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ISTEW BOOT & SHOE 2-1. B. OOLS, (Successor to Moore &; LoomU ) has oponed a store in " FMANKLIN BUILDINGS, Afain street, Ann Avbor, and haa on hand a large aftBOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufuctured from 1he bent muterhtl an 1 Tarrantcl to satiafiictioQ ooDsisting nt MLN'S KIP, CALF AND TlIICK BOOTS, D: ÜHI.E SOI.KD MEN'S FALO OVERSHOES, of ;i 11 dése; ipi iuns. LADIES GAITER3, Morocco Bootees, Hnlmoralu, Feit Ovtrshoe;, and Rubbers. Also, Boy's Kip, cif &Tliick Boots, togetfaer wilh a vnVty of CHUDUEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I nm also Maiiufacluilng WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Men' Fine Freno! Calf üoo's l'eg'gf d mul Sfcwed. (ïive me n cali bef ore parohasïjlg elaewhere, I will 811 niy ttoodfl cheap fñr canil. KEPAIIUNG NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTIOE. N.B.COLE. inn Arlior. Jan, l!th,18H3. 8i7il' TO YÜNG MEEN Just Publishid, in a Se,i!ed Envelope. PriCf Six Ceuta A Lsciure on t he W iture, Treatmsnt pnd Radical Cure of Spormitorrlioea or rainal Woa!,nss, TnvolUlltary, ImissMii-; Fi'xual I ebilt}', ano. Impedimenta ttl Man aegin.. rally. Ni-rvoosness,O. numniinu J i-i 1 y and Fi s ; mtal hm1 ('hv-ical Incapa-eity, icsn t n.from rif...bus,,, ico - Hv lüBl'. .(. CÜLVKRWi IX', M. li., Authi r "I the Gretf Himk. lc. The cirlcl nnnvu. d autl.or, nthiii admirable Lectura clearly provea ir m hin o ii experienee ilm: tic nrful comu'quencPi o' i-elj ibuie my te eífect ualïy remoyed without medicine, añil wüh. ut dangrol1A HUrgical opemiont, bougies, Inutionwnti, rings or c ulial', l'oint.ti!; out i moile el eme at once eertafn Btid pflfctnal, b, wlnch 'tTy sufferer. no nial ti r what his condit'"i. miy bP. ma.v cure liimsell chínjily, privaitly. and raiiically. Thi I.KCTXPE W1LL TROVE a buüa iutuocsa.nDh A.ND THOJ-Sí.DS. Sent unlerseíil. to any addreflS, tn a plain enveUj-e, on the receiptof aU c'nu,or two postage stamps,by aatiiessing, CHAS J. C. KLINF&CO.. 127 Bowery.Xew York, l'ust Onici'Box.45P6 THE PEP.FECTION OF MECHANISM ! TIÏE 11AGIC TI1IE OBSERVER, BETXír A IICNTING A.ND Ol'KX F-VCt'", Olt I ADY's OR (j rl.VTI.EMA.N ".- '.T(.n CüMBlAKD, WlTU i'ATNT trELP WlMDivO ÏMrit')VF:MBNT. 'lUK NliW VORK lLl.L'STBATI.D XKrS. 1he leíldlllf? píe ' toriul pHper of the Uaited States, in iísue of Jan. 10: b, '8 3, OH page 1 7 , vntuntarÜy says : ' We liiivt beu hh'Ain ;i m:)t i Icnsiijg mve'ty, of which theHuBBAStn Bboh., oí thia ct , aro the solé Importfis ït ir. cal led the ' Mgk )ikr Or-i-kvk);,' und is a liuní n and gjh a-face watuh cQbíued. Thia h one ut the prettïentj ravttt eonveüient, Mp i dscíded y .he best and ehe&pefit time pif-ce or jfeueral nn ie]i:io!tuse, e ver uSered. H has witlijn t mv tonuecte-l wth its raaeliinery, its mvn VindJBg attaclinu-nt, renderinr a liey fntii-t'ly unnt'ces.Lr . i'l.p case of this Watch are citnjKseiï o!" two uhHjüs, tl. e outer one bein fine 6 carat gold. Ithíiátl.e impruvtd rubv actinn lev, r nni'inont, mi lift warriui ed m ccurite liint'pi'eee ' f'riei, auprbly Piitcruved. per e:ite o) ; luil! rlozen, Oí (ü í-amplí' Watchea, ib nj;it moroco nues, fr Hitise pr ipcsintí t'i l'tiy at wUoiebale, S3"), ent by exi-res.-, i'itíi bilí payabre n delíver; Soldier s must, remit p.Mmní ín advanee, as we c;un t cu!I-et irom these in the Army. Ad-iress, IILTBRAKI) BKOS. & ( O,, Polk Imporiee", fn8- Poüth Xassau k.hms Sts. . Nw YOTK AVONDERFÜL BUCCEbS. %P$T The attentiofl and researcli of the 'nost d;stiuguisiied CLtininia aud Ihy8icians fofyara li,.vi been devoted lo the production of a renu-dy for th se most distrcssng mal.iflit-s NaUKAIGIA and RhECMI íM. Alter long atu y un i ra.iuy expeiimi-nts, a specfic prtparatioii has been dsno'ered. VaiS(.N Neuralgia Kiutr.aii Interna Remcdy, is Curing tfiouands of cases where all otber remedio' liare uttedy faíled. We are assured ihat i( is no mere " AN(MYNJ-" relievirg fr thij nu intfi t wliilc tlirc.iue icniLüi-, but ís a porfec? -l'i.tlMCaul CtTRE ftw thi)H jainful The vast Dumber f Liniments, I mbrocaii n ni J'-xtoinJ Medicines wlrch act as stímalaa'.i rf the surface ( n'v, aremerely tt-m rnv iu their elTects and rf doubtful virtue. The M-.CllALt.IA KINíJ teachei the source of all troulU-f and effect ually banishes the dueaae from th syntem. Pnce- Una Dullar per Bottle. Pi-ppare-1 by C. R. WALKER, lj'887 BuITalo, N Y ., anu Fort Kríe, C. W. All Losses prbmpfly strijusted MERCHANTS'IÑSÜRANCE C0.3 OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capita], $200,000. Total Assets, Jan. lsl, 18(2. $Ï8T.8M OS Liabilities, - - - 1 8:' 4 ( 9 MARK iiOVVARD, Ticsideut E. Tilos. Loedkll, Pecy. The undersigncl hap been appcfnted Agent for the aoove reliable Corapa'iy, :inil will efteet nsurance agai-iat losrej by fire ut reuooablerates. .1. W. KV.IGHT. Aun Arbrr,Junc2, 13C2. S;5tt Toba eco Í Tobacco ï I AM SKi.UNi; GOODFINE CUTCLIEWING TOBA CCÓ At f rom Fifi y cents to $ per pound. SMOKING TO 15 ACCO, Frotn H cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DE VAN Y. Ann irbor, Mich., De .17, 1SG2. SSÜlf ATTK[T!N! THE CHEArEST jísWELKY IIOU-SE IN THE WOHLD [! 4.31S Pifxks of AssonrEu Jevemy fok $50 A COMPLETE { Fine Q.,l#, HatcJ .u„l Om,-„ n. JuKflrj, ,,eut r.e. Adiiress, A. 8ALIÍBURY. Aorki bw"' Ikuviukse. R I. Attention Company! frifK.'h'n '■''' s "SL-'omiB, ar ■„, ,-],„„lf? fmt J thrir bu-inesK ,n t . oity. and all ihoM ind, SEed to t.ic-nrm.B.r „„. !,,■„. ,.,■ lm,, are re,eof aid s,vc est. After the lOth, iut.. ilK. bo.,u Mdaocaunta of nid lirm wiU be !.-rt wüi, .ir m i.' i ' "!'' ,"üü I1 ■,,!"rUl "' 'loir k' M.lln-s , , , , MOQUE & LQOMIS Anu Arbor, .lan. 7th, 18:3. tgfitf " ikuctioneers K'ctice. TITRTOfOjBEEÍf barlw applied for a lic,, no li 1...1, s h„.,s,.,i ,n rsadinesi t, aRead to all cali _ Haring b&duxpeilíDce.heUpoBitii e ho c:m Biïe nood -.iti.f;„tinn. AHcal s promptiy ütu-üdêd to. Obag"s leaaonablo. Aj,.ly at Um iVauklm House b ABuAr,„,r0ct.2l.lS02. "i UUELUJÍO V(jR SAIjK ! TF YOO wih to buy a good two..tofv brkk dvpellin-r ' 1 conven.entf. tlm bu.inens S1rt ,,f th6 Oi,v rth' Krmmd, and yofdü welUtocked with chmce Fruit o 11 kmd. ippioR. P.„s, baches P]um8, Kaspberrií Or 0.11,1862. AÍIGCS OïTÏCE, I THE EEBELLION ON HIGH PRICIS FOR CLOTIlINö. AS CÜMMENCED AT THE OLO & RELIABLE CLOTHI iyC EMPOEIÜM ! No. 3 PIICENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. rAJI now opoalttg n liirffe and varïed assortmentof S, nni; fin 1 auniiiT ííqoúb, and in view of tlie rebellion oo high prlues genraltyt will oifertliem to bit frfenda and ountunit r at the vrry luwest tiured tur Cusí, - Tbnsetn waut of a superioi artlcle of Cluths, Cassimerea. or Bendy-Madc Clothing, -will cali onWW!. WAGNER, who bas Juat returoeii from the East, wlth a Urge addortmtut of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS which liavebceu purchased atthelate LOAV PEICE8! and can offer tliera at a lower figure than evtr before, Aniong my Assurlinent nay be fuund BROADCLOTnS, ÜASSIMERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of all deacriptiotii, tngetlif-p wíth a nuperlor asHortment of licncly-AIudc Clüililng, -fc TRUNES, CAKI'ET BAOP, JJ3 UlIDItELLAS, and xöiJcinlcmcn's Furnishing aooDe, with numcloaa othf-r articlcs usually found íd similar es tablitsh mentís, Aa au EMPORIUiM OF FASHION, the BiiBaftrlbelr flafcteratítnHfelf, that hti lonr wpertence and géai ral success, will eimble liira to give the g reate t patisfaot ióú toali wbo raav tiMHt him int lm waj oí C Mauufaoturing Gurmeuts to order. WM. WAGSER. Ann Arbor, A pi il 9tl. 1862. S43if CITY COOPER SHOP. VholesaUj and Retail, O C. SPAPFORD U'ouM reapcctfulTy announoa to the citïzens ol Aon Arbitr and vicin tv, that he is uo7 rcunuiacturinjg andkeepsconst&ntly on Bind a Liirge Assortmeiit of Cooper Work! such as Pork and C titer Itarrels, Kegs, Fiïkins, Ohurns, Well B tickets, &c.s Which wili beaold cheap for cash. OTJSTOM "W OBK Made to order on short notice. llepairiug done with ueatuü-ia aui disp&tch, 1 would cali particular attention to Merchanta in want of Ruiter Firklns I am manufact uring the tw Yoik tate Flrkln, whicli i.s a bfttiíi' Firkin than hasevtr hef oro beorí of Ii'ted iüthLd market. I would invitea.ll whu w&at Firkim to Cali and exanine for themselvcs befi re purchariiog eiaewhre, ;ind I will convince rou thatyou have ca lt;ï al ihe riyht place. I wouli a]o cal'uhe attention of Brewers in waut of BB ER KEOS, I am now prepared to manufacture HüigEts, Quart&rs and half Bbls. in 1 uge or smali luts, and of a Setter Quality tUan can be had in Detroit or elsewliere. I sFAll woik warranted to give entire satis iiction. llianklul for p stfiivors and by a strict attention to biiiiinjss, I hope to meril a contmuei liberal supply of tlie nubüc patronage, S Do uot f urget to ca!l at the City Cooper Shop. O. O. SI'AFFORD. DrtroitSt. Ann Arbor, Mioli. 8L81 HjHE ROOTS AND THE LEA VES J. WIl.L be fur tlie Ilealii g of thu N'atiuns. SiUe. n ar. Xj-stotcs, THE GREAT AXI) CHEBRATED i'HYSICMN of the Tin:UAÏ,LUXUS, HEAKÏ.LIVKR AND THE ÜLOOD, Knowa all over the country as the CKI.RBKATKD HKTOIAKr HEHB DOCTOB 1 of -82 Superior Street, (Jlevelanu. Ohiu. Will visit the followmg places, viz AI'I'OINTMK.NTsï'DK 1882, lSG3ancl 1R64. Plof 1Í. J. Lyoni aan bu coasulted at the fn'lowing jj laces tvciy raonth, riï: Datruit, KusmjI tiouss, each mooth, 18th aml 19lh. Anti Arbor. Mmiitur House, each nionlh, 20ih. Jackst-n, H.bbiiru llmse, acii month, zt. Adrián, Bn;cket lioufe, eath m nth ïiil and23J. Toledo, Ohio, L'ollms Huuse,eiicli mouth, ülth, ilöth. and a.Hii . ' ' Hillsdale, -Mich. , Iiillsilale Iloune, each month,27th CoMwatcr, .lich.. cjoutuern ilicliiirau House ea"h njonlh, 2Slh. Ukhttrt, tlLhrt House, each month, 29tn. South Bend, Ind , St. Jo. Hotel, each mouth, 30. Lapnrte, ml., Tee (imrdeo Houw, eacli inonth 3l'st. Wuoster, Uaio, Craadelt Ëxohaoge. each montii 7th aridgih. ' Mansüold, Oüio, WUet House, each month, 9th and Ut. Vernon, Kenjon House, each month llth and 1-th, Newark, ühio, Holtoa Hous, each mtntU, 13th and Uth. l'ainertville, Ohiu, CouIch House, each month 4th CLI-.VI.LAN1), OHIO. REfill ENUi AN ï OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STKEET. Ast of the public square, ppraite the Poatoffion Oflice dajs each mouth. l,t. öd, 4lh,5!h, Cth 15ih - Office lïuura lrum 9 A. l. to VI M. and hora 8 I' M 't-, 41'. M. Un!SmlíiyíroniBtolüA. M. aud 1 to " r1 'm S-Maxmsstrict!y adhered to- ' ) eive such balm as Lave no strife VViih nature or the la's ui :,f8 Witli bluoil my hands I nuv. r stain NorpoUun uien tu eaae tieir paitt. eis a pKgsuian indeed, viho Cures The Indian lier. Dj)tur, R. J. l.YoXs, cures the fol lBWIng comp.a.ata m the ohatinnte siages of their ü X lü II II Ct f V 7 UisaaseH Of the,Throat, Lunga, Heart, Liver, Stomach. U?opay In lh Uhest, Hheumatisin, Neumlir; Fits otialUn(töicknes8,anda.llothruefV'.uai)eaugemen'B.' Also all disease of the bluoü such a bcrulula, trysip. etas, Cansera. Feve"c dores, l.eprusy, aud uil other compneateo clirouic cumplainls AU forma of female dificultes atteaded to with tbe hHpi,ie.-t resulU. H is hojjeil ihat noonc will despair if a eire until they luivexiven th Iudi.ui Herb Doctor's HedioincB a tan ■anu.fuitlihil tiial. aat.l;uri]ig tbe travcis in Kui-op,-, West Indiw, South Ameüioa. and tbe United States, he has agen Jis insu-ument in G,i'a hand, lorenture to health anu vigi.r wl,0 (!rfc givenup aal pronouncodinourable i,y he most eminent nltl nchuOl phyaioian; uav, uiorr , who were ou tbe verge of the grave, nn, now livini to tlie lndli ii treft)' Doctor' .-.kin m? uooeasfultretment,auáarodalyeiclanang 'iB'ensi..I bc ih.-,la.v lirst e saw and partooi of the Inüiati Uerb Docior's medicine," -■ ut, s!;,,.iV,v,,.-esof cures will bo eladly and cnecrfully given u nenevAr required TbeDoolor pledjea hui word and honrr, that he will In;no wise.directly or IndTreotiy, Induce or cause anv nivalid to tuke ljio medicine without thesti-oueeat n.-ub abillty of n cui-e. r r Mudcc.l examination, which is entirt'lv niüfc-rent trom the faculty. Dr. prtrfessoa to d'iscern dineases by theeye. He therefure .isk aoqueatioss nor íoesherequire patlntHoexplaiayjbptm. Palione and kil, mü have thMiymptms aud location of vur fiiseaeexplainelfree of charge (.■l'lie p",.rsh;ill W iber'i. llv consideied. Lrrutolllcfc addreHM , box -in;!. ,., , , LYOOT, M P. Cleveland; 4hio,Nov. 25, 16?, 1t'8O Transes ! nUPTORB CAN BK CünED MY A TRUSS „f thl. V right kind, if properly IHted and dulj altended to. lilis lias ben abun'lantly detDonstratad in innumera ble instanw by thn uMM.ftlip IMultipcdnl Tinas oí Dr. Rlgsa, durii,.; tlie lost few jrara. This Truss belngoaveied with Hu-.i Kubber, la pepfeoïly waterpmot, mxy be used in bathing, aml ia ahvays cifimly as ellas in lestruotiblo hy ordinary UH.imi. U not satisfactory aftera fair trial of aiuy dayP, ,t may b r - turoed. It challonas cümparisou with auy trusn tLb RIÜC!S' '"'ffi=c : BAECI XY


Old News
Michigan Argus