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HORAÜE WATERS, AGENT 3 3 3 lï r o a (I w a y , N ; w Y o r k PuljHiiher ol'Miisic mtcl MuüIi lío o lts AND DBALBIt IS Pianos, Mulodeons, Alexandre Organs Ütcgan Accordeons, Martinne colebnited andother Guitars, Violins Tenor Viols, Violinoellos, Accordeons, Flulinaa, T'lutoB, Pifos, Triangles, Clari rmtte, Foiks, Pipes andHaítóiefa, Yiolin Bows, best Italiaii Strings, Buks Instruments for Bands, Piano Stool s, and covers, and all 'kincis of Musical Instruments, Ei la. o o t TV3C u S i o, Prima all the publislicrs in tfae (I. S., Bertmi'd IJunliirs, ind Modei n School, and a 11 kfada ot' Uwtrnction Books Eor tbe above instrumeotöj Ctmrüb Music Bodt8: Mq ie ■, liouncl; Music paper, and all kintls of Music Miu-ch.iudïse, Att lieLowest F rices. New Pianos, At $175, S2no, S226, 2fiO,fftÉaip to $S00. Secoml Hiiml l';;inii.s iVuin $25 ujj tu 100; N'üw Melodeons, s-10 ' SGO, 75,S1OO, and up to . I H i VIodeons , ÖO lo L80; -Vlex;; l . niueatops, $185 and $225; thïrtocn stops, ÍSO, S'275 and SC00; (iiteru stops, $320 aiid $876; A Liberal diacduut to CleretyiTipn, Churches, Sabbatli Sèhools, Semioariea and Teaáaera. The l'rade eupptiod at the usual trade discounts Testimoniáis of tlïe rïorncc Waters Planos Rïid Mclodeoiiff. Jo'in ITewett, of Cartbftgír, New York, wlio lias had pae of tUc -Hoi'accWaters Píanos, writej as follóos; (ÍA. fx-ieiid of mine wishes me to-ptLrohaB6 a piano í'or her. Bhe liks thi one you sold me in Decrabcr 1886. My piano Is becotning popular in this plucfü, and i thiuk I can introduce op or twomore; the; wül be more popular than any other nu be " uVe have twu of Tjerfl' Pianos in use in ourSeminary, one of which h&9 bei i b i .-.h, tesfced for tfere years. and we can tetiïïy to their good quaüty uiïd durability."- Wood & Gregory, Momt Carroll, UI. "Hj Waters, Esq, - DfiAB Sift: Ilaviug oKed one of your l'iann Fortes for two years past. I have fonud it a very superior Instrument. A r,n_zo Geay, Principal Iirooktyn Heigk's Se.mhxarij. "The Piano I receivud tt&en you continúes to give gatisfaction. 1 regard i t as one of the beBi instrumente in the place." James 1,, Clabke, Charleston Va. "The Melodeon has ijafely arrived. I feel ohliged to you fory ouv liberal discount." Eev. J. i. MiCommk YarqucszülcS. C. "The piano was duly received. Itcame in excellent condition, and in very much ndraired by roy nrlainily. Accept my thanUs for your promptuess." RonEKT Coopkr, Wdrrenham, Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Vour piapo pleas' a us wi 11. tt is the besi one in our coHiity."-THOMas A. T.ATiiAM, CampheUtofi, 6a. uWe are very much oblïged to you for ha ving sent. sach a, fine instrument for $250." - IJi'.axKjIIei.d & Co , Bujfalo Democral. "The Huraco Watera Pianos are known as amoag the Tcry best We aro enabled to speafe of these inslrumeuts with confidence, from pi rsonal linowledge of their excellent tone and durable quality.'- N. Y. Evangelist. lWe-an speak of the raerits of the Horace Waters planosfrom personal knowledgea as boing the very finesi quali'ty ' ''- ChristJan Inietiigencer. 'The Horace Waters pianos are ouiltof the best and moSt ihoroiïgliïy seasoned material. We have do doubl ttiatbuyers can do as wclLperhapB lietter, at tbisthan at any otherhouse in the Union." - Advocate aid Journal. Va.tir.i' pianos and meloddons challenge comparison with the fines! made any whore in the country.'1 - Home Journal "lloraco Waters' Piano Fortes are of full, rich and4 even tone, aud puwerful - N. Y. Musical Rev'ew. "Our friends will find at Mr. Waters' store the very i .riinent of ïfaale and of Pïanog to be found iñ the UniïiA St?.tes,;iid we Urge uur soutflerjo and western Criends to give him a cali whenever they go to New York.'GroAam Meu?azi?ie. Warehouse 333 Broadway? N. Y. Sa b ba t h Sch ooi Bel], lOOOOOIsscetl In ten Months. The unprecedenterl sale of tliisbook has induced the publïsherto add some 30 new tunes mdhymns to it.s present size, without extra charge, except on the clieap edition- Among themauy beautii'ul tunes and hviuu aáde may be found: - "I ought to love my motlier;" "OI'll be a good child, inrïeed I will." Thes"eand oight others from tlie Bell,vere .ungat the Sunday School Anniversary of the M. E. Churcfi at the Ac. ie, wKh great applause. ïho Bell cortains noariy 200 tunes and liymns, and is one of the best coileefaoca ever issued. Prioe lüu; $10 per hundred, postago 4c Elegantly bound, embosRed gilt, 2üc, $'20 per 100 It bas been ntroduced tnto many of the Public Sc1, oís. The e. is pubïUhed in fmall numberB entitled Annivercary and Sunday School MusicBookp, Nos. 1, '2, 3, k 1, in order to accommodate the million ; price if 2 & L3 per bundred No. 5 will soonbe issued- commen cement of ihother book. Also, Revival Music Books, No, 1 & 2, pricf $1 & $2 per 100. postase lc. ifore thaa 300,000 copies of the above books have been isKiied the past iigbteea months, and the demand is rapidly increasing-. Pablishdbj HORACE WATERS, Agent, 333 üroitdway, N. Y. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal, "Kind Words can never die:'' 'The Angels told rae so;" "Wilds of the West:" "Tbougbts of God;" (íGiví) me back my Mount&in Home;" "Day Dreams;" ■'Jiiinúv CookKobin;" "I'm with thee sti!!;"Pet ñames;" "There's no daritng like mine;" "Saisfa .C:ne Lee;';"Ever of thee;'1 tlI'm leavingthee in Sorrow;" "Birdof Beauty;" "Home of ou' birth;" "Grave of Sosabel,'' aud 'Wake, lady, wake,,' price 25c each. ' Instüumextal, - ! 'Palace Garden, or Pinging Bird Polka,' 40c; "Swinging Schottische;" "Mirabel Schottisch;" 'Thomas Baker's Schot tiche;" "Piccolomini Polka, 35 cents eaoh. The abovepieceshavebeautiful Vignettee "Welraer Polka;" "Arabian Wai ery Harch," tlie very last; (Vaanovianna Doniells Ihfazui-ka; "Rea-l; in Polka;" "Crinoline Wa'tz," and "Incers Qua drille,"'25c each. ilïhe Kmpire of Reich's Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Hibeniían Quadrille," 35ceaeh. Many of these nieces are played by Baker's oslebratcd wbest ra with gceat applruüe.,8 Mailed free. A largelot of Foreín M.USÍ0 at half price. piano?, ülelocleoiis d Orgaws The Horace Waters Pianos and Melodeons, for depth, purity of tone and durability, are unaurpassed. Prices "ery low Sdcond Hand Piaooa and Melodeons from $'25 to $150. Music and Musical Instructinns of all kinds, at the lowest prices. HORACK WATERS, Agent, ■ No. 333 Broadwfiy.N. Y. TesüMOJíials; - "The Horacè Waters Pianos are known as among thevery best.' - Evangelist. "We uftn speak of their merits from personal knowledge, ' ' - Ckrisüpn Intelugcncer. "Nrothingat the Fair Jisplayed greater excellence -" - Churc.kman. Waters' Pianos and Meloáeons challenge comparison witli tho üiieat made anywhereia the comitry." - Home JotiTKaL 719tf SCHOFF & MÏLLEK A RESTILI. OXIIAND at tlieirold Stand. No. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete assortmeut of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERïES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, EOLLEES, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIOES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever oifered in this Market ! anti they wouldsuggest tothosc ifi pursuit cfanyihiagin SANTA CL A US' LINE that tliey can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! Itv purohasing frnm this siock, as each purchaser götf m EtidcUtioaal present of Jewulry, &c, Ranging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. USf Tlieytrust that theirloug axperieuee ín selecting ■ i] thismarket and atrict attention to the wants l CustonifiTS, ïiiay entitie Lliem tu a liberal sliure Qj 'atroaage. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 1860 777tf Bemand Treasury Notes For which we pay & &ikm,m ipmsxKSVXB-. M. GUITERMAN & Co , Ann Arboi October 3, 1802, GREAÏ.C-ÏLEATEE GREATEST BAItGA.lKS EVER OFFERED 1859. JIL-1859 Iu tliis City, are uow being offered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & JetTUölry BtoreTHESnbscribor wouldsay to the citizoneol Ann Ar bor, in particular, ond the rest of Wnihtenaw Ountv in genera), thnt hehasju3t ÏMPORTED DlKHfiTLY (rom EUROPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watchcs! All of whit-h hf. hlndshimselfto eell CHEAPÈB tban cun be boupht west of New York City. OponFace Cylirider Watehes I rom S6 to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 Hunting Case do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 26 Gold WateheBfrom 20 to 150 i Lave also trie C E LE BR ATE D AMELGAN WAT CUES, wluch I wil] seil ttr $35. Evcry Vvatch warrantud to ucrform wel], or the moncy -efimded. Clocks, Jewelry, Piatcd War, Fancy Goods Gold Pens, Musical Instruments and Strings, Cntlery, &c, and in fact avariety of nveryhiti: imually kppt yJewelors can be bouglufar ihe ticxt uioety days at yur OWN PRIOES! Persone huying aiiytbinc: at tliis woll known eatab-, listime ut cnn re!y upoti otting g(iod oxact'y as represent'd, orthemuupy rpfui.ded. rallntirly and secure the beat bnisains ever oftVïrc'd in thi? City One word in regard to Repairing : We are prrpared to makc any repairs onfine or common Wfttcbes, even tnmrfkinfioer the entire watch, if necessnry. Rfij)nirin{j: of Clocks and .lewrlry as usual. Also the manufiicturintr oí K1NG!S, BROOCHS or auythinr deaired, frorn Calif.rnin Gold Onsbortno' tice. Engravir-t.' in allits brenohesexeented witimeKU nvss and dispatch. J C WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jan. 2Rtb!859. 7f4w Important Kational Works, Publiahed by 1. APPLEIQN t CO., 346 AND 343 BROADWá,YNEW YORK The works are seo to Sabscribera in any pari of tb'.1 coim! , (upon réceipt vi retail pricè.) bv mail axpress, pi epa mí : THE N'KW AftïF.RIAlV CYCIiOP JEDïA ■ . Populiir Dictionary of General Knowledge. Ëdited bi Geo. Lïipï.ky aml Charles a. Dasa, ttïded by a numerüus rps of writt.Ts i ti aü branchetj of Sciencfts Art and LiteratuÉe. This work 'ü-imt pulili-bcl in about 15 hu-ge octavo volumes, eai b containing TöUtwo-column i ■ Vnis. i., ii., in., iv. v.. vi , vu., vut., .v rx. are nw rejay-, eacb containing near 2;60öoarigin&] arti cles. Au additional itolume will be gublished once in about three monthn. I'ru-f, Li Clotb, $3; Sheep, $3.50; Half Russia, $4.50 ea'cn. Thg mv American Cyclpp i without being superfleial, learned withont beiug pedantic, compre lifts.iivi but Buflficiently detailed, freefrom persoñ&l pique md pait_ ptejudice, fresh and yei u-euraie. It ík a ontrpletB stateiaetil of all tbal is Known upoñ every imtortani topic within the scope of huiiian ntei!ig..nce. Every important article initbias'beeii specïaïïy wrrtteo 'or ita jiaes by meo wlm ;u-e authoiilics upon thëtopio on wfaicn ihey apeak. They ar? re cuired to, bjang tbe nubject ap tn ffae present monieut; to state us1 huw it stands nmo. All the statistical mformation is from thé tatest reports; the gfogvap&ieaJ aecounta keep pace with the Latest explorationsj bisterioal matter inchule the ■- bioferapbieal nwtices sds ak not onlyof thcdead but alkoof the living, l: is s Ubrary of Welf A.1R1DGEMENT OP THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS Being a Political Histoiy of the Uniteil States, frora the organization of the first Federal Congress in 178r' to 1856. Ed Heiland compiled by Hon. Tho Hahï Bü.vTOX.from the OUicial Records of Congress. The work will be eorr.piïteii ia 15 royal octavo volume e of TöO pageseach, 11 of wtiich are lïow ready. An ad. ditional volume will be published once in threomonllis Cloth, 83; lm Sheep, Half Mor., $4: Hall Calf. $4.50 each. A WAY OF PKOCÜBTNTS THE CYCLOPjEDIA ORDEBATKS Form a club of four, and randt the price of four books , and live copies vill be sent at theremitter's expense tor caniage; or for tea subscriber.s, eleven copies will bc .sent at our expense for carriage. To Agnits. No other work will so liberaüy reward the exertions of ygenta. Aa Acuvr waxti:u ix -mis OoL.ry Teruis made known on application to the Publisliers. Ann Arbor, Maren. 1859. 6Ö02aït ■=O Bev. Titos. Ú'kiuht, agent at Kinne & Smiths Book Store, Ypsilanti. 1862. NEW 1802, WINTER GOODS! o MACK & SCHMID are now receiving a Large & Attractive Stock of Htaple anri Fancy Dry Goods, LaDIES'DKESS GOUDS, FTJRS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, &c. in great variety of the most dusirable styles and quaüties. A good assortment of RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &o. Also a dioico stock of gooda for Mens' We ar, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. HC5k.TS .JsTJD CAFS, WiGSity Groceries, . CROCEERY, &c, dm., which wil! all bo eold at the IjOAvest Cash. IPrices. MACK & SCIIMID. Ann Arbor, Nov. 7, 1862. 878tf Rifle F actor y! Beuíler & Traver, [Succeasors lo A. J SutherlandJ Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flashs, Pouihes Game pags, and Evovjotlier artille in Line. All kinds of áoiie at tho uhortest noticc, anti in the best uianner t full asaortment iuways kept on hand and made order. 133 tíliopon BTurori utreet, Ann Arbor, Uct. 8, 1362. 87otf Oval Picture Frames ALLSIZES, STYLES aud QUICES just received and fórjale oheapftt OHOFF & MILLER'3. 18éO.nic.25, ISOtf


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