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The Defenses Of Savannah

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From the Savannali News, Jan. 19. We made aa excursión on Saturday to Fort Jackson and several of our river batteries, and were highly gratified at the high coudition of preparednoss in which we found thern. Siuce our river defenses have been placed under the immediate command of Col. Edward C. Anderson, not only have ïuany improvements been made in the works the-naelves, greatly increasing their streiifth and effectiveness, and promoting the health and comfort of the troops, but a uniform system of drill and disciplino has been adopced, which bas already been productiva of the most beneficïal resulta. It would be improper to speak more partieularly of the improveincnts that have been made in our river defenses, but as the enemy no doubt entertains a suspicion that timo for preparation has not been unimproved, thcre will be no harm in assuriug them, that whenever they test the matter, their highest expectattas will be more thau realized. We visited the Leo and Lawton batteries, and found the works in "tip top" order, and the quarters of the men orderly, clean and comfortablo. At the Lee battery the men were drilling at the heavy guns, exhibiting an alaerity and skillfulncfs in the management of their pieces, and the systematic precisión of movement which would have been creditable even to veteran gunners. From the Lee battery we crossed to the Lawton battery, commanded by Capt. Eillups, where, after a most interesting drill, we witnessed some target firing. which demonstrated the wondcrful precisión which bas been attained by our Georgia beys, in direeting shell and round shot from these " Mortal engincs whose rude tliroats The immortal Jove's dread clainors counterfeit." The target, about the sizc of a soldier's blanket, was placed on the opposite side of the river, distant about three-quarters of a ruüe frcm the battery, and of the twelve or fifteen sliells and solid shot fired not one would have failed to take effect upon a pilot boat. One ball struck the target, and every shot and sbell was delivered within a few feet of t. Shells were exploded so close to the target as topartially cover it with earth and a log that lay close by it was splintered and torn by the fragments of the slrells. The firing was under tho direotion of Colonul Anderson, who, besides desiring to give the men a littlo practice, wished to make sorae practical tests of elevations and the quality of bis powder and shell. Some beautiful ricocJgti shots were made with shells, whicli, after tho rcbound from the water, exploded at tlio polnt of aim. Every shell excepfc ono, whioh made a second ricocliet in tho rnarsh mud, cxplodod. We observad that Colonel Anderson required every man at the guDs to sight tho piece, thus giving each man an opportunity to test his skill in artillcry marksmansbip. As nearly all our Georgia troops are good marksmen with the riflo, with a little praotioe they soon beeome equally reliable with the cannon, so that in action the efficicney of a gun does uot depend upon a single gunncr.


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