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PMNTÏNG OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE A11GÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPaRED TO FILL ALL OUDERS IN THE LINE, OF PHINTING AT TUE MOST EEASONABLE RATES. We have recently purchased a BUaO-LES ROTARY CARD PRESS5 and have ad.led the latst styles of Card Type, which enables us to print INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING OARDS V1S1TINQ CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neatest styles, and as cheap as any other house in the State. We are also prepared to print POSTERS, IIANDBILLS, BLANKS, IJJLL HEADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS &c, mars A.I■xJs BOOK BINDERY is in charge of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RÜLED TO ANY PATTEEN And Manufacturad in best sttlk at New York Prices, Periodicals of all kinds BOÜND IK ANY STYLE. Old Books RerBound. All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Proi. Oflice and Bindery, coi-, Main & Hurón Sts. THE GREAÏ CAUSE OF HUMAN IVSESERY! Jast Vublishxd, in a Sealed Envelope, Prics Six Cents. A LECTURE RY Du. CL'l.VKRWKIX, ON THE CAUSE ANO CUBE of Spermatorrhoüi, CoQsuinptipn, Uental ana Phyelcal Debilitj, tfervousness, Epilepsv.Impaired Nutritionof thejiiody, liassitude, Weakness Jf tlieLimbs and the Hack, Imlisposition and Incapacita tostuily and Labor, DuUoesa Of Apprehensfon, Loss olT cmory, Av errtinn to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Self Distrust, l!.inv-i. lloüdiicliy, ASéctiona of the Ejes, Pimples on the Face, Involuntary Emissions, and Scxuallncapacity, the Cuusciuenceg of Youthful Iadiseretion Siq. .te. Ö5Ï, Th is admirable Lectura clearly provea thatthe abovfl rniüui-rnted, tftcn .sell-alllictcd evila, raay be removed witbuut dangerous surgical operationn, and shuuld beread byovery youth and every man in the tand. Sent unrter %c&, iu a plain envelope, to any addresp, oa the recei[;tof six ceats,or two postage stamps,by icïdi (.'Hsing , rVR. CHAS. J.C. KLIXE, 127aowery,NTew Yurk, Post OiEceBox, 4586 ARfcN'OW UPNlMi, i l.-i.' i V.At-; )[!:■[. [.-IIKIÏS ANl) Manufacturera, a Nèw and Complete stoet of : LAW & MEDICAL JLJOUKS, School Books, Misctllaneous Books, Blank Boois, dan STATIOKTEiaY! Wallaiul Wind-iw P;iper, Dr.iwing and Muilu-maf-icalIiMtruments. llusic, Juvenile Librai-ie.-', Euvblopes, luk.s and fiards. GOLD And all other kinds of Pens and Penen '3 Window Comice, Hhade.s aSid Fisture, POCKET CÜTLERY! Andevarytbiugpertaining to the trade, and moro to wliiclithey wuuld invite the atteutloa Of the couutry. Inconductinour baslnese, wc sballdn all that can be done, so that no reasonable moa, womaB or child shall find any fault. WO poaeess faóUitiefi wliicli will enable us to aupply om-stomers at the Lowest Possible Figures. We propose to sellfor HEADY PAY, ata smalladvance. We expecta profit onour goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Tlio "EkpirblBooh Store," ís coanndd by aqrood 'crew,' ad 1 hoy will always be fouad on the "quarter deck,'1 rea.lyand willing to ntíenU to ;U1 with pleamire, wko wil] favor them with a cali. Hemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES B. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Aïbor, May, 1860. "4g Great Reduction ia the Price of SINGKR & CO.'S Standard Machines . W'ell known to be the Best for Minufacturïag Purposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at $90, reduced to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for merly sold at $100, reduced to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the best Machine in the World for Family Le ing and Light Manufactaring Purposea : (with Hèmvter,) and beautií'ully ornamentad $50. The Nos. ] and 2 Machines are of gveat capacity and appjication for manufacturing purpèaes. Uur No. 3 Machines are especially adaptod to all kinds of lijrht and heavy I.e.'ithcr Vork, in Carriage Triiuming, Boot and Shoe Making, Harness Makiritietc, etc. They are of extra size, and Tiith an arm long enough to take under it and stitch the Largest ize dashea. There is soarcely any part of a Trimmers' Eti telling tliat cannot be better done with them than by hand ; so, too the saving of time ari'l labor is vu-y great. Thetabloof these machines is 24 inches long, and theshuttle will hold six tiniestbe usual quantityfof tliread. Thelarge machine worka as fastas small ones. We would ask for uur Letter A Machines, the special attention of Veet Makers and DressMa&era and all those who want Machines for ligh&manafaetuHngpurposr,s. They embody the pridciplea of the standard machines, making likethem. tneintetlooked sitoh, and are destined to be as celebrated for Fimi v Shwing ard ligkt manufacturing purposes as Jour standard machines are for manufacturing purposea n Kèneral. We have a]ayson hand, hejimink GAUfiKs , silk twbi USBN AND COTTOXTHRKAD, ON SPOOLS, BEST BCAQHfSX OlLÏn bottles, etc, etc. We manufacture our Oïïn NTcedles, and vnM warn all peryons using our machine nóttobuy'a.nyotBfira. We know that there are needles sold óf llii must inferior qualily at higher prices than for the best. The necdlessold b.vus are manufactura! ispeciallv fnr our ma.hines. A bad necdUmay rendir thí bast mackiiu almost useleSÊ. ();ir customers may rost a.-Bued thatal. rmv Hranch Offices are l'urnished wüh the " eonuine actijle " In case oí' small pinchases, the money may be sent in lostage stamps, or bank notes. Correspondent wil] please write thoir names disliucty. lt is all inpoïtant that we shoukl, in each case, now the Post Office, CcMtnty, and State. JE" All persons reqüiring information about Sewing ilachines, their size, prices. working capacities, and tHe est methods of ptírohaain can obtaui it by sonding to s, or any of our Branoh Olllces for a copy of !. M. Singer & Co.'s Gazette, Which is ,i beautiful Plclorial Paper efltirelr dovoted to ae subject- lt wilï besent gratis. ÍS" We have made the above REDUCTION IN PRICEi vith the two-fold view of benefiting the public andourelves. The public liare been swindled by spurious maUnes made in imitation of ours. Tue metal in them, rom the iron casting to the ftrnallest peice, isol poor uality. Their makers have not the means to do their work weil. They are hid avay in secret places, where it ould be mpossible to nare at their command the propir mechanioal appliances. Itisonlyby doing-a great )usiness,an.l having'exUnsiv8manufaeturin eutablishments, that trood machines can be made at m rices. The besi Sesigned macblhes, BAPLY MADE, are Iway8 liable to get out of order, and are sare t o coat ousidoiable trouble and to keep them in rèp&ïre The qualities to "be looked for in a Ñfachiheare : ceraintyof correct action at all rates of speed, simplicity f construction, great durabiüty, andrapidity of opeation, with the least labor. Machines to combine these ssential qualilies, [must be made offfie best metal and fluish. d to perfretion. We have tho way and means, on a grand scale, to do this. Thepurchasersof machines, whoscdaüy bread itmay concern, will flnd tha! those having the abo veq ualities not only work well at rapid as vrell as slow vates cf speed ,but last longer in tho [inest possible work ing order. Our machines, as made by us, will earn more money with less labor oí ours or nut. Infact, they are uhesner than any other machinesas agift. I. M. slNÖER & CO., 458 Broadway New York. O" Detroit Office, 58 Woodward Avenue, (Merrill Black.) Slltf M. H. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. NEW FALL GOODS! BAGH fc PIERSON Have just opened a Stock of WOOL, COTTON& S1LK ipfl .k jjjfct Tf é."'+ Cür O O JL# eË for Ladies' and Gentlemens Wear, also a stock of Best Family Groceries, which vvill be aold CHEAP FOR CASH. Gold, received at 16 per cent. prem. Silver, " " 14 " " ' " Canada, " " 14 " " " Oíd domand Treasury notes, at 10 per cent. prem. BACH & PIERSOIT. Ann Arbor,Sept.2í2, U62.


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