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The Legislature On The War

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Tho following resolutioü "on tho state of the Uuioii" have been adopted by tho Hous3 of Representativos of this Stata, by a strict party voto, even Messrs. Lockwood and Warner, of Wayne, refusing to endorso the " all effurts " in tho first rcsolution, uuless qua-liiiod by restrieting the administration ta lawful or constitutionul eiForts : WiiKHKAf, Tho present robellion threaiens the peace and perpetuity of the Union of the States, and rtfquires tho uniled effurts of all patriotic and loyal citizens to sustain the Adniinistration, to restore a permanent and lionorable peace to the wholo country ; thcreforo R solead by the Senate and House of Represent-dices nf tlie State of Michigan, That we will sustain the National Administration with all tho me;ins in our power, in all i!s effürts to quell the present rebellion, and restore peaee to the Union. It'Sohed, ïliat wo unreservedly approvc tho Proelamatiou of the PreSiieut of the United States, issued on the first d:iy of' Januiry, one thousand eight huadred and sixty-three, emaneipatinir slaves in the iusurgent States iind districts of tho Union, believing it to be an act of justicc, warranted by the Constitution upon military necessity. Resolved, That while wo liment tlie gallant dcad who have given their lives for their country, and mourn over the appalling saerifioes of blond aud treasure, which ihis war has already oeeasioned, wo nevertbeless rejoiee tliat through the mad and guilty net of the Southern con spirators, that wieked and barbirous institution of Afrioan stóvèry will receive its death-blow ; and as lovers of human ity and christian civilization, wc hail this gi-uat consuuiiuation with ex.eeding jny, nut asa cause for tlie proelamatiou of tlie President, but as a benefioent eonuquence which must fljw from it. Resolved. That we are uualtera.bly opposed to any terras of compromiso or accounnodation with tho rebels, while uuder arms, and acting ii hostility to the Governmon-t of the Union, and on this we express but ono sentiment - unoonditional submission and obedience to the laws and coi;stitution of the Union. Rfsuhed, That the Oovernor bo re(juested to forward a copy of the forego' I ing preamble and joint reselutions to eapli of our Senators and lleprosentativcB in Congrefw, and to the Governors of the several loyal States. SS" Mrs Par! ington wants to know if the Pope sout any of his bulla to the cattle show. l Keuuty is a stronger vvooerthan loving words; so the womeo woo us more than We do them.


Old News
Michigan Argus