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Mr. Norris Nominated

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Ti"..! Judicial Oonvention for this distriot, whioh oonvuiied at Jackson' pn Thursday of .t woek, ununiinouslv nominatetl D. Nokius, Esq., of this couuty, as the Demccrátic eaudid ate for Circuit Judge. Two weeks ugo we spoke of Mr. Noitiiis in conneolion wilh this office, and now espress onr gratification U his ncfrr.ínátíon. Though a young man for the pósiiion, Mr. Ncmais bas qualifioations tha t eommend hiin to the pottple, and especially so to tho Democratie party. He fe a good acholar, an aoïé jawyér, thvays a gentleman, and an honest m:m. Ha will rr.ake a jíck;Í run, and if there is any relmnco to be placed upon the signs of tho times wil] be elec'ed. Democratie ÏTominee for Eesidsat Ëegeat. The Democratie Convention nominated Charles II. liiehinond, of thi citv for resident Ketcent of the Univei'.sily. Mr, Rif.hmond is a fnir business mini, it 8 said (1) but he lias no syrr puthy ïvi'.h our edncational interets, and is handly ! with onr city in any sense. (2) Ile is a man littlo knovvn. Tt is hiirprising to na that aniong al! the good and prominent men of the Democratie paity of this cits, onecould n'ot be iound vvho, in tho event oí un elepjon would tío honor to the poaition (3), Bat, perhap the reason lies in th tact that the knowing ones have na hope of an e'ecMon, nnd Mr. Richmond will answer a wel! as a saoiiüce. (4) - State News. 1. Can the N?ws say ns much for t!ie nominee cf the Republican b in this district, Itev. Gko. Willaud of Battle Creek? Mr. W. is a scho'arly gentleman, bnt has tha reputution wherever known of beirig a novice in all bnsinet-'s matters - ineflicient becanse inexperienced and wiihont business tasten. Besides, our citizens, including thos-e of the same political faith of the News, give Mr. KicimosD credit lor being a No. 1 business man, a man fit to be truHied with tho administraron oí aii3' finnncuil interest, whfih may come tinder h:s control as " rei-ident Regent;'1 2. The sympaihy of Mr, Kichmond with our erlucational interests and with tho interest of " our ci;v': are certainiy as great as can be tlioso of his non resident compotito ". We speak of him as pit tod against. Mr. Willaud, becausa so rioininated ; but the Lfginluturo lias no riglit, to restrict. the peoplo in thcir choice of IX 'gent to any district or locality, nnd the eight candidates having the highest number of vo'.es will be elected, though they may uil reside in a single C'ongress.ional district, or even in a single countv. 3. Ia tho News at 11 surprised "that among uil the good and prominent meu of the Republican party of ibis city, ene eould not be iound who, in t'ne event of an elcction would do honor to the position" ? Or does our n!g!,bor concede that Ann Arbor cannot furuish a Republican oféved such '' fair busine--s"qiialiricationsisto entitle the party to a candidato for " resident RggonC' ? 4. Never mimi tho reason Mr. News that tho Demócrata notninated Mr. Richmond, bnt teil your readers pLiinly why the Republicun Oonvention reiused U nominute a candidato resident at Ann Arbor. That's what many of our citizens would like to know.


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