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gfttmï patafc MICflïfiA jí CUAL UJLÚki Passenger trains nuw leave Detroit and the severa Stations in thisUounty .as followt, : ü O I N (i WE3T. Leave. Mail. N. Y. Ex. Jack. Ac. N!gh1 Kjt lletroit. 7.20 J.M. 10 A.M. 5,15 p. M 9.30 P.M. Ypsilantl, 0 00 " 1L25 " 8.20 " 1 .r0 ' Ann Arbiir, 9 20 " 11.45 " 7 0") " 1110 " Dexter, 9.50 " 12.10 P M. 7 35 " 11. SS ' Chelsea. IJ .10 " 12X0 " 8.00 " 11.65 " Ar. Chicago, 10.30 " 1U.05 A. 31 J The mail train goes only to Michigan City. 6OIKIÍ E A S T . Leavo. NightEx. Jack. Ac. N. Y. Ex, Mail. Chicago, C.45I'. m. 6.S0a.m Chelsea, 6.55 a M. 6.20 P.M. Ke.xter, 6 50 " 6.45 " Ann Arbnr, 6.05 a. M. 7 25 " 3 45 P. M. '■ Yp11atrtt, 5 25 " 7-50 " 4,05 " e. 40 " Ar. Detroit, 0.45 " 9.20 " 6 15 " 8.09 '■ Tlie mail train starts from Michigan City. Traini do not stop at atations wherc figures are omittedin the table. The Great French Remedy! 1IADASI DOIVIN'S CELERRATED SILVER-COATEC FEMALK PILL3. The ooly certain an-1 Safe Hemefly for all Utcrine Obstructions, Monthly Difilcultics, lrregularities, and all the other diseases to which the Woman, Wifa and Motht;r is jcculirly liable. These PiUs contain no deleterioun ingredicnts, but flre safe and certain ín their actif.n. They wi 1 befoundto CKCrt the hupniest effect ín all cases of Prolapsus Uteri, in Loucorrhea, or the White ; they will be foundllie esicst an 1 most certain Cure that can be louad. It is on account of tbif certrinty they slioulil not be taken by Pregnant Fc-males (during the Jirst thrst mojtthsl as mhcarriage ia certain.) to be brought on, but at other period-s their use is peifectly safe. N.B. - One Dollar enclosed to any authorized Agent, will ensure pacltage of Pilis by return of mail. C. CROSBY, General Agent, Fort F.iie, C. W., B.iffalo, N. Y. Cautiov,- Beware of Countürfeits, the penuine haTe the signature of CROSBY f on the outside wrapper. Kor sale by all respectable DruggUts, Iyeow887 O TOBACCO- You can buy the best gradea of FINE CHEW1NG TOBACCO al fnim 50 cen;s to One Dollar SMOKIííG fi'oni füurleen to twenty cents at M. UEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red Indian. Soutli side Huron street, a few doors frorn Cook'a Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Deo.ll, 18G2. 883tf AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. Sü iti a gooil Physiaian by hia iuccesstiil Works. PROFESSOR ft. J, LYOKS, THE GREAT ANII CKLEBKaTED PHVSICIAX OF THE ÏIIKOAT, LlHíCtó AXD CllhT, Known all over the countr; au the OU-hrated INDIANI1ERB DOCTOR! From South America t wil! bo at liis roomn, HOUSE, DETROIT, OnthelSth .iiid 19ih iaat. on the same dale of and every 6ub9equent nionth duríng J882 and 1363, A NKaT PAMPHLET Of the life, study and pxtensive tr&vels of Dr. Lyons an bi procured by all who desire ujm, free of chkjys, Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, Jacksun.and Acolan, Mtch., as follöws : Ann Arbor, Monitor iïous1 COtli. Jackson. Hibbard House, 21st Adrián, Bracfcètt II u-e, 2fd and 23 1. Modk of Examixation.- The Doctor discerns diseases by tlao eyes . He, tin reforp, a.siis do quetions nor re q ires patients t explain symptoms, Afflicted, come and h-ive your symptöfea and the lucatiou of your disease e.xp!aind freu ol" charge. IMPORTANT" FEMALES THE HEALTH AND LÍFEOFWOMAN Is cnntimially B poril if slie la maJeaoogb tonegltcl or maltreat sexual inegularitie to whii:lj twothirds of hersex aro ni'ire or less .mibjpct. PB. CHEBSEMAM'S PUAH, pre, arel from the samo "ormula which the inventor. ''0RNEI.1US L. CHEESEMAN, M. D.,of N'ew-fork, hu for twent.y yeiua useil successfuüv inan extended priva te practice-iuimciltiitely reliuve without pain, all iintarbances of the periódica! 'lischarc. whetïier ansinfT from relaxation or suppression. Thpy Htt tike a clwirm inremoving the panis thnt apcrmpunv '1 1 Hfi a u 1 1 or iramoderftte m$ Mruation, anñ are the only safe and relinbli reme-iy for Ffafihes, Pick Heailache. l'nius in the L'jins. Raok and SicVs, Palpitation of the Heart N'ervoui. Tremors, Hystprips, Spftums, liroken Plep and otner nnpleasant and daneerons ufTecla of an unnatural condition of the sexual ftwctioni In the worst cases of Fluor Atltis or Whites, they reet a speedv cure To WIVES and. MATBONS. DX.CHEEsHMANTSHI[.I.Sareon"e-eda8 the only safe mean.s of renewinglnterr.ipted menstruation, but. LADIES BIUST nK.Ut IN MÍXD Thcre one r.ovdittan of thtfcmnle $yatLtn in ichich tht Pilis ctinvotbe taken wi.'hout produciría a PECUL7AR RESULT. Thccrmditw-nrcfrrredto i rREQNANCY- Ikc retulr, MISCMIU1A0E. Such is the irresistible lendency tif the ■mrAïcint torcatorp the. Benal fnnctions tn a vnrmal cnntlition, that even the reproductive power of naturt cnnvnt reitist it. directions sinti-ng wkent and when they should ■not be used, with eae.h Box, -.the Trice One Dollar each Box, r.brtainbtg 50 PUI. Avaluadlo Pa uphlet. to be had free of the Agents. Pi lis sent bij mail promptly, by enclosing pnce to any Agent, tíold by Druggisis jroneral v. B. B. HÜTCH1N6S, Propretor. ■20 Cedar-St., Nem York, For Palo by MAYXARPI STEDBIXS & WII.S0N and GRENVII.I.K & tUU.ER. A C&RD TO THE LADIES. DR. UUPOiWS GOLDEN riLLSFOR FËMALES. Inlallible in correctlnpr. regulating and removing all ob structions, trom whalevcr cause, and jtlwaya successful as a preventivo The combination o' ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis for Females are perfe-tly harmlss. They have been used in the private practice of Dr. Duponcp over 80years,and thousaads of ladies can testify to their great and -never failing success in almost every case in correcling irreularities, relievlng painful and distresflintr menstruation. particularly at the charge of life. From fivf to ten plIJs will cure that common yet dreadful compljiint, the Whites Nearly every female ín tho land suffers fr m t'us complaint. The above Pili has permnnently cured thousands, and they will cure jou if you use thfin. Thpy can not harm you; on the conirary. they remove all ohstructicma, re storenature to its proper ehanrel, and invigorato the' whole sytcm. Laclles wliose health ill not permit an increase of family, will find these pills e, successful preventiva. Ladies peculiaily aituatM, or those supposing themselveh ro, should not ue these Pilis duriag the first three months, as they are certain to produce miscarriagt, "after which admonition" the pro. prietor asstimes no responsibility, altLough their mildness will prevent an injury to henltn. The ingredients compoKÏng the above Pilis are inade known to overy Agent, and tbey will teil you they are safe and will perfora all claimed lor thcro. Priee $1 per box Sold in ANN ARBOP., by STÏBBINS WILSOX. Bruggists W. A. HUNT, Dru(.'ist. Ladies living at a distance ty sending tlicm $1,00 through the Ann Arbor Postoffice, can h:ive the Pills si-nt (oonfldentially) bij mail, to any part of the country free of p.oetage. N. I!.- Betoare of a bn;e c.oiintt'feit of these Pills.- You can buy the coun:erlnt article at any priccfrom 25 to 76 cents a box (daar at that). btnin your live aa4 he,altn aro of too much value fo bp trifled with, besides being imposed upon with a worthless art cle. Thprcfore any one offerin? you these l'ills for loss tlian SI a box, avoid them as you would poison. Tliev ré borus. None' are genuino unie the name of S. 11. C'iU'E is on every box wbicb bas recently bei'ii addsd.on account of tii'e Pilla beinj couterfeited. Sold also, bv KINNE i 5MIT1Í, Ypsilapti. BLIS3 fcBEEBEJackon, andby onc drugfint in every villsgo and c7 in the United Üttytty, ímdby KARRAND.SHEEIEY & CO. General State Agents, Detroit. S. D HOWE, 8elProprf8tor. 86Tyrí2 "-.■ vrE NEW BOOT & SHOE KT. B. EOLE, (9ucceaaor to Moore & Loomi.-s ) has opencda store ín FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Mam strect, Aun Albor, and has on hand a Iarge asBOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, uianufuctured from the beat m:iturin1 ati'1 Tvarranted to (iive latisfaotiotr, consi.sting ot MUTS KIP, CALF AND TH1CK BOOTS, i i ;i.í: soiiED_ MEN'S BUI' FALO OVERSEOES, of ii 11 dcsciiptiona. LADIES GAITEES, Morocai Bootees, Balmorals, Feit Occrshoei, and Rubbers. Ahn, lïoy's Kip, Caif & Thick Boots, together witli a varietj of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S 8HOES. I am aiso Rlaiiufacturlng WARKANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Men' Fine Ffencli Calf Uoois Peg-ged and Se wed. nive me n cll beforo purchasing elsewhere. I wilL '■11 my u'ioclrf clitiiipt'or cash. KKPAIKING NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N.B.COLE. Ann Arbor, Jan. 13th, 1S03. 8i7ir A LECTUR15' TO YOÜNG MEN! Just Publish;d, in a Sealed Envelope. Price Six Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treaiment p.nd Radical Cure of Spermalorrhcen or Seminal Weakneaa, Involuntary, Emiasions. Fexnal Dobil.ty, and Impedimento to Mari age grm rally. NfrvouRMcss,f'iinsumplion, Kpilep Ry umi Fus .:ontal n. PhysioaJ Incapacita tesultlng from bclt'-Abuse, &c Ky RÓBl'. J. CULVEKWKLL, M. t)., Author r.f the Green Book. fc. Tlie world renownpd auït.or, intuís admirable Ltcíure clearly [iroves trom hïa owti exiierirnce tbat tin Rtrful conseqiiencPs oí trelt fibuse ma y te rlïectually pfettoved without mediciné, and withcut dangerous fiurical operatiom , bougies, instrument, rin or oordiatf, polfttillg out a mode of coiie at once ccrtjiin and effect ual,b whicli ovcv ftufferer, no nia.1tcr what UU conditl on ma y be, mnv'cure liitnsell cheaply, privately, and ra-iically. ThisUxtupk will prove a boon iütuocsasds AND THQCPANDa Sent unler seal, to any .addreLs,ín a plain pnvelope, on tlie receiftof six ceuts,or Iwo postnge stampa,by addressing, CHA-ï J. C. K1IKFA CO., 127 Bowery,Xew Vork, Vvst OfliceBos,456G THE PERFECTION OF MECHANISM ! THE 11616 TIME OBSERVER, BEIXG A Hï'NTlNG A.VD OPKN' FaCR, OIÏ I.ADï'S OR (j'üXTI.KMAX's W'ATriI CU3I1Í1M-.D, WITD PJTKNT ELFWlïiniNG lMPROVr;MRNT. TheNkw Vobk Iij.UsTn.vTKD NkWB, 1h e leadinf pictorial paper of the United States, in i t issue of Jan. lOth, 183, on page 1)7 , voluntarüy sys : '■We have beeu shown a most pleasing mvelty, of which tbe Hubbard Bros., of this city, are the sole Importen It is called tbe 'Magii'Iime Ohservkr,' and is a bant ing and optn-face watch combiued. This is one of the prettiwt , most con ven i ent, ;n 1 deeïded y the best and cheapest time piecc orgeueral aii'l reliable use, ever offered. It hart witbin it iml conuectud with tt inachinory, its nvn winding attuchment, recderin? a key entireiy unntcessary. The canea of ibis Watch ave composed of two nietals, tl; e outcr one fiue 16 carat gold. It has tbe ira pro ved ruby action lever movement, warrarred an accur.ite tnncpiece " ''ric', supírblv enravetl. per case of a half dozen, S04 (-Q Sample Watoèea, in oeat morocc boxe, for thoeeproposiiiffto buy at wholeeale, $35, Rent byex[irefl, wjtii bill payabfe on doüvery. Soldiers must renut pjijmcnt in advance. as we canout coliect Irom those ín theArmy. Address, HL'BRAKD BROS. k .", Pui-KTMPniïiFn", 6ngHS Poma Co. Nassau 8e Jobs Rts..Nkw Yotr WONDERFÜL BUCCEÜS. J" Tbe ittention and rosearoli of the most d'Stinguisbed Clipmisis and l'hysiclans for jearn hav bi-cii dt'voted toihe prnduction of a remedy for tb :e niol ilistressirg m:il;tdies Metkaigia and RHBUUAT SMAfter lng Btnly and m.uiy expeiimeuti, sptcijlc preparat'on luis beeq diseovpred. VVA'lK'á Neuralgia ing, an ÏHtornal Bemrdy, is uurins tkmttaudapT caRéfl where ;i!l other remedies have utteily faileil. We are a?surei Hiat it is no rucio ■' ANODYMÍ," rolieving for tiie niMiiei.t wliilo cause reraainft, bat is a perfeci FKClHCand CUKE lor tho.-e fainful disensos. The vaut number of Linimcnts, Kmbrncli' n; n 1 Kxtemil Medicines, wliicli actas stimulanïa f the surface n&ly, are raerely temixraiy in their effecffl and cf doubtful virtue. The XKURAL,IA KI.N'G re&ches theaourcoof all Irouhie, and elTectually banishes the disease from thesystera. r I'rici; - Oné Dollar per Bottle. Prepared by C. B. WAÏ.KER, lj-83V Buffalo, N Y ., anu Fort Erie, C. W. Tcba cco ! Tobacco ! I AM SEI.L1NC GOODFINE CÜTCIIEWING TOBACCO At f rom Ftfty cents to % per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, Frnm 1 í cents to 20 cents per pound at rttaïl. M. DEVANY. Ann Atburj Mich., De,. 17, 13C2. 883tf ATTKIN'TMN! THE CHEAPEST JEWELKY HOUSE IN THE WORLD ! ! 4,318 Piecex of Assorted jEwB'.ny ron $50 (O)PI.ETË Lift of Fine (iol.l, Plated and Oreido L Jurelry, ieut ir-e. Address, J. A. SAJJSñURY. Agkst. 6vPSa PnoviDüNCE, R. I. A.ttention Oompany! fyIK firm of Moore Looiuis, jire now closing out 1 their business in t is city. and all Ihose in.Ubtnd to the firm, eitiier by note or book acenunt, are resuept' fully invited to cali and scttle the same iinmeliatelv and save cost. " After tbe 10:h, insr.. the books aqd accounts of said film will be left wifh Mr. N. B. Oo]e, one door nortli ol Messrs. Schoiï te Miiler's Bookstors, Franklin Block, who is duly iulhri;:ed to settle the same. MOOItE & LOOM IS. Aan Arbor, Jan. 7th, 18C3. tö6tf iiuctioiieers lotice. BYRON' GREEN, havinu' app]ld for a licenae, now hoMs hlmaelf in rea d nes to attond to all calis _ Ilavliii; hadexpeti'ince, hefs positiva he can give good satisfaction. Ailcal.s promptt; attended Jo. Chaires ieasonaWe. Applyat the Franklm Houae. BVRON' GREEN Ann Arbor, Cct. 24, 1862. STJtf I am bovuid for the SHOEiSC SHOP! J. C. ÖOUTIIER & R. A. JOHNSON, Blacksmitlig. Will do Hirso Shoeingaii'J a'I Mnl of Jübblng in tlieir line at the shortfst i.issible notico Also Carriage an 1 Wjon Vrork done to order, and sati&fuction givcn or no pay. CHEI.SEA, Washtenaw Co., Mich., Feb. Í3. '63, 3aiS9O Ayer's Agüe Cura


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