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THE OLD CORKEU EENEWED! witli KTEV STOOK,, NEW GOODS, &C. FARMERS' 1W CASH STORE (At the old stand of Thompson & Millen.) I am uow openiug a carefully SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRYGOODS CONSISTIDO OF DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, ;UOWN fe BLEACHED 5HEETINGS, OASSIMERES, FL.VNNELS, &c. aud everj tbing that is kept in a Domestio House, also u fiue assortment of BOOTS fc SHOES! AND V A r.KEE O1 IÜNS, A full stook of EOCERTES constandy on hand. "UOIEll'S PIíODUCE Bouglat and Sold. Thankful to old friends and customers foi past favors, I hope to ïuerit a hare of their patronage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. Milhn & Co. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1862. 872rf LOOMÏS & TJEUPP, SucctJásors to Chapín át Loomis.aiidChdpin, Tripp fc Loomis rriIIEabove firm of Loomis & Tripp having purchaeec X the entire interest ol' the formar companies wiK continue the business at thé old stands, where they wil! bo ready, on the übortestnotice, to fill all orders in the line of Castings and Machinery, ín the most workmanlike raanner, and on as libera terms a& any other shop in State. Amoög the vari ous articlesmunufacturod by us, we would enumérate STE A MENG IN ES of all kinds; Mili Gearing and Fixtures, wroughtand cast; allthevariousoastinKsforniakingainl repairing HorsePowers & Thresliiiig Machines auch as are at present, or have formerly bem in use in thla part of the Stte, aa weli as all the various kin. Is .! rastings anti machine work calledfor. b; farmers and meclKinics inthis sectiou of the conn iv. 3t IL. TLmr .ai 9 Df all the va.-ious pattfrns, up in sizesand prices. will be teptconatantly on hand, got the most modern and improved styles. Thankful for formcr patronage to the old arms, we ffould solicit a conlimmiet1 f rom old friends, and a t'rial !y all wisiüng iorauything iii our linenC business LÜUMIS & TRIPP. AnnArbor,May ISth, 1859. 697tf "Próvido for Yo r Family." is:isricis;jBDR,BOCK:Eií. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Western office, Kingsbury Block, Randolph St., Chicago. Assets Jan. lst, 1862, $276,223.44 Policios are issued upon thr Hves of debtors, and ftr all business purposes, eitber for lift or for a term oí' years. on as favorable term.s as by any othtr Company, Married ladies mn insure the Uves of tholr husbands, according to a law of the State, accui ing the amouu. of the insurauce to thennelvfs or ihHr chiMrcn, (Y ce from thé clafms of their husbands' cr editora : alo, married ladies can insure tlieir own Uves for the benefit of their óbiidreo or trusteís. Pnlieies oa Uves are issued for any sum not exeeedine $I0,0('0. Bv the termsof the charter, tliis Company isprohibited p:ii'U ih:m 7 percent, mnually íd diviOends oftit.s capital To stockholders ; and it receives that sum ininteresi for the use of its capital, the surplus being diviik-d among the ilutuaí Tosurers ; henee it will appear that it combines the advnntages of a Mutual with tbe atjcurity of a Stock C'omp;iny. When the premium fiíountn to L40 or oïcr a note my be givea for fourtenths of the amount Rates as low as auy olhergoo'd company. Now is the tune of secure a competeney for youi íamiiy should deatli linr1. your honiestead encuuiboie.l and business in volved KRASÏUSLY.MAN, President. GeO. F. SNIFFBN,S?fy [;. I-. Johnson, Vice President. and Manager of Western Btanch office, Chicago E. B. POND, Ageut. WM. LEWITT.M. D., Medical Examiner. 1862. 1862. NEW FALL GOODS ! Now opening, a spiendid stock of New Goods for tlie Fail Tradeat C. H. MILLBN'S Aim Arbor September 15, 1862 STOtf Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Estáte oí Joseph Kelsey. STATE OF MICHIGAN", County of Wahbtnaw,ss - At ft nettiasi of the Probate Court fojf the Counfy oí' Waahtenaw, hulden at the Probate Oñioe, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Mondar, tlie tweltth day of :■ ■ ■ --i ■■ T'l etght liumlred &Q(S , í'lM.nia.s Ninrle, Judge of Probate. ■ matter oi tlie Estáte of Joseph Keibey, rlecoasud iding and filma tlie pe ti t ion, duly verified, ofi Ja-ioea tó. Kelsey, práyiag admiuistration oti ssid estatv ma be gtjinted tu ifeary Kearrict oír same olhersuiti ble persoD. Tiiereupon it ís Ordered, Tbat Monday, the nintb daof Feoraary next, at ten o'clock ir the forenoon,. Ite asitígníd fnrthe htarfng ofsald petition, amithat tho ! heirs at luw of saíd áeCaBed , an'! a II otlit-r porsous in' texBaïted insaíd estáte are re[iiirtd tu appear at a seBiODofgaid i.,'niirt, tiieti to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aan Arbor iu sai County. and.' show canse, if anj íhtre be, why the prater oif thetelitfoner sboiild pot be ranted . Andit is further 0rdere4) tht said pctitioner give aofice to the persona interested in said estáte, t the pendeney oí' öaid petltïoh, and the hearing thereóf by caueing a copy of thia order u be publislicti in the Michigan Argu.8, a newspaper prin'ted and circulating tn salü ('itunty of Wahteaaw, thxe succc-.3ive weeks previ ou s t- eaid day oí' hearing . (A tiuefcópy.) TIÏOMAS NTTÍDE, . Judgp of Probate. Attáctunent Nolice. NOTICK is herebv givcn that ou the 24ih day of Nu-mber, A D.,eighteen hundredand sixty two, a writ of attachmeut wraa bsmed out o the Circuit Court for the Counfy of Washttenaw, in favor of Tlidm ■ aa Morgan, plainiiíl,againsí tha g-.ods, chattel, laudn,tenements, moneya md effect of Peter Schafer and Wiluain chwitzor defendants, for the suni oi two bu dred and sixty six dollars and fifty-lwo ct-nis which f.aid writ was returnablc on 'i'uesilMv the Feqond day of December, A. D. eighteen hundred and irty-two, and tliat it appears bj therèttiffa of the proper oflicer to said writ tlial inipody h6bei9 Sttbïhi(d llielton , thftt neither of said oould be found. THOMAS MOHUAN, Plaintiff. H; J. Bbjkks, Attoxney ioi PlaintilFDated, Ann Arbor, Decdiiber 24, 1862. Mortgígé Sale DEFAÜLT having been made in the condition of a ceri.Mii iuduDture of mertgage exeeuted bv Jaxaea Mi-CartLiy Margarei cCarthj hifi wïfe of the City of Ann Arbm Cóunty ot Washlenaw and state ot Hicfa igau, td Nt;ls(in Cole of the sume plac b'eariug date the ürstday of May, in yea, r of our'Lord une thoufiand tight lumdiedund fiftji-aix, un-t reeord&d n the Office of thu Register of Deeda n and Cor sa ld Coui ty of-Washtenaw, oirtiiejafth ftsyojE Müy.A.öt.iii Libfr No. 'i-J. of Mortgages oq page öüi', which said indeuturt' of üorlgge vas diily ttftslgtted by the said Nelson Cole to Kdward Ryan , of i'itr.-fleld, in saiti County , by his aaaigument itndtr bis hand and sea?, beu ring date the swtewnh daj t' December, A. D. 186Ü, nud recOrded ia the offiöe of wid Register of Deedfl on the twantyBtKtbday of lccember, A. D. lS(i2, ii Lioer No 30 of Mortgaes on page 153 by which default the puwer of sale cootataed in said mnrigage beca me opeTative and the amotint ctaimed to b due on said inden ■ ture of Mjitgag.e, at the daltsol tliis nutice, bertig iivc hmi'lrodand ioiiy eiplii dollar au thirtyeicli cents andno snit or i ping been iiiMituted at Iawr or m recover thu debí nnv reuiiiinining due and fieeured by said (Dotfgage or nnv part tliereof'; Notice is tin-rel hereby given. Ihat on baturday. the fourihday of Aprii, A.D. ISèS át ten oí' the oïock m the iorenuon ot tbatday-,at tlie souih door uf the Cuurt House, in the rity of Ann Arbor, ín said Countyof Washtwnaw aodStateof Uichigaa, (said Cnurt House beingthe plaoe for holding the Circuit Court fnr sant County) I ühall sell r e&nfe to e soM at public auc tion in foicciosuie of said mortgage to the bid' der, the premisos deseribed thereiü, or somuch tht-renf ajishaü be necessüry to Bat&fy the amouni Atienn said indeature of Mortj tge,with interest iml ;;11 the rea sonable costa, il. aad expeases of all proceedings relative to the íoreciosuii: oí the same ídcIuding rensonable cliargirs foï attorneys' services as pro vided in said ind?nture of njojrtgage; that is tn hay . alE thoii certain tracts or pareéis of land situnied in tlie said city of Ann Arbor, kuuwn, bounded and deseribed as follóme, vi.: Being tott nustbered one (l),two (2r three. (3), and four (4), in block Doaaber two (2) . souihr in range numbfr ten (10) cast, in the áaíd city of Arn Arbor, Couaty of Vasl1ti-naw, aud State of iliehiffan Dated Deeeinbej 31st, IfcG2. KDWARD RYAN, A. Feí.ch, As-signeeof Mortgag. Attoruey for Assignee. 885td I am Beugel for IGÜITERMAÏÜCO'S! Dispute the fact if you can, It takes theTAILOR after all to give appearauce to the outer man. If jou wish to appear well You must accordingly Dresi Well. Go to M. Gu'terman & Co's., There you will ünd tliiugs exautly SO. SONDHEIMü]-'?. ready to take vour rnrèHsure, GÜITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures L0WER than you will find in he State, Take heed - call early, else vou are too LATE. The indücements are now greater than ever, Our Clekks you will find obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING )f OUr OTI] 0KTIIN8 UP, Filling our Store from Botïom to rop. STÜDENTS especiaüy will find t to THElü ADVANTAGK, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to ienlcnish. 1500 OVERC3ATSof Oloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted f'or alinost ever to wt-ar. COATS of Cloth and Cusnimere of oir OWD IMPORTAT1ON, Forwmded through our New York relations. From Engliind, Bulgium, Gerinuny and Friinoe, Snch ís you can stand up ín. wear, át the dance. Pants ! Pantt. ! ! Palito ! ! ! Fanoy C4SSIMERES and DOE. SKIN ot fvery fínide, We sell them íroin ONE DOLLAR up lO EIQIIT. VEPT3, &C, of everjf description,. You wil! tind it so without tiction, Fmnishinor apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS This is all -we say now, Tlierefore we inake our bovsr. Yours truly, ever so, M GÜITKRMAN. & Co., Fruit and Ornamental TREES, .A.T iLO-VT PBICES. rnHK sriiSCKHUClis ure nmv atopared i reoeive or-1 dir-torall kinds of Fruit aml Ornamental Treesy Shrtiliij, l'iants. Flcwi-rs a.nd V nes fif every dvscription and variety. for'the FaM of 18Ü2 and Spring of 1863. WV h;ivi' b targe gfcoctc oow gfrowing, and inteód 1o mak e largtj importations froi time t-tinions the wants of the country ffémántí, we in vi t íhe oeope to make tliL'in-irlvi's jicqvi!iintf{i witb uur fucilities for düiugbuaineee, before párohasiafcelfiewhere. We warrantall varietiffs to be trae to name, ;iml to be viirorous and liealthy specimens, AU cominnnicaiions will be promptly responded to. Our office is in Rogéis' Agricultura I Store, Detroit st., Ann Arbor, Mjch. DcBOTS, CARE & CO, nn Arbor. Juue 24,1862. 858tf Ayer's Agüe Cur.


Old News
Michigan Argus