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Democratic County Convention

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A Democratie County Gonventiori was held in tho Court House, in tlrs city, Jan. Sist, for the purpcse of e!eotinr delegates to the Stato and District Judicial Con vent on?, and was c.tlled to jordor by A. C. Blodget, cbairman of tho County Conuuittee. Georgc Danforth was eleeted Chairman, pro tem, and E. F. Uhl, Socretary. O.i motion of A. C. Blodget, a comraittee of Cve was ippoii.tud by the clmir, to examine crcdeiitials, and report the tiames of delenrates eutitled to seata iu the Coiivctition. Th comuiitteo reporte] sixty five delegates from fifteen towus and as permanent officers, George Danforth, Pres , and E, F. Uhl, See"y. Report adoptcd. The following delégales wero elected to tho State Convenümi : A. C ULODGKT, E. M. COLE, D. I!. DODUli, N. B. NYE, C. ][ lílCÍI.MÜXD, II. il JI0W1ÏY, PHILIP BLüM, CALEB MOORK, L. II. BBTNÖLDS, IIKNRV WARNER, PETER TUIT, JüIIN W. COWAN. ! And the fyllowing to the Judicial j ■oiition : Benjamin Fullee, Cliauncey Joslin, John lirewer, .J N. Gott, M. J. Spencer, S. G. Sutherland, J. D. Corey, Daniel jeBaronj WUii&m Judd, Elias Haire, l, A. Beal, John C. Depew. Tlie delegatious wero instruotcd to üll ny vuoaucits tliat miglit occur in thcir lumber. Tho follouiug proaisible and resoluions were moved by J. N. Gott, aud unaniii.oijsly aduptod : Whekeas, The Connty of Waslitenaw is the leading County, in her populaUon, in her democratie vote and majority, and in tha anionnt of legal business, aniong the counties compriaing the ith Judicial District and WiiKïtEAs. The County of Washtenavy has nover yet received a Democratie Judicial or Uongressional nominaLiun, since the adoptiou of tli o in 1850, while the County of Jackson lias liad Democratie Judicial and Congtessional candida tee, (most of whom have been elêcted), in the persons of David Johnson, G. T. Gridiey, and Qbö. 15. Cooper ■ therefore, ' Hisnheil, That the Judicial delegation froni this Gauhty ba inatructèd to se all honorable means to secure the noniination of Lyma.v D. Norkis, of Ypsilaèti, lor Circuit Jud"o of this Circuit. Resolved, That a majority of tho delegatfon Uiay, il thay deern it expediant, elect a Uhairman, and direct him to cast the whoíe vote of the ilekvati,,,, ü ,nc, way as to bési j)roiaote j Ihe aboye instructious, Ou mot ion of A. C. Tilodget, it was Remhei, That until another census eacl Townuhip and City in Oiunty CÖhveutions aliall have thpfollowiug representation : Aan Arbor Town,. .3 CiltsficKl, 3 Ann Aibor City, ..13 Saline, ..:,..'"', , Augmla 3 S.ilcm,... ....... 4 Bridgewater 3 Sein ' 5 Daxter, 2 Sharón '" 3 Preedom 8 Superior,.. 4 Lima, 3 Sylvan. .& 4 Lodi, 3 Webster, 3 Lynflon 2 York 4 Manchester 4 Ypsilanü ï.iiïu,. ' 4 Northfield 4 Ypsilaiiti öity 10 By Chauncey Joslin Rcsohtd, Tliat until furtlier ordered, the majonty of the ilelcgatos IVoni fchis couiity, in ál] -oiiveiitioi)s, bj nstructed to cast the 'vote of the delegatióü as a unit. Carried. On tuotion, it. was Remlord, That the proceedinga of this ConTeution be published ia the Michigan Argus and Ypsü.mti Sentimi. The Couveatiou tlien adjourued, sine die. GEO. DaNFORTir, Pres E. F. Uhl, 8te% S'3T The Houa?, on Mönday, by a voto of' 85 to 55 passed thu Stsvens' bill, providing for eulistlng 150 000 negro soidiers. T bey are to bu pid $10 per i mout!), clothiagj and rationa, and are to be officcred iHther by wliites or blacks as tlio President inay appoint. 'l'lie slavea of loyul ciiizjna of the States os einptoil by tho Presidwt's proclamation of Jan. lst, I8O0, are not to bo onlistod, and 110 reortlitmg offioes are to be opened 11 Delaware, Alaryland, Western Va., Kentueky ov Teaaessee without the consent of die Qövernórs of'said Statea. - We have not y( seen the 900,000 ' men spring to anus as the President w;ts promised in advanee of I1Í3 : mation and cond'tüoned 011 it, anfd we shall now see - the Senate pertnttting how many negro suhüitutcs can be raised. - ' Wo predict that not 10,000 negro volunteers wül be raiaed. CW Ex -Govornor E. D. Moüoan ivas eleotetl or. Tuesdhjr by tho Now ' ÜTopfc Legislatnre to sticceed Preston Kisa in the United Stntcs Senate, for ?is ymn iro:n tho 4th of ilr;b nejU, :


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Michigan Argus