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guíñaos ktsimg. COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. 7TWO?ITORV of Bibles and Testamenta at the So JL ciety pnces at Y. C. Voorheis'. T. D. TOOKER. PBÜHTOHTHOTOGRAPHER, Exchange Block, Anu Ai'öcr, Michigan. ' J C WATTS & BRO. DEALERS in Clocks, Watcbes, Jjwelry and Silver Ware No. 22, New Block, Anu Arbor. C. BLISS. TTVEALER ia Clocka, Watches, Jewflry and Silver XJ Ware No. 22, New Block, Anu Ar' O. H. MÍLLEN. TAVHÏ.ER in Drv Boods, Groccries, Crockery, &c. &c. XJ M.iin Street." Am Albor. l5A.CH & PIERSON. DEAT.KR3 in Dry Gooüs, Groceries Hardware, Boots & Shoes, kc, Main st., Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER. MANüFACTURKR xnd dealer in Boots and Shoes, one door north of tlie Post O,lic N. B. COLE. D BALES in Boots & Slioes, Rubbers, Se. Franklin Block, Main Street, Ann Arbor. RISDON & 1LEJSÍDERSON. DEALERS in Ii;irdwarer fttoves, house fumiEhing goods, Tin Ware, ke., &c. "New Block, Main st. A. P. MïLLS. DEALER in staple Dry Oueda, Groceries, Boots & Shoesand Ready Made Clothutg, ïlurou treet. O. C. SPAFFORD. MAXÜFACTURER of all kinds of Coooper Work, City Cooper Shop. Cain work done on short otice. Detroit Street, Ano Artor. ■ A, J. SUTHERLAND, AGrF.NT for the New York Life Insurance Compnny, Qiüce on Huron street Also ha on hand a stock ■ f" the most approvel aewiog raachioS. S85tf ' GEORGE FISCHER. MEAT MARKET- Huron Street- General dealer in Fresh and alt Meals, Beef, lluttun, I'ork, Hams, T oultry, Lard, Tallow, &c, &c. SCHOFF & MiLLER. TEALER3 m Miscellaneous, Schiol and Blank Books, U Statiouery, Paper IlaDgings , &c. , Mainst, Kranklin iilock HIRAM J. BEAKES ATTORNEY and Counsellor st Law, iind Solicitnr in ;Cl. Chaucery. Office in City Hall Koek, over Webster'a Book Store. WE LEWITT, M. D. PIIVSICIAN aml Surgeon. Office at bis residencc, north si'le of ïlurou street, and second house west . if prfvision t. treel - M. GUITERMAN &.0O. WÍIOLFSALE zn Retail Dealers and Manafactuxers of Ready-Üada Clothiog, importera of Cloths, Casimerea, DoesfcLns, &c; No. 5, Phcenix Bloek, Main st. WM. WAGNER. DEALER in Ready Made Clothing, Clothd, Cassimeres, and Veiïings, Hat., Caps, Truuks, Carpei Bags, &c, Phoeuix Bloot:, Main street. SLAWSON & GEER. ROCERA j Provisión and Commission Merchaots, and Ij Dealers in Water Lime, Land Piaster, and Plasttr of Paris, une door of Cook's Hotel. T. B. FREEMAN. BARBER and Fashionabie Hair Dresscr, Main etreet, Ann Arbor, Micli. Hait KrontS aad Curlskept c-unstantlj oq hand. J. M. SOOTT, A MBROTYPEand Phatoffiapb Artisi , in the rooms XV. VN( Campion's Clothinjj store, Phceuix Block. Perfect satisfaction gtven. W WEEKS. SURVEVOR and Civil Jíngtneer, continuas to give immi-iliate attention to all orders. Office at liis res i deace at the corner of Catherine and ï'hayer wt. 809; 1 C. B. PORTER. SURGKON DENTIST. Office Corner of Main anl Hurón atreetá, over Bach & Piersou's Store. All cftUs promplly atteudtd to AprlSö'J J R. WEBSTER & CO. DEAT.ERS in La-.v and Medical Bonks School Boots, Btan'.ï Book. Mirtcellaiieous Books, pens, ink, and every variety of Stationery, Hurnn , City Hall Block. &. b. thompsonT" + "TvEALEIl in Dry Goods anti Groceries, Boots and hoes, 1 &c Produce bought and sold, at the old stand of Thompson & Mülen, Corner Main ;md Washington 8tn. MACK & SCUMID. TEALF.US in Forein and Oomo.stic Dry Cood, fíroceJL rie's. Batfi and Caps, Boots and öhoes, Crockery, ite.. Corner of Main & Liberty to. ANDREW BELL. DËALKR in Grocories, Provisions, Flonr, Produces, kc, &c, corner Main aml Waslnnlon Street?, nn Arbor. The highest market pitees paid lorcountry produce. 866 I. O. 0. F. TJTASHTEJf AW IrfJilge, No. 9, of the ladcpendcnt OrI (tiT of OJd Fcllows meet at their Lodgc Room. evtfrf Friilay Kvening, at 7 ' , ci'clock, S. S'J-vuiii:im, N. U. p. IJ. Roïk, Secy KINGSLEY& MORGAN. ATTOKNEYS, Counscllors, Solioltors, an.l Notarios Public, have Dooks ana Plata nhowisg tittel of all ïan-ls in tliu Coaaty, aa! atteud to conveyancing and enllMting i'i".n-inds, und to niyins tre eipa nchoni interest in any pajt of the state. OOice cast cl' the i[rL. D. DeFOHEST. WHOLESALE and rc-tail dealer in Lumber, Ijith, Slnngle, 8h, DoArs. Blind, Wati r Ume, Grand River Plter, Piaster Pri, tmñ N.iils ofllízM A f 11 1 1 anl perFect assortment of tli-1 mS-mt, and all other kind of inlildinK m.itonals con-tatilly o ir baad at ie lovit pjibl rates.on Detroit st.. a few rnd fromthe Hailroa.l Depot. Also operatinï cxtcnsivcly iu the J'atuut Cc:ijOi)t r.uoling.


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Michigan Argus