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peur Jnfeemmt& O. A. KELLEY, ptlOTOnRAPHKH- Cornei Fuuríh k Hurón itreet-, 1 _an Arbor. Caaos irames an-i l'hotograph Albumn cnstantly on Jmud, and at lovec ratea tlian can be fuund eluewhere. 1t891 FOR SALE. Oa ACRE ní celtaU timbered the S. yt of O' ' N W. .'í "f Sec -1. Tüwn ó N Range 3 W., ClintmOourtTy. It is m a goou neighborliuud, about four mi es fi-om DeWitt and ten from Lansing. For tcrma inciuire at or address, ARÜUS OFFICE. Jan 20th,18S3. 888tf HOU E &.L. TS FOil !$ALE! IYI Ií to sell my house, -n-ith nearty two lots ofland, frontín un Brnadway and running through toTuttle titreet, iü the Fiíth Wtird. Terms reasonable. S. B. McCRACKEN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 2C. 1863. Money to Lend. rOAN FOKSISH MONEY on reasunable tenns and long time ongoodFarm sccurity. E. W.MORGAM. Ann Arbor, July 22, 1S62 8-6tf Disoiiitioii íVotice. nMIE CG-I'ARINKR.-HII' herelofoie existir, uuder th lirm of Loumis c lripp is this day diasulved by mutual cuuM'iit. WM. L LQOSH9, CHAS. TKIPI'. Ann Arbor, Feb 2, 1863. 891tf Pensions, Bounty Money, Back Pay, &c., &c, Due Soldier, tbeir widows, children, or other heirs can beobtaiu d by apulying lo K1ÍAXK1.I' L. PARK.ER, authorízed ageut, w tu TRaCY W. KOOT. Rüut & i'akkk attend liso to colíecting, and farniahing abstracts of iíind title, havin carefully preparad Oouks and plata Bhowiog the coudition of title of ail laadd q Wa.shtenaw Cutinty ; uaying taxes, anrl invstigating tak and otber l;:nd tilles to any jiart of the í-iate or Uirted Otates. Have abo Farruw and unimproved anli tur sale ur exchange. AndareaenU for tho Atiantjc Firü Insurnnce Company of New York City. Office opjoaite the Fruubliu House, Ana Arbor. 891tf Coinmissioner3 Notice. OTATE OF MICHKiAX, County of Washtea-W, al:. O The undercigned liaving been appoiuted b the íobíitO (..'uiirt for Mid County Commihiinntra to rceive, examine and adjust all claims and demanda of all persons a#_inst the eatate of Joseph Kelsey late of the TuTnship ui' Vork, in aaid County, deceased, hereby give iintice that six months from dnte. are, by order of the aaid Probate Court, allo wed for cre.litors to preWttt tlifir claims af&inst sfiïd eefd, and that thy will moet at the rsidnce of the undenügned, Caleb Moore, iu the Township oí York, u R_id Tonnty, od Fridji7, thg oightli day of M:it, ml Fridav, tlie iieventh day, of A'ugust ii'pxt, at ODS o'olock. 1 M.,of each d;iy to receive examine and _4jot mkt claims CALKli MÜORE, ) LEANDKH I.kBAROV, J. Commissioners. Oi'H.VIM, GUOUING, J Dated, Februarv, 9:h, ]863. Sf-ltd ' The Great Living IJistory.' THE REBELLÍN RECORD Í A I IAR? OF AMH1UCAN KVKNTa Edited by FRAWK MOORB. 'ub'iih na in p:irïrf, at Í0 cents, ea oh part ilustra teI with two l'ortraits engravecí on steel FOL'lï VOLUMES are now ready at annexed prices, untü April 1 , 1863: Clotb, L3 75 a volume. Sheep, 4 0) " Hal Calf, or half Morocco, .. 6 00 " TÏIE RE1IELUUN KÏ-'X'OÏID 13 IN'DIPEXSaBLIÍ To LVF.RY PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UUKAHY. The four volumes contain : ï A FULL ANT CONCIBE DïAKY OF EVENTS, from thé Meeting of the outq Carolin i Convention in Dec 13öQ, to tho capture of New Oriaans, iuclnaive. ii. Over ONE THOÜ3AND OFFH'IAL REPORTS and VARKAT1VKS ui all the B.ittlea and kinnuhOH that hare cccuri-i.'d during the war. in. Over FIVE ttíTNDRED SONGS AND BALLaDS, both loyal and rebol IV. FORTY-SEVÍN PORTRAITS, eogra ved on steel, ofthê most celehiatfd men of the time, and Twenty-six Maps aad l'laits of líateles. v. )ver THREETaOUSAN'D ïncidents and Anecdota.of penoaal daringund bravery. "As a vork foi constant iierenco it is emincntly to be relied on " G. P. PUTNAM.Pnblisher, 5 .i'J lirnadway. CHAS. eVANá, en Agt. 4J8 Croad way. SPECIAL NOTTCEOn and alter April lt, the pnce of 'The Rebellion ïecord' will be ADVancko HF 1Y t T3. A VOLL'MK- ï'rom that dat1, the ale ui' Parts, from Sob. 1 to "24, wilt be dip conti nueá. Hack Era of tlu-"Iiebfilli'in Recurd" will be B ld only in volumes PurchaKera and Bubflcribers who havt not completed the four vols, must at oacc do so. The work iil cuntinue to be pubïshed in parta, at 50 cent- each part iUustr.ited with wo porratts on bteel. Volume V, wiU comprise Bevn partü. lilackwood's Magazine AND THE British Reviews. PRICE8OHEA.P AS EVER,, TO THOS: WHO PAY PROIPTLY W APVANCE. Notwithstnndir.K the cost of Keprinting thesreriodcals lias more tlian doubled in cousequence of the Hormon iise ín Hw prlota of Paper ana of a general d va nee in all other and notwithstandinf?thor publf-h 'M :irft roducing the -size or increasing tha irice of tbeir pubhoations, we shall continue, for the '(■nr 18R-), to furnishoura complete, as heretolore, at tho iid raits, vii. :- THE I.ONDOX QUARTERLY (Conssrvative) n THE EDINBÜRGH EETIKW (Whig) THE NORÏII BKITISH RKVIEW (Frce Church). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) ff BIjACKWOOD'8 EDIXBÜRfiH MAGAZINE (Tor). TER MS. Per &no, For anyone of the four Reviews, - - - $3 00 For %oytw.o of thftfbur Reviews, 5 oo For iuiy tlnee of tlie .our lievicus, - - 7 0O Forall four of theRartewa, 8 00. ForBlaekwood-Mgaiine, - - - . - 3 00 Por Blackwood nd one Bsvfew, - - - 5 00 For Blackwood ftnd two Reriews; - - - 7 00 ForBlackwopdaod threeBtTièw, - - 900 ForBUckwoodandthefourReview, - 1000 rliese will l'e our pricos to all who pny prior to the Int if April. To those who dc.fer püving till afterthat rao, the prices will be lacnared to xmli i'xtent as the increased cost of Reprint may deniuaü- therefcre, PF.ND IN Y0UR ORDERS AND SAVE Y0UR MONeV, i EOS vr D :nTr CO., FablhlVanL ?8 W ilfcrr Street, Vu' York.


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Michigan Argus