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COUKTY BIBLE SOCIETY. DEPO3IÏO1Y of and Testamenta at the So ciety priC'S at W. C. Voorheid'. T. D. TOOKER. PREMIUM PIOTOGRAl'HER, Exchange Block, Ann Arbor, Micligan. J 0. WATTS & BRO. DEALERS inClocks, W.itcuos, Jjwelry and Silver Ware No. 2, New Biock, Ana Arljor. C. BLISS. DEALER mClocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware No.i2, New Biock, Anu Arbjr. C. H. MILLE N. DE M.KR in ry Goods, Groceriea, Crockery, te. &c. MaiuStret, Aun Albor. B.CH & PLËRSON. DEALERS in Dry Gnods, Groceries Hardware, Boots & Shoes, &., Main st., AnnArbur. O. COLLIER. MANUFACTOER and dealer in Boots and Shoes, one door uorthof the Post Office. N. B. COLE. DEALER in Bots & Shoes, Rubbsrf!, &e. Frankiin Blook, Mam treet, Ann Arbor. RISDOJ & HENDERdON. DEALERS in Rrdware, Stoves, house furnisliing goods, Tin, &C , &c, New Bluck, Mam at, A. P. MILLS. DEALER in stapli Dry Goods, Oroceries, Boots & Shotisand R..'jlyM:t'lt. Clothmi, H.iron Street. (XC.SPAFFORD. MANUFACTURE.! of all kinds of Coooper MYrk. City Cooper ího). Oastom wurk done on i-hort notice. Detroit Stred:, Ann Aj: tor. A, J. tUTHERLAND, AGENT for the Nrew York Life Iasurauce Company. Oiüee on Hurou sreet Also bas on hand a (stock of the must approve Uewiog inachiuos. 885 tf GEOIÍGE FISCHER. MEAT MABKET- Hiron Street- General dealer in Fresh anil Sak .Ic:ts, Btef, iluttoiL, l'ork, Hairis, Poultry, l.ard, Tallow, Sb., &c. SUHOFF & MILLER, fkgALEBS n.Miscellaneius, School and Blank Books. 1 9ttionepy, Paper Haugings, 4c, Mainst, Franklin Block HIRAM J. BEAKES TTORNEY nn,l Counsellor at La w. ,ml SoiiattoT in il Cliancery. OUico in City II.iU Biuck. over VVebster's liook Store. WM. LEWITT, M. D. pHVSICIAN aiil Surgeon. Ofiice at his reirtence, X aorth of liurou Street, and second house west of División Btreet. M. GrllITERMAN & CO. WHOLES.UE and Retail Delkrs and Manufacturers of Reaily-M.uia Clothing, Imporlers cif Cioths, Casíimeres, Doesktos, &c., No. 5, Pliosnix Block, Main st. WM. WAQÍIBR. TjEALER in Ready Atade Clothing) Cloths, Cassimeres, ) ;mrl Veetángs, Hats, Caps, ïrunlia, Carpeú Baga, &c, fboenix Block, Main streot. SLAWSON & GEER. pROCERS, Provisión and Commission Mercbants, and U Deivjrs in Water Limo, Land Piaster, and Piaster Of Paris, one door east of Cook's Hotel. T. B. PREEMAN. BAT1BKU and Fashionable Hatr Dresser, Main strect, Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Kronts and Curlskept -ühütantly on hand, J. M. SOOÏT. AMI1ROTYPE and Photogrph Artisl , in the rooms oVer Campion'g Clothing store, Pbouiix Block. Perfect saltsfastiongiven. W. WEEKS." SCRT.VOR anl l'ivil Enineer, c-ontinues to givc inimyhate atteution to all orders. Ofiice at his resi dence at the corner of C'atherine and Thayor sts . 869 1 ü. B. PORTER. SURGEON PENTIS'C. Office Corner of Main and Huroo treets, Over Beh & Pierson'e Store. All calla proniilly attended to ApTÍ8S3 . J. R. WEBSTER & CO. DEALERS n Law and Medical Books pehool Books, Blank Books, Miseellaneous Book.-, p.'r;. ink, and every vanety of Stalionery, IJuron st. , City Hall Block. C. B.THÖMPSON. DEALEli in Dry (Joods and GrocoriM, Boots and Shoes, &c. Produce bought aud sokl, at ih(! old stand of Thompson & Mülen, Corner Main and Washington sis. MACK & SOHMip. DEALERS in Foreigo and Domestic Dry Good, Grocenos, H:itf and Capa. Boittt inJ Shoes, Crockery. ftcM Curuer of Main & Ulx-rty ats. ANDREVBELL. DKALKR in (ïroceries, Provisions, ï'Iour, Produces, &c, icc, corner Main and Washington Streets, Aun Arbor. The highest market piicespaid lor country iiojluce. ggg I. O. 0. F. WABHTKNAW Lodge, No. 9, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows meet at their Lode Room very Friday Kveniug, at7) o'cluck S. SoxnnwM, .V. (J. B. Rofll! gecy kingsleYTIhorgan. ATTDRNEVS, Counsellors, Solicitor, and Notaries l'ublic, have Boeka and 1'ImIs showtag tltles , ( all Jands in tlie Couoty, an 1 attend to conveyancing and collecting dumands, and to payrnx taxes and school in terwt in any ,art of the state. Oilice east of the park. D. DkFOREStT" kj HOLESALE and retail dealer in Lamber Latli Tf Sln.i.,'l,.s,SaKh, Doors.Uhnds, Water Lime, Grand KlrtrTtarter; Piaster Paris, and Nails of ansian A f uil and perfect assortulent of tliealjove, and al' otlicr Wnas of building matenala cp'nstantly on hand at the lowest poj,uie rates, on DetroH .1 .. á few rod frora tl,.. Railroad Depot. Also operating extensivelv in the ratcut Cement Rooiing.


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Michigan Argus