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The Union Mutual Life Insurance Company

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ported by the Insurauce Commisioners of Massauhusetts to be one of the beat in the United States, will be ropresented hereafter by J. V Kmoiit, Esq , wlio has recently aeeepted the agency for Ann Arbor and vicinity, Mr. Twitciiell, the former agent, having resigned in .quenco of his time beiug fully oceupicd with Iiis professional engagement Thoso who know Mr. Knigiit, will not need tobe assured of tha goodness of any company representad by hun, knowing that he woüld not be connected with any except those of the first class. Those of our citrzens intendiug to avail themselves of tbc benefits of life iusuranee, (which we would recoramen 1 to all men) would do well to cali upon our friend Kniqiit and investígate for themielves. S3T We have n-ceived the XXVI monthly number of the " Rebellion Record," a. work already classed atnong ■■tlie " standards," and which is doing the work for the historian of future ages in gathering together audiëntie documents, ■narratives, incidonts, &c, of the great rebollion. lts pafs ioclude federal and rebel official papers, newspapor reports of raids, skirmishes, battles, etc, making Loth narrative and history full and cotnylete. It is a work deserving a place both in public and priv.ite libraries. The number just received has a fine steel portrait of Maj. Gen. Josepii Hookbr, and also one of Corn. Tiikodorüs Bailby. G. P. Pütnam, Publiflher; Fbank ! Moore, Editor; Cuas. T. Evans, Genwal Agent, 448 Bröadway, New York. - As the price is to be raised after April lst, now 'u the time to subscribe, es adrertiMsment [p auotbor wlgtnn. J53T BW 9-" W". Duxter, one of Ihu residente ol thisoounty, and i'or manv years idontiíied with its liistory both as a business man and pnliticiun, died nt his residenco io the vil - lago of Dexttír, on Fridny morning laat. JL5L" From J H. BoHLB8O!í vvo have received a copy of tho Catalogue of tho University of Mioliigun for 1863. Tho summary shows the follovving uttendancH : ACADKMICAL StODENTS Kirst year, 41 Second " 48 Third " 33 Pourth " 34 In select courses, 44 ín Chemi.strv, 61 In Engineering, 3 In Courses for Second Degreo, 2 In Mudicine - Student, 250 Reident Graduates, 2 In Law- Júniora, 87 Seuiora, 45 Eoiidunt Graduates, 2 Total, 652 We venture to say that very few, if any.iiistitutioBS in the country can make t. better showing. A new feature in the Catalogue is n list of graduates and utudenta in tho anny. This list includes tho na;nos of 116 gradúate, aod 65 uodorgraduates ot the Literary Dsipurtrabiit, and of 44 irraduatus of the Law Department, including meinhers of the present Senior Class. And we ootico that with this patriotic showing the list is not f uil - The '■ Medical Soldiers " - not graduates of the Literary Department - are not catnlogued, no list having beon fuTuished. Id" We are in reeeipt of BlackwoocVs EdinJiurg Magazine for December and Jnnunry. The two numhers como together in consequence of the American Publifhers, Meure. Leonard Scott & Co., having been burned out, jiist as the December number was printed. - B.ith numbers have soine vuluable papers, and among them are, in the ono for December, " Viotor Hugo on the Great Freuch Puzzle," and "British North Amei ica ;!' and in that fir Jiiiuwiry, ': A Month's visit to the Confedérate Hcadquarters"-by an English officer, - " Progress in China;" and " Belligerent llights at Saa, and the Changos proponed in them." - Wi give the prospectus of BlacJcwood and the Reviews in another column, from whieh it will be seen that notwithtanding the great advanoü in papers, the publicatiooa aro to be conti ti lied at the old price. In view of the recent heiivy losses of Messr.s Scott & Co., by the burning of the largo stock of back numbers, they should receiva a liberal patronage from the reading public.


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