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What A Soldier Thinks

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Head-Quaeters 4th Reg. Mich Infantry, Near Falmoütii, Va., Tliursday Evening, Febraary óth, '63.) Fiuend E : Whatsliall I write that will be in tlie least interesting? I suppose that the 'papers givo you all the particulars of army movements, pcrliaps more aceurately than I can, but there 3 oue tbing that I eau assure you, and that is, the army of the Potomac s getting demoralized, I ain, "and I ktiow it." Burnside has played out, aud Hookcr is now goiug to try his skill, vvhieh will probably oost fifteeti or twenty tliousand more lives, then off goet) his head. The result of the'operations at Fredricksburg seems lo be iu acoordauco with all the past movements of the army of the Potomac, sinco it 3 first movement in the direetion of Richmoud. The neglect of assis'.an.e and co operation that proved so disustrous to McCleïlan, has also destroyed the plans and obstructed the movements of Burnsidc. How can a campaign succeed when thu coininaiidii)! offioer is annoyed and frustrated by nuinberless 'orders' and 'eountermauds,' that Ilústrate the nervous, imbeeile, treinulous and üuctuating state of the War Department. This systein was tlio cause of thu failare of the Peninsular eampaign, and ia my humble opinión, will prove still more disastrous to future operations, uuless a different and wiserpolicy s adopted, that will allow a comtnauding offieer to plan, adopt, aud carry out somo sensible idea The revelatious which have come to light through the channel of the recent courtmartials have somewbat dampened the ardor of MoClellan's traducors, and unmis takably shift the reponsibility of all past reverses upou the shoulders of 'old Abe,' his War Socretary, ;iud tho maehinations of that pest of a 'War Oommitteej' and I opine that patience and enduraucc will eventually cease to be virtues, and the people will soon clamor for a revolution iu the powors that be, uuless a dif ferent and more systematic courae is pursucd. No sooner is it kuown that the demons'rations at Fredrioksburg were unpropttious and unsuccessful, tb, au the fiimous 'Committee on the condact of the War,' headed by Michigan 's standing dishonor and disgrace, (Zack Chandler,) with all their official dignity and irn portance, start for the scène of action to 'investígate,' and report according'.y to the anxious and bewildsrcd public, a minute and perfect detaS of tho unpleaaant affuir. The 'Committoe' after procuring the evidence of soveral prominent officiers, coucluïu to 'report tcstimony without comment,' finding tnost likely that their fond expectations werenot realized, aud instead of belug enabled to denounee aud disgraoe the commanding offioer, and effect another removal, they find that the responsibility points directly to the neg lect of certain officials in Washington, both military and civio ; but as it is not well for kettles to cali pots black, the committee resolve to report the investigation without ooynrnmt. The people had bccome ffomewhat distrustful over tho meagro, couflicting and suspicious reporta from day to day, alwaya confouuded with 'rumora.' or 'suppoaitions,' aud 'opinions of certain reliablc gentlemen.' A feverish anxiety and want of confidence is harder to enduro, than grief made bitter by a knowledgo of disaster and defeat. - But the elouds are now clearing away, light begins to shino through the barriers i of falsehood and suppression. the cause of reverses and defeats is traced bïok to its legitímate origin; a new state of things is quite apparent, an army again re organlzcd under the command of Gon. George B. McClellam, will yet mareh steadfastly, unfalteringly aud defian'lij 'Onward to llichmond !' Give us back our 'Little Mac.' and the eagles on our banners will flap their winga with joy, and the remaining fragments of our broken columns will rally around tho old standard and shout with joy, and our iuture efforts be crowned with suocess. Yours, &c, L'ST There is nothiug rü3lly no'.v frora Viotsburg, rxcept that t lic canal in spite of recent hopes is a failure. S3T" Latcst ijvices froiü tho Aniiy of t!io l'ütomao eay that the Ninth Army Corpis had gono to Fortrcsa Monroe, probiibly en route fur Cliarlcston Severa] Michigan regtineots are in thi.s Corpa.


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