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The Judicial Circuits

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A e mtimated in our last issue that tlie Republicana in the Legislatura, fearing that two or Uireo Democratie Judces might be eleuted at the coming April election, were proposing to so re district the Stute as to efl'eetually guard against any such eontingenéy, To aceomplish thiso! ject a bilí has ken iotroduced into the House, distrioting the the dtato as follows : I. Wayne, Monrno. II. Leuawee, Washtennw, Livingston. III. iiillsdale, Jackson. Katou, Ing ham. IV. Oranch, St Joseph, Kalamazoo, Calhoun. V. Uasg, Herriep, Van Uuren, ! gan, Barry. rI Ottawa, Kent. Ionia, Mout ca lm. ! VII. Oakland, Alacomb, öt. Glair, Saiiüac, liaron. VIII. Lupuer, Genesce, Shiawa?see, Clinton. IX Gratiot, Sagmaw, Tiiscola, Bay, Midland, Isabella, Ciare-, Gh,dwin. Rosopinmoa, Ogemaw, leseo, Alcona, I da, Urawf ird, üfsego, Moiitn.orcncy, Alpena, Presque, Islc, Uheboygan. X Muskegon, Newaygc), üceana, Masón, Lake, Osceok, Mam tan, Leelena, Grand Travorae, Kaloaska, Autriin, Emmot, Mecosta. It will bc noticed at tha first glanee that, tliis bill disregards eütirely business interests of ccunties as unavoidably dotined by the aveuues of eommunication and the points of trade, and also the convenieiieu of Judges, and only regards the supposod politica] eomplexioti of iho proposed uireait. We neod only poiut to the couuties made to constituid ike ■2d and 3d Circuits, to ranke the design palpable even to a blind man. Hat furtunately tbère in a constitutional snag in tho way of this nico llttle arrangement, unWs the powers that be shall hold that oor State Cuiistmition ban geme down bufare the cmrsed rebellion with the National Conatitulion, the writ of hubeaa corpus, trial by jury, and other individual righta it guáranteos. Vy artielü VI, section 20 of tho Constitutioo tlio election of Judges must take place on the first Mondar ia April next ; and by article IV, section 20 no public act of' the legislatura can take ut' feot until ninety days froni tho end of the session at which the saine is paraed, unless tico thirds of the members elect to mok llame shall otherwisa direct. The present circuits can not, thercfore be changed in timo to opérate upon ihc coming election unless the amendatory bill is made perfect Iy satisfactory to the ocruts in the Legislatura, wlio fortúnately ïiuniber more than one third in eacli lious?. Wc nny take it for rranted then tbat mo material changa will be made in the present circuits bèforê the election, and aajr aet taking effect afler the election eau not remove aJudgefrom office. We piesume the legislativo inajoiity will attempt to ignore tliis provisión óf the Gopstitution on the preteueo that the Judgcs do hot go ihlo office until the Crst day of January nost, but, let them reílect whether un election of Judges in Circuits that do not exitt at the time if lh election will bu legal or noi. JSiSr" Almost daily private letters are i shown us from officiers and privates in the Anny of tlie Pototuuc, and all speak of t!io couditiou of the anny as deplorable A!l - without distinction of politieul prefereneesor associations - attribute tiiis demoralized state of a lately proud arniy, jointly to the long delayed payment of I the troops, tlie changa of comraaoders to gratify partisans, and the proelamation of the President. A lotter froin a Republii c;n officor, shown uí ypsterday, Baya that ! : a ïiiiijority of the soldiera opunly express ! thoir condemnutiorj of the emaacipation ' proclamation, and further aajs what we hop'e is not true that many soldier are only waiti-og for thuir p;iy to desert. A ' letter expressing similar sulj timen ts and results, from a RepubJioan soldier n ilio Southern arniy, was also exhibited to us a few dayè ago. We declined publishing theso letters, but make a note of their contenta that our readers may know what the thesoldiers fcel and think. ZST ïlio Legislatura was in session but fuur days last week, imving adjourned ou Thursday until Wednosduy of tuis week. Tiio jouroali coutaiu littlo or nothiiig of interest to our readers. - Tli o House pasaed a bilí on Thurs day regukting tha electiou of Regenta of the University in acoordance witli tho , Oonstitutioual amondmcnt adopted at ! the last election. It providee for electing eiglit Regen ts by general ticket, tlie eight tobe dlstribntèd by lot nfter their election into four classes of two oueli, two lo be elected hereafter eacli two years and to hol J their. office eiglit years. At least one Begoot is to reside iu ëaoh Congressioniil di3triet. 5S" Messrs Kelloüo, of Illinois, Thomas, of M:iss:ichusotts; md j G'li, of Michigan ; are the only j can nieiiibors of the liouo who did not vote for the Stevens' negro soldier bill. ! We do not believe they vvill ever havo I reasou to rcpont their votes. 3"2T 50,000 stand i)f irms b:vo been forvvarded to this State f rom (be Springíield Mass., Arsenal, and put into the Arsenal at Duarborn. They are the Springíield Ei8e, ffnd prepare ibis State ior any emergenoy that may huppen.


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