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The New Military Bill

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Ppecial puptuoh lo the Dprtuit te 1 tv-i. Washington, F.'h. D. The Military C.nnmittee of the Sonato reported b::ck, tu-day, n new tubstitufe for the conrofiption bill In view of its importanec, I send a lengthly abstiaet. The bill was .-ijiicoi.1 on in oouiniittce ns a sort of compromiso of uil view?, and will bc pressed to a voto in its present shape. The Kil ope!8 with a prcaiülilo reciting the duty of the goviTütuuDt to suppreï tlio rebellion and .'■.Minuten to each State a republictn lorm of governnrent. It is enacted - First, all ab!e-bodied malo oitizens in the United States, betwen the njros of eightoon ai;d forty-five, aro decidecl to eonslituto the national forces, and ilrall bc lisble to military duty when cal'ed out by the President. Sec. 7 exempts the following persons : Sucli may be rejeeted as are physieally, morally and mentally unfit for service ; such as are necessary for the proteotion and support of aged and infirm parents, ofpharis or helpiess children; and sueh unfortunate persons as are tiot providod for by the public. Provided that, in eaeli ease, tho circuinstsnces of cach party clitiniing excniption s'iall be such that Le cannot rei;der au equivalent for personal service ; also - Firat - Tho Vice-President of the United States; the Judges of the various courts of United States, and the heads of the various executive departments. Sccon'l - The only sou of aged or inSrm parents, or parents dependeat upou hiui for support. Third - When there aro two or more Bons of aged or infirm parents subject to draft the father, or, if ho be dead, the uiother, cloct which sou shall be exempt. Fourth - The only brother of children not twelve yoars old, liaviug neither fathor or mother. Fifth- The father of raotherless children, uuder twelve, dependent upon bim. Sixth - When there are father and sons in the same family or household, and two sons of thera are in the military service as uon-commissioned officers, mu nicians, and privates, the residue of such family and household, not exempting the two, shall be exotnpt. Sevcnth - All fathers having two or more children, no one of whom is over the ago of fourteen, owningor occupying a farm not exceeding fifty acres, upon whioh he is dependent for the support and maintenance of hiinself aud family, and no person but such as are herein exempted shall be exempt. Provided, that no person convicted of any crime punishable by imprisonment shall be eurolled or pennitted to serve. Seetion 3 enacts that tho national forces not now in military service shall be divided into two classes, the first of which shall compriso all persons subject to military duty between eighteeu and thirty years uf age, and all unmarried persons subject to military duty above the age of thirty and under forty-five; the seeoud cluss shall con;pnse all other persons subject to do military duty, and they shall uot in any district be callee! into service until those of the first class shall have been called. Section 4 provides that, íor greater convenieuce iu eurolling. organizing, &c, the United States snall be divided into military districts - the District of Columbia to constituto one, each Territory one or more as tho President shall direct, and eacl) Congressional district fixed by law shall constitute one. Provided, that in States which have not, by their laws, been divided into two or more Congressional districts, the President shall divide tha same into as mauy eurollmcnt districts as may be convenient. A Provost Marshal, with the rank of Captain, shall be appointed for each of these districts, who is to bc subject to tho orders of the Provost Marshal General appointed by the President, whose office is to be in Washington, with tho rank of Colonel. Section C provides that the Provost Marshal General shall innke all rules and regulations, subject to the Seeretary of War's approval, and other duties whioh the Presidnt may decide upon carrying out. All deserters from any force, and spies, may be arrested by the Provost Marshal Section 7 provides for a Board of Eurollment, to be composed of the Provost Marshal, as president and two others, to be appointed by the President, one of whom must be a licensed surgeon. Sections 8, 9 and 10 próvido for subdistricts to be made by this Board, and the appointnientbefore the'lüth of March next, aud in each altérnate year thereaf ier, of an ènrolling officer for each subdistrict, who is to enrol all persons subject to duty before the first of April to iuclude three officers as a class who are subject to two years, to bo called iuto service and to serve for three years or du ring the war, when called iuto the serTice, they shall be upon the same' footing as all volunteors. Section 11 and 12 provides for the President assigning tho quota to each district, and the Enrolling Board shall make a draft of the required uuiubsr. The remaining soctions, from 12 to 17 inclusive, provide for a bounty of fifty dollars, on re-enlistment, to the present soldiers, the acceptance of substitutos from any drafted man aud the latter's consequent cxemption ; imposing severo peníilties for desertion ; the consolidaron of regiments when redueed; makinsr rules for court-mariial, etc.


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