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The Michigan Argus

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Pubïished every Friday morning,in tliethird story of the brick b!ock, corner of Main and Hurón Stí., ANK ARlïOK, Mich. Entxanceoo Hmon Street.opposiU the Frankün. ELIHTJ B. POND, Editor and Publisher. Terms, $l,5O a Year In Atlvance. Alvertising-Ono rnare (12 linos or less), one week, 50 cents; and 25 cents for every insertion therea-fter, lesK than three monthsOne square 3 mos $3.00 Qnarter col. 1 year $C0 iae siiuare 6 mos 5.00 Half column 6 mos 18 ïOne KtjMiiirc I year 8 00 Half column 1 year '5 Twe sq'res 6 mos 8 00 I One colmnn 6 mon. 36 Two si'res 1 year 12.00 [ Oue column 1 year 60 L_r Advertisenaents unaccompnnied hy wtitten or viM-biii direct iitfi.-í will bi; pubhslicd until ordered out, and charteil aeoov4tpg}y. Legal Hdv.-rtisemeotí;, flrst iasertion, -50 cenis per folio, 25 cents per folio for each subseqtiejit rsertion. ffj na postpunement is&á toan .dvvrtisement the whole will b: chart-d the ame as tor firütinsurtion. Job Prïiitlng- P;nnphlets, Hand Bills, Circalars, Cards, llitil Tickets, Labl Blanks, Bill Ho;ös, rind otlier viirïetins of I'hiin and F.uu-y Job Printing, excuted with promplness. and in iho best Btyle C&rdrf- Wu havea ffüggTBS BOKryTkffl TnmWi a large vanoty "f tholaU-st styles of Card type wrrrch ciKiltles us to print Cards of all kinds n the neatest possiblestyle and cheaper than an.y otliei house in tlte city. Business cards for men of all avocatious and pTO fessinns, Ball, Wediimcr nnd Visiting Cards, printed on' short notice. Cali and sce samples. BOOK BINDING- Coimected with the Office is rt Rook Bindery in charge of tvo competent workmen.- Cotinty Records, LedsjerB, Journal, and all Blnnk Books m:ide to 4rder, and of the best stock. Famphlfis and I'eriodiealR boimd in a neai and durable maiiner, at Detroit prices. Entrance to Bkdery Lhrough the Anjus Oilïce.


Old News
Michigan Argus