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A Few Hints On Going To Church

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It is wen to go to churoh late. By valking boldly up the aisle during prayer, you attraot more atteution, and consejuently more admiration than by going it any other time. There are some pcoile wlio will be anuoyed at this, but tbey are oftbat olass of "old fogies'1 for wbose opinión you will not have the slightesi ■egard, if you are a young mau of spirit. You will, of course, wear your brightest-colored dothes, and a quantity of iasb jowelry. lx tlierc is a largo ckoiï, by all means sing loudly, and try to drown the sounds of the organ. This emulation picases the singers, and centers the attention of tho corigregation upon you. Whisper loudly to your companion, your comments upon the dress and of the ladios, and by all means ehew tobáceo during the whole service. Itwould look well if you should laugh ïeartily at whatever pleases you - for instancc, if a doformed person comes in. A small dog walking up the aisle, will cause you to go iuto convulsions of laugh;er, and mueh sport will bc ocenstoued if you should suceeed in kicking him. Alow no chance to escape you that will ifl'ord you amusement. Make sigus to any acquaintance you may sée on the other sido of the church, and even whisper loudly to him. When the service is concluded and during the bencdietion, commeuce to get your hat and gloves ready for a start, and at the word amen, ae oif - don't lose a second - and take a good position at the foot of the stairway. Jt will bc difficult to get into posiliou very soon, for all tho ladies will stop in the aislo to converso upon faniily matters, &e., which will, of eourse, make it vcry difficult for evcrybody to get out. But persevere, and when you are in position, lot nothing divert your atteution from the scones before you. We forgot to notice the fact that the aisle of the church will be completoly bloekadcd, if it should be cold weather, by the ladies standing by the register. - If this should be the cuso stop over the pews on euch side. These general rules, if constan tly followed, will suggest a great ïuany others of the snmc kind, which neitber time nor place will admit of my uoticing. &3T By thinking too mueh of the other world we becoine utilit to live in this. i


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