatuaWe medie ne, wliich imy well bï cal led " ti blesaiiii; t man." TbtmklQgyoifrom my soul, for your wundurf al romedy, 1 Uu vu tuu üuuur tü subscribo my.-uü', Yours, rcdpoctlu ly, V. líi.i:V UTER3L ISTEIJR AI.OT. (EXQ,XJISITE PAI:,) TIC DOLORE0X, TOOTII-ACHE. FACEACHK, SHARPSUDDEN i'AlXS. Persons Bnfferltiff with Nouralfji i esperlcnco the &om of uxcruciatiDg p.un. The p iroxysra .nv:-h.i'h.-iri-!cM,. plungiag, bUibbmg, iüd:cüJ iu tuutjy - liku uu uicutrui Bhoc. fsvj ADWAY'd READY RELIEF a the only reraedy Cl_jX blthsrtokuown, thatwiltuflU i im no ilaterJteJ Cfpiy io iliüe wh'i muffer witb this torturiiwt Com % ''tb plaint. (In oas'S nf ohrotiic Neuralgia, Itia oioa siiigHyrui),aliedKt:XUVATlGHKulJVKNl", will expedita tho cure ) Iu recent attucRs, llio RKAwY Hl LIEF, ttppHed 4'xternally to llio part-! wharu the ? in strikes, and h taaspoonful of KtLIKl?' to a wine g iss of wüier, wlicu tho p&roxysau appaar, wiü eilcotu uuro. HOW EO CÏÏKS A SAS OOÏsD BKTWKEN BtD-TIME AXI SÜN'ülSK. TfseiioiJ with s=ORR THROAT. H , 'mJ Coairh, 'liülouii BreathHig. Hwlaclio, W to.-y üicü-irgoeí frtiu ihd Nuso uil Eyes, Pain ï.i the Uittik umi .Joints, Ac, liatbo llio, Clt-M, Houd uitU JuluU wXa tha liLADY REI4EF, und mkoa HOT READY REIiIBr SLINO, By $,ddtug to half a tumbler Í hoi w.iter, Wet'tonèdl with Rugar, a rtiee; t-r-ípoa ful of RAUW.WS KKADY RKLIEK, and driük tlm oa going to bel. I:i & fffW iptiiuteü you wil! irpfró fjeely, Bljóp soandly, aui vTftüo iu Uiö moruüig uur}J ofyuiy ■■■ (iVom (fte Chrislian Advoca'e.) "Webftn t presont totbe roftíop of tiie -Ativ-caia the f -llownig k'ttar U4reil t t)r. Ritdwryr. l-uliu o afflictotl v.j'U WEaK LUNG-iANHTURRATkKia) Wl i'U CONSUMPTION', i o t'l The writor, Mr. JAMKS .vAíit, l-i vrell k .owu m MicmGAXiu a pulular hotöl-keoper.1 Mkmpmi-, Uaonml) O-, Eicl)., Sopt. 4. 180-2, pn. - far Nir; Ab-mt four yenra si. .00, I was vory much lübciö i willi i ildK öl-l LüNU. My íiiondi iljüiigiit kat i the Gotuuaiption, I w.n tuitinOy uutlt f ■ bu.-iiiesíí, misod blu I, itml ti.i I evo y sympt #tn nf tlie above fatal üUea-o. OncnigbL.uii go:na toliotl.l ihnuiilit - I would take u, and tuok y.Mir Rjsady 1:iíu;;k (n ht water) as a í-tiimilaut tu KWout rao, lt f!i i so. The pofsplra i n vnw ui n sUmy S'iU-ttiuco, and fTyn-ivtj =in-H. I tollnwcil ï.i Ing (bo Krakt Rkli v ovory othw niijht fnr tour weeks, d i iho end "f tii t u w.i -■-■! tMily weU, Tliia is a titü state mont of ticts, whicli I U Wtity to uuilor oatU. Yon ■. -v , Jaü ü.ib, ïiago'a II (tol, ü OÍD JÍJ 1-1, SïiC-U, FEVER AND AGUE. A tftble-ffliwmfm of RA1WA 'S UKAUY Kt.IJKF, iu a tmnilT of water, tikeu evory nmrulng befoi'o lreaki fik-t, wlll prevent att.ti.k-i ot' Kwvör umi igus, ifexptwd to its mal. un. li' selzad wiili thh Oitmplaiot, take tb name doso, and hatho tho Hod, NecK, li.mfs nn-t SjiiiK! ons himr bofru iiio Ctutl-; are ox.K'cieU ; UiU wijl breuk uj auü curo tbo wor t funn.s ui' Aguo. VJvn RAPWAY give i you, for 25 ccuts.a medicino "i vái thu.1 will prove u vlflcucy in a few Ijoucp, and fflpCfl c"'1-' yi"i' f ld tlwea-stu tUatunder tUe "i-rtmury 3 ti eattnL'ut of pliycictatis. woild ia.v ycju up for day-, weeks and montha. í ei ih .t ovtèry bó( Ie fa conaplele w-.eii yon parchase, and purchfísfl Q lïl'Al'Y HELIRF utiless the fac timile sna,turó ot' RADWAV & Ca hou the outáide labe), and ih iiaraoofKAtAVAV b Cl), bluwn du the KUsd nf aach hottlu. TT I-iSOL!) BV DRUGQDns a.Vd STORF-KKKPERS IN" FVPRY VIH.AfiEAND'lUWX I.V ÏUü L NliEI) riTATEÖ . -ND CAN.VDAá. RADWAY & CO., lUidon Liiue, Ni Y, For Bate by STEBHINS& WILSON I kjefs Cathartic PiH


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