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The Supervisors--the Draft

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By cali uf Hon. James MoMahon, , Commissiouer ior this oouuty to eupirintend llie draft, o c, the Board of Supervisors convcned on Monday, and were in session during that day and Tuosday, j makiug thc;ir reports witli neoessary proufs of vüluntoers in their several towns under the two calis far 300,000 eacli We cannot givc reports iu detail, but understand it was determined that the coutify had filled hor quota. 13y the two calis Waslitenaw was required to fnruish 1,131 men. The reports show lier entitled to credit - exclusive of several in Navy not allowod - for 1,221,. an excess of 90 over the quota. TI1Í3 is good riews, and answers the queation iu our last issue. During the session the following resolutions were adopted : Whcreas, We liavo been frequently brought in contact with James MeMuhon draft Conunissioner for tha County of Wiishtenaw, therefore, Resolved, By the Board of Supervisors of Waslitena v County, assembled, that we avail ourselves of the oppot tunitv to expresa our appreciation of the tidelitv and inipartiality witli which the Coiu niissionei' luis disehargod the varioua dulies und responsibillitcs ot Lis office, and the ability and zeal with which lie has defended and protected the rights of this ciunly in every inst:mco coming within the scope of his duties. Resolved, That tiie abovo be eutered upon the journal of this Board. Carried unauimously. Whereas, Under the cali of tho President of the United States for six hundred thousnnd men, the Adjutant Geueral of the State of Michigan, fixed tho quota for the County of VVasliteuay at eleven hundred and thirty-one (1131) men, and, Whereas, By the official census of the United States for A. D., 1860, it ppears that the population of the State was 751,110 and of the County 35,747 which would inako the quota for Washtenaw County 1,1:2 uien on the basis of lo. ■ 372 for the whole State, thereforo, be it, Resolved, By this Board, that the Adjutant General be re.-pectfully requested to order the above corruetion made in favor of this county of moeteen nie0


Old News
Michigan Argus