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fperiul pote. íIÍCÍÍÍGAÍ CENTRAL RAiLROAD. !as".enLei trains ntw' leíive Potroit and the levera átatiens ID tlíib Cuunty .as follows : ü O I N' G WKSI. I-eave. Mail. K. T. Ex. Jack.Ae. Viglit Kx Detroit. 7.20A.M. 10 a.m. ñ,15 l. M 9 30 Y. M. Vj)slant!, !) 00 " 1 .'.5 '■ fi'-O " 1 JO ' Ann Arbor, 9 20 " 11.46 " 7 (T ■ .110 " Dexter, 9. MI '■ 12.10 p M 7 35 " 1'.8 ■' CheUaa. ÍJIO " 13 -0 ' 8.üü " 11.98 " Ar. Chicago, 10.30 ■' 1-1.05 a. m The mail train goea only to Michiga n City. (íOING EAST. I.eave. NightEx. Jack. Ac. N. Y. Ex. Mail. Chicago, 6 45 P. M. 6.E0A. M Cheinet, c.rsA m. 5.rop u. I'o-cter.' ."') " 6.46 " Inn Albor, S.05A M. 7 'j ' 3 45 P. M. (5.1') '■ Vp-].uili, 8.ÏS " 7'fïO ' ", ' 6.40 " Ar. Detroit, G.45 " 9 '2n " 5 lí " 8.09 " The m-til train .starts frmn Míchicrap City. TYains ild not stop at stations where figuren are omitted in the table. ÏWENTY-ONE YEAKS AGO..O Mk. O. ;. Bíistol a distinuished Chemist añil Dru:;,L'it of the ci y of Buflalo, N, Y., invpnted and raanufactured a C"tupounl knnvn as BRISTOL'S IÍALAM OÍ'" UOAHIIOUND. wliich is a perlect sranFlc for couon.s, C9LDS, or any bi'.5.ciiiai. ur i.unu dikficl'lties ariaiqg from damp, cid, or sudílen change of the weathtT. Kvcry jerson nhobaásrw taken BBISTOL'SBALSAH nF IIO.VHHdUyi), pronounces ittlie bist articleever invented ; and so justly colcbrated has it become, that the market ia alreadjr ful] of imita tions, oounterfeits, and most d;njerous corapounlfi, unler the name of BalSülQ of Jfaarhouad. Therefore, ahvay be careful lo cali for Bristo;'.s Balaam.and see that bis W1UTTEX .signatLre is on the outside label oí Ibe boltle. Maue. - TUis invaluable Medicine has been now srme twenty oneyaará before the public, anl without any Bffurt m tlie p,irt of tía proprietor, itssale has bfcome vry exttnsive, and is da'ly incri'asing-. The ioif prlce at which Ihe .Medie De U sol! (05 CI Ü!S) enables áVL 'to prtake of ts healtng qualitiea. C. CKOSBY.RUKFAI.O, N.Y. Role mtinufacturer, to whom all ordeis should be aildressed. For salo byall refpectable drnggtBtfi, lyoSF8 ÍD TOBACCO- Yüu can the best grades of FINIÍ CÜEWÍNG TOBACCO at friwi 50 cenis to One Dollar SMOKIiíG from fourteea to twenty cents at M. UEVAJSXY'3 TOBACCO A'D C!GAH STORE Sign - Red ín li:in. South sido Hurón street, i few doors from Cook's Hotel. M DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec. 11, 1SG2. 883tf i GOOÜ TREE 13 KNüWN 3 Y Xl nsFurir. So is a goo.l l'hy.-i=an l.y his uccesslul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYOKiS, TUEGREAT ANIl CKLKUR.TEI) IHVILIAX ÜF TUK ÏH8ÜAT, LÜNGá AND CHBsT, Knfiwn all over the countr; as the 0tlabratd INDIAN II K R B DOCTOR! '"rom íouth America , wiil be at ni rooms, EDaSELL HOUSE, DKTHOIT, talbelSth .uicllDih iust..on the same date of and very subsequent month during 8 "- and 18t3, A NrUT I'AMI'JII.KT )f tile liff,study and eunnive travelfl of Dr. Lyons au procured by all who desire ono, ree of chr.r.'s. Dr 1. wiil visit Ann Arbor, Jackson. and Adrián, Hch.. ns loliovs : Knn Arbor, M nitor ííomo '0 h. Jackson. Hibbard ÍI"U.-e. 21st Adrián , Bmcliett II u-e. SM and C3 1. M..DK of Kx.í.mi.vjtion.- Tb. Dootur discerns diseasos Vtheeyefl. He, tfeejftjforc .is.s no quettonn nor re res pa tienta fi expktin ympti ms. Afflicted, come nd hv yonr svmptoms and ihe luoatioo of your disase e.xphiinid IrL'u of cliarge. A CAIID T0 THS LADiES. DR DüPONCO"' GOLDEN P1LLSF0R FEMALKS. nlalUMe ín eorrcctlnfr. rop;iilatins and r(!}? ullob atrimtions, irmn wlaifvtr cause, and ulwaa succcsful a.s i reveotivü The cnmb'n.itíon o' inyruflitMits in Dr. Duponco's OüMen l'ills fnr Fomales are perfctly harmltsu. Thcy uwe been usod in Ihe private pr.ictice of Dr. I"uponco over L0yearp,;iml ilious;na.s of Udiea can testify to heir gi-eat and n-ver falling succesn in every aso i correctiug írrettlflrilies, rclievín painful una .strevsin mensíruatioii. particularly ut the change of ifp. From five to ten filis will cure that common vet ircadfiíl compliint, the Whites Xearly evyry female n tlie land Kuffcrs Tr m tlii.s complaint. Tae above Pili !ias permanently cured thoufiandtt, and liey willcure ou ifyou use thera. Thcy cannot harm (u ; on the cncirary. tlicy remove all obstructions, re tore nature to ïts proper chanovl, and ínrigorate the vindt svílein, Ladlefl wbose hpalth wil! uot permit an m-u-u-i; of f.inuly, will ÖD'I these pílls a succc-ssíul reven ti ve L&dies p-culiurly BÍtutted, or tho?e miplosing tneipselven f-o, shoul 1 not use tbese Pilla during he first threo tnnnths, n.s thoy are certain to prouce íuíscarriac , "after which admonition'9 the proinetür assumes no responsibility, altl.ough ilieir mí wili prevontaii injury to henltü. Tho Dgredlíots ompusint; the above Pilis aro .nade known to every Agent, and tbey will tell you they ave sale and will per-rm all claímed íor tliem. Vih-e $1 per box Sold in ANN A$BOK, by RTEBBJN1! WILDON". Pruffn-ists W-. A. Hü.VT, Ih-uKciKt. ' Ludios living at n distance by n.-mling tliem $1.00 hrough tltfrun Arbor roBtuffice, can have the Pilis int (coDfirlftfRally) bymail.m any part of the couni y free jf poittigït. H.R.- Beware of a basr. counttj-fcU of thee PilU.- ou eau liny trie cuunti-rfttt aitiule al anv pricffiom 25 o 7(j cents a box idear at tiiat). LniKfl your livefl and lealtu are of to oniöh ralue to bp triüfd witii. besidea einffiBiposed pou witba worthtos art clo. Therefore ny oue uliVriuiyou ili.-sc PHbsfor less than $1 % box, voíd tliem is you wou 11 mison. Thov arebogcM, None regenuiae anlew the name of s. I. HOWE is on every t 'x whicii hitri recently been ftdded,0f) account oí' the 'illa bein cüuterft'ifud. Sold nlao, by K'XNK .V 3M1TIT, Ypsilanti. BLKaS h BKEBEJackfion, nrthy one drup-f it in every village and city ia the nited States, andby KAIUíAND.SllEELKY k CO. .Genui State Aeuts, Detroit. S. D. IZOWE, Sole Propretor. : 6?yra2 SjíW Yosüc. I


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