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piiintiííg' OF ALL KINDS Meatly Executed AT THE A11GUS OFFICE. WE ARE FREPaRED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IR THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE MOST EEASONAELE RATES. We have reeently purehased ROTARY CARD PEESS, and linve arMed the latst stylos of Card Type, -whieh enables us to print INYITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1SITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neatest Rtylea, and as cheap au any other house in the State. We are also prepared to print POSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, LiLL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS &c, TIETJE A-PIO-TTS BOOK BINDERY ig in charge of FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLAfyK BOOKS OK ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufactured in best style at New York Prices, Beriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. Al] Work warranted to give entire eatisfaction. E. IJ. POND, Propr. Office and Bindery, cor. Main A Hurón Sts. Agent for the Phoeníx Insurance Company OF HARTFORD CT., AND THE CONWAY INS., COMPANY OF BOSTON MASS. Loases Honorably adjustci] anl promptly paid at tilia Agcucy. Ufflce Comer Main and Hurón Street, over the Store of BaoS & PKKoN,Ann Arbor. Ana Arbor, Sept. 10, 1802. POR SALE ! TWO of the mostrlpairable building Iota in the City of Aun Arbor, contaimng wieh one acr; and a quartor ofBrmmd. Theyaresituated.inStatf Street, ncar tlie Bonth west corner of the University tiuarc. For terin.,&c.,inquireatthe ARG'Uá OFFICE Mot. 14 18B2. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral PBPk, BOOK STOREË ARn.Mjn ..1..M..U, ..i....v i VtkUM 1UBIJSHHX8 AXJ) Manufacturera, a mul Complete 8töcb of LAVV & MEDICAL liOOKS, Scriool Books, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, aan 9TATIONE n. 5T ! Wllüd Winclow Paper, Drawing and NiattiematioalInstrummtH, Music, Juvouile Librarie;-, ËuvelopeB, Inks and Carda. GOLD And all other kinds of Pens and Pencis Window Cornico, Shadps and Kixtiirp, POCKET CUTLERY! Andoverything pertaining to the trade, and more to whichthey would invite theattentum of the country. Inconductingour business, we shall dn all that can be done, so ttiat no rcasonable man, womaj 6t child shall fiud any fault. We possess fiicilities which will enable un to supply ourütomers at the Lowest Possiblo Figures. We propose toseil for RKADY PAY, ata small advance. We expect a proíit on our goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. The "EmpibeBook Store," is manned by agood 'crew,' nd they will aluaj-s be fouoii on the "quarter deck,' rflaily arrd wíííing to attend to all with pleasure, wko wil favor them with a cali. Ivemember the "Empine Book Store.7 JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Ann Arbor, May, 1860. 14 f Great Reduction in the Price oJ SINGKR & CO.'S Standard Machines . Well known to be the Beft for Mmufacturing Purposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly suld at $90, reduced to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for raerly sold at $100, reduced to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the best Machine in the world for Family Sewing and Light Manufacturing Purposes : (with Hcmmtr,) and beautifully ornamented $50. The Nos. 3 and 2 Machines are of great capacitv and appp'cation for manufacturing purposes. Uur No. 3 Machines are especially adapted to all kinds of light and heavy Leither Vork, in Carriage Triniming, Boot and 8hoe Making. Harneas Mtking,etc, títc. They are of extra size, and with an arm Jong enough to take under it aud stitch the largest size d.itthes. There ia searcely any part ofaTrimmers' stitching that cannot be better done with tliem than by hand ; bo, too, the saving oí time and labor ïb vcy great. Thetableof these machines is 24 inches long, and the shuttle will hold sis times the usual quantity!ot' thread. Thelarge machine works as 1'a.stas small onea. We would ask for our Setter A Machines, the special attention of Vest Makers and Dress Makers, and all those who want Machines for lig ht manu f atturing purpose. They embody the pridtiii'les of the standard machines, making like them theinterlocked sitch, and are destined to be ascelebrated for Famjly Sewinq and lig la manufacturing purposes as jour standard machines are for manufacturiug purpose in general. We have alwayson hand, ukumimu gauges,silk twist LINB-V AND COTTON TUKKAD , OM SI'OOLS, BKST MACHINE OILÏn bottles, etc., etc. We manufacture our own Needles,and would warnall peraoas uning our machines notto buy any others. We know that there are needies sold of thê most ivferior quolity at higher prices than we charga for the best. The needies Rold by us are manufactured specially for our ma, hiñes. A bad needie may rendcr Úit bttt machine almost uselesá. Our customers may rest assured that al our Hranch Offices are furnished with the1' genuine actiole " In case of small purchases, the money may bo sent in postage stamps, or bank notes. Correspondents will please write their names distinctly. rt is all in portan t that we should, meachcase, koow the Post Ollice, County, and State. && Ail persons requiriug information about Sewing Machines thh" size, prices, working capacities, and th'e best methods of purchasing, can obtain it by sending to us, or any of our Branch Offices for acopy of I. M. Sluger & CoV Gazette, Which is a beautiful Pictorial Paper efltirely devoted to the subject - It will bt sent gratie. #&- We have madetheabuve REDUCTION IN PRICES with the two-fold view of benefiting the public and ourselves. The public havebeen swindled by spurious machines made in imitation of ours. The metal in them, from the i ron cantiug the smallest peice, is oi poor quidity. Their makers have not the means to do their worK weil. They are hid away in secret places, where it would be impossible to have at their command the proper mechanical appliances. It ia oniy by doing a great business, and having'extensive maijufiictunng estaUlsb.ments, that cood machines can be made at moderatprices, The best designed machines, BADLY MADE, are ahvays liable to get out of order, and are sure lo cost considerable trouble and money to keep them in repaire The qualities to be looked for in a Machineare: cert.ainty of correct action at all ratea ot speed,. simplicity of onstruction, great durabi'.ity, and rapidity of operation, with the least labor. Machiuesto combine these esnential quaütieR, tmust be madeuf the best me:al and finished to perffction. We have theway and iiiuaus,on a grand scale, to do this. The purchasers of machines, whose-laily breditmay concern, will find that thosy luiviug the aboveqmalities not only work well at rapid as well as slow rates cf speed ,but lastlongcr in th linestpos.sible working order. Our machines, as made by us, wïll earn more money with less labor than any others whether in imitütion of oursornot. lufact, they arecheaiur than anyother machines aa a gift. 1. M. INGKR k C-,. 458 Broadway New York. f$& Detroit Office, 58 Woodward Avenue, (Mer-iU Block.) Slltf M. II. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. NEW FALL GOODS ! BACH PEERSON Have just opened a Choice Stock of WOOL, COTTON & S1LK &- d% c! X sa for Ladies' and Gentlemens Wear, also a stock of Best Family Groceries, 1 which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. i Gold, received at 16 per cent. prem. Silver, " " 14 " " " Cunada, " " 14 " " " Oíd demand Treasury notes, at 10 per cent. prem. BACH at PIERSOÏï. ' Ann Arbor, Sopt, 22, If63. HORACE WATERS, AGENT 3 3 3 lïroadway, New York Publislter of Muslr and "Iusii ISonks A.M) DKAI.KK IX Pianos, Molodeons, Alexiindre Orgos Organ Accordeons, Martin's celebrated andother Guitars, Vioiins, Tenor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Fiu tinas, Fintea, Pifes, Triangles, Clari spette, Tunhïg Foiks, Pipes aud Ham mera, Violin Bows, bcstltalian Strings, Bass Instrumenta for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, ifinï all kinds of Musical Instruments. JS lx o o t 3VX xx O i o, c'rom all the pubhakera in the U. 3., BertmiV Huntin'fl, ijrtd Modern School, and ;ill kinds of (ustrnction Books for the above instrumenta; Cliuruh Music Books: Music elegantlv bound; Maffia paper, and all kiiid.s of Music i Merchandise, A t t heLowest Prices. New Pianos, At $175, $200, $225, $'250, and np to $S00. SeCübd lliin.l Pianon froin $25 up to $160: New Melodeona, $45 ' $60, $75, SlOOjiind up to $200; Secomt Ihmd Mehïdeons trom $Ü0 to $80; Mexandre Qrg&ji, wlth flre stops, Utóft, nim-atops, SI 85 and $226; thirteen stops, $280, $27-5 and $300; fifteen top.$-'ï20 and $375; A liberal discount to Clergymen, Churohes, Sabbatb. Schools. Seminaries and 'IcjicIkts. ïhe Trade supplied at the usuul trade discminta Testimoníala of lie Iloracc Waters Planos i, lid Mclmli-ofi.3. John ITvwett, of Cfirthiií.')', New Yorfr, wBo has had one of tlic llt-nici Waters Pianos, writesas follows: - "A frieud of mine wishes me to parchase a piano lor her. Öhe likes the_one you sold me in December, 1856. My piano la becoming popular in ibis place, and I think I can introduce one or two more; thpy wül be more popular tliAD any oiher nxakfe. ÏJ uWe bave two of Waters' Píanos ín uso ín ourSeminary, one of which has bren severely fested for threo yt'nrs. and ve can teatiTy to their good i] Uftlity and duiubility." - Wood ü Gregory, Monnt Oxrroü, Til. "H, Watpr),Eaq. - DRAR Pir: Having used one of your Piano Fortes Tor two years past. I have fonud i a very superior Instrument. Alonzo Gr.vy, Principal ïlrnoktyn Heiphts St.minary. "The Piano 1 received from you continúes to jjivc natmfaction. 1 regard it as one oI'Hip bosi insti-unient.s n the place." Jamks L Clakkk, Charleston, Va. "Tlie Melodeon bas salVly arrived. ï feel obligcito you fory nor liberal discount." Rev. J. U. McCoRMick, YarquesvillcS C. "The was duly received. Itcam in excellent conditiorJBpd is very much ahnired by my nunienv.ii famiiy 30cept my thïinkn for your promptuess." Rdbkkt Coopkb, Wdrrrnham, Bratijoed Co. Pa. 'Your piano pleases ufi wcll, It Is the best one in our county.",- Thomhs A. LaxhaU, CampheiUov, Ga. "We are very imu-li oblïgefl to you for liaving sent SHch atine instrument for $250." - Braxk,Held & Co., Bttffalo Democrat. "The Horace Waters Piannpare known as nraonj the very best We are enabled to speak of tliese Insiruments with conlidence, from personal knowlodge of their excellent tone and durable iu;üty." - N. Y. Evangelist. 'We can spe;ik of the nnrits uf' the Horace Waters piannsfrom personal knowledge, as baing the very finest quality." - Ckristian IntetUgencer. "The Horace Waters píanos are ouilt of the best and most Üiorougfily sea-oned material. We have no doubt thatbuyerscan do as wcH.petb.ap8 better, at ttain thau at any othevhouse in the Union." - Advocate at d Jovrnal. Waters' pianos and melodeons challenge comparison with tin ftnesl made any where in the country."- Home Journal "Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of fulT, rich and even tone, and powerful - N. Y. Musical RfO'tw. "Our frlenda will find at Mr. Waters' store the very best assortment of Bffoaic and of Pianos to be found in the United States, and we ure our southern and western fr'ends to givö bim a cali whenever they go to New York." - Graham's Magazine. Warchouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sabbath ScTi ooi Bell, 1OO.OOO issuetl In ten üfonths. Tlie unprecedented sale of thisbook haa. indneed the publiüher to add sume JO new tunenandhymns to lts present aize, without extra charge, except on the cheap edition Ainong the many beautiful tunes and liymus adiled may be found: - "I ouglit tö love my motber;" "0 111 be a good cliild, indeed 1 mll." These and eight others from the Bell, were sung at the Punday School AnmverHary of the M. K. Church at the Academy of MusLc, wiih great apjdause The Beil coi:tains nearly 200 tunes and hymn,and ts one of the best collections ever ssued. Price llic; $10 per hundred, postage 4c Klegantly bound, embossed gilt, 25c, $20 per 100 It bas been introduced iuto many of the Public Sc1 ols. The e. is publishedin Rmall numbers entitled Anniverwaryaud Sunday School Music Books, Nos. 1,2, 3, & 4, in order to accomniodate the million ; price $2 & $3 per hundred No. 5 will soonbe issued - commeneement of another book. Also, Revival Music Books, No, I &.U, pric $1 & $2 per 100. postage lc. More tha.i 300,000 copies of the above books have been issued the eighteen montas, and the demand israpic'dy iucreasinf Publiahed bv HORACE WATERS, Agent, 333 Broadway, N. V. Publised by Horace Wate's No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal, "Kind Wordscan neverdie;'1 tlTl. e Angels told me so;" "Wilds of the Wrst;" "Thougbts of God;" "Givameback my Mouatain Home;" "Iay DreamR;" "Dandy CockRobin;" "I'm with thee atill;'lPetnames;" "There'n no darilng like mine;" "ftuah J.ine Lee;'1 "Ever of thee;" "I'm tea ving thee in Sorrow;" "Birdof Beauty;" "Home of our birth;" "iïrave (-f Kosabel,'1 and 'Wake, lady, wake,.' price 25c each. ' Instrumental, - ' 'Palace Garden, or inging Bird Polka,' 40c; "Swinging SchottiKche;" "Mirabel Schottisch;" 'Thomas Öaher's 8chottische ;" "Piccolomini Polka, 35 cents each. The above pieceï have beautiful Vignettee "Weimer Polka;" "Arabian Wai ery Murch," the very last; "Vassovianna Doniells Mazurka; "Real.' ng Polka;" "Crinoline Waltz," and "Lancers' Qua drille,"25c each. "The Empire of Reich'e Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Hibernian Quadrille," 3ftceach. Vïany of these pieces are played by Baker's oelebrated Wohest ra with great applruse. t!5fr Mailed free. A argelot of Foreign Music at half price. planos, Melodeons and Orgttns. The Horace Waters Pianos and Melodeons, for depth, jurity of tone and durability, are unsurpassed. Prices .ery low -Second Hand Pianos and Melodeons from $:'5 to 5150. Music and Musicf.l InstrufïtiDnw of all kinds, atthe owest prices. HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 333 Broadway, N. Y. Testimoniáis; - "The Iïorace Waters Pianos are known is among the very best.' - Evangelist. "We can sj)eak of their menls from personal knowlidge." - Christion Intetugcncer. "Xothingat the Fair Jisplayed greater excellence ' - Chitrchman. Waters' Pianos and Meloneons challengecomparison kvith the tinest made anvwherein the - Home l(HT4l, 719tf SCHOFF & MILLER A RESTILI. ON1IAND at tbcirolil Stand, A No. 2, Franklhi Block, vith themost complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOECOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in tliis Market ! and they would suggest tothose in pursuit cfanythingin SANTA CLA U8 LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! bv purchaflfng frnm tliis slock, at eacli purchaser getE tn vlilitional present of Jewelry, &c. , Ranging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. Thpytrust that thoirlong experience nselecting goods fortliis market an) stiict attentinn to the wants of Ciifctomers, may entitle tbera to a liberal share oj 1'a.tronatie. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 1800 777tf Demand Treasury Notes For which we pay M. GÜITERMAN 4 Co., Ann Arbor Octobor 3, 1802, GREAT.GREATER GEEATEST BARGá-lKS EVER OFFEREÜ 1859. f-1859 I n tliÏ3 City t are now being offered at the CHEAP,CL0CK,WATCH, & F o xv X xy S t o x oTHR Sobserlber wouldeny to thecHizetiPof Ann Ar bor.i" particular, and the rest of Wníhirnnw Cnuntv ïaceneral, that hehasjust IMPOKTF.D DlRKOTLY frum KtJIïOPE.a , Tremendous Stock of WatchfR! Ah of which hfí bindshimself tonel] CHEAPER than can bfl bonybt wcst of' Pï(w York City. Open Vhcc Cyllüder Wwtehes (rom #6 to $]0 do do Lever do do H to 2] HuntingCaee Ho do do 14 to 35 do do Cylindor do do 9 to 2É Gul.J Wateheefrorn 20 to 150 I have also tne CELE BR ATE l AME1VCAN W .AT CHES, whirh I wlll se'n ter $3-. F. ver y Vvatch warranted to perform well, ort-he money refunded. Clocka, Jewelry, Piated Ware, Fanry Gnmls Gold Pns, Musical Instruments and rttrinpe, Cntlery, &c, and in Tact n varicl-y of cvfry'"liiriii uourIIv kopt 'ay Jcw elnre carr b bnaphtt'orihe aext ninety days at vur O W N 'RICES! PersotiB buying anythinp nt thia wí'II known nstabliahme ntrnn rcly upnn gotting good? exnct'y as representad, or the mnney reiunded. Oallearly and secure the best bnreains ever oftered in tlii 'ity One word in regard to Ropairing; : We are prepared to make nny repairs onfinp or common Watchpa,fvpn torn kincoer the entire wntcl;, f neccssRry. Repnirini.' cl ("locka and .Irwelry s usual. Also the. mtiniifactuiiDa of RINGS, BROOCHB, or auy'hinir Hnsired, frum California Gold on short no' tire. Enerrayire in allits b ranchee exeented withneatneas and diepatcb. J WATTS. Anu Arbor, ,Tnn. 2Pth!P59. 7L4w Important National Works, l'ubli.-ht'tl by D. API'LKTÜN & CO., 346 AND 348 BRÖADWA.Y NEW YORK The foUowiiig works are gentto Subscvibers in .;iv part of thi country, (upon receipt of retail pricc,) by mail r expres, pienald : THE MOYV AMF.JÍI.W OTCXOPÜfcDIA; A Popular Dictkmfiry of (.ent-ral KnowU-.l-c. BMÏTed by Gho. Kiri-Kv nul ChjRLKBA. Dav, aided by a oumerous select corps of wnler.s n 11 brftachea of Scienct-s, Art and Litcrature. Tilia work is beíág pubBsbeQ in about 15 hirge octavo vohm's,eacli Cdiitaining 7ñ()l wo-column pages Vols. I., JI-, III., IV. V., VI., VII.. V]II.,,t IX. ave now ready, e&cfa cmtaining near 2.5O(inri}rinal arii cles. Aa addiüonal voluine will be published once in about three nrintlis. Price,in Cluth, S3; Sheop, $3.50; Half Itussia, $4.50 eaoli. The New American Cyclopscdia is popular without beine superficial, [eartrtfl wïtfiout beiug pedan tic, compre hensiv but suHicicntly ileiaileil, free i'rom personal pique and party prpjudii'.e, fresh and yet accurate. It is a complete stacement óf all that Es knnwn upon every important topic within tbe .cope of human inlelligence. - Every important article init has been specially written for its pages by men wb(tareaut,horities upon thetopic on which they speak. Tbcy are requireu to brinj; the sut,ject up to the present moment; to state just how t stands 7t nto. All the statiwtical informa tion x f rom the latest reporta; the geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorations; historical mattere include the freehest just views ; the biogrraphical notices gcfy ak not only of the dead but al.soof the living. It is a hbrarv of tself A UIDGEDIEVT OF THE DEBATES OF (JONGRESS Being a Politica! History of the United otates, fruía the organizatiori of the ftrst Federal Congresfi in 178' to 1856. Edïtedand compüed by Hon. Tiio. ' Hakt BEXTOv,from the Official Records of Congreas. Tho vrork will becompï Btecl in ió roval octavo volnnietof 750 pages each, 11 of which are now ready. An addiiïonal volume will bc puhlished unce in threeraonths. Cloth, $3; liaw Sheep, Half Mor., $4: Hall Catf. $4.50 e;u-li. A WA Y OFPRUCURTXGTHECYCLOPDIA ORDKPATKS Form a club of four, and remit the price of' four books, and five copies will br sfiil at the remit ter 's expensefor carriage; or tor ten subscríbers, eleven copits will bp sent at our expense for carriage. To Agr i' ts. No other work will so liberaüy reward the exertions of ygents. A.v AÖISt wa.vted in this County Terms raadeknown on appïioatioD to the Publishers. Aun Arbor, Marcli. 1859. 0902amt aa Bev Tiios. Weiuht, agent at Kinne & Smitha Book Store, YpKÜanti. 1862. NEW 1862, WINTER COODS! MACK & SCHMID are now receivirg a Large & Attractive Stock of Staple aiv Fancy Dry Goods, LADIES'DKESS GOUDS, FÜRS, OLOAKS, SHAWLS, &c. in great variety of the most desirable styles iiiid ijiiuiitibs. A good assortment of RIBBONS, TÜIMMINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY,&c, AIso a choice stook of goods for Mens' Wear, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. HATS -A-IsTD CAFS, IT"ieslx G-roccrieSi CROCKEBY, &c.,&'j., which wil] all be sold at the Lovesfc Casli n?rices. MACK & SCHMID. Ann Arbor, Nov. 7, 18G2. 878tf iliíle Factor y! Beuíler & Traver, [Sucetissors to A. J SutherlMid,] Manufacturera of and DcaliTs in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Poihcs Gane Bags, and Everjother artille in Ibat Line. All kiuils (,f ■FIJES I A I H I 3J Gr done at tlie shortest notiee. aml inlhebest inuuner SH&w B-0 "T s3 a f ull usortmeni always fcspt od hand and made ordeí. t%. Shop on Hurón troet. Ann Arbor, )cL. 8, 136. 873tf Ovni Picture Frames LI.9IZE3, 8TTLBE aml lTvICES just recoívod and Cersale cheapat CHOFF & MILLER'S. 186O.Bec.25, 780tf THE OLD CORNER R E 3ST E W E D ! ■vith ïsTIE'W STOCK, NEWGOODS,&C. FAKMERS' iW CASH Sf Ét (At the old stand of Thompson & Millen.) I au uow opening a earefully SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOOOS CONS1STIXO OF DRESS GOODS, PEINTS, BROWN & BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, &c. aud ever) tbing that is kept in a Doixiesitio House, a!so u fine assortment of BOOTS & SHÖESÏ AND YiVIVKEE NOT1ONS, A full stock of flEOCEEIES constantly on hand. FARMER'S PRODUCE' Bought and Sold. Thankfnl to old friends and customer for pnsfc favors, I bope to merit a shar of their patronage, bj dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. MiHen & Co. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1862. 872tf "Próvido for Yo r Family.' KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE CQMPANY Western ofticejK.ingsb-.iry Klock, Randolph St., Chicago Assets Jan. lst, 1862, $276,223.44 Pnlicies are íssued apon tlie lives nf debtors, .and Fo all business pnrposes, either for life or for a o years. on as favorable terras as by any othi r Company Harried ladies mav iusiue the uves oí' tfrefr hnsbanu aecordiug tn a law of the State, securing the amoun. o he losuraoce fco theiqseWea or their children, free frofl the claims of their husbands' creditors ; al$o, marrier ladics can insure iheir own Uves for the benefit of their ebtldren or trustees. Poli c tea on Uves are issued for aov sum noí exeeediri" $10.0.0. By the termsof the charter, thia fompany Is probtbl ted paving mom lli;m 7 por cent. nmiii Uy ni dividend B ou its capital to stockhlU'r ; :ml it recoiven that smn in Interest for the use of it? capital, the surplus bein divided amon? tlie Tnsurers ; henee it wil] appear that it combines tho advantages of a Mutual with the security of :i Stock C'ompnny. Wlien the premium ;iniounts to $40 or over a nnte may be givea Tor (our tenths of the atnjunt. Kates as low as auy olhergood company. Now ís the time of secure a competency for yoi family should deutb Hik! y our homestead encumbereü and buáinesf in volved. ERASTCS LYMAN, President. Oeo. P.3NiFFEN,S3cy B. F. Johnson, Vice President, and Manager of Western liranch ulïice, Chicago E. B. POND, Agent. WM. I.FWtTT,M. D., Medical Kxaminer CÏTY COFSH SHOP. Wholesale aml Rc-tuil, O C. SP A F FOR 13 Would respectfulTy announos to the citïzens oí Ann Arbur and víeiinty, that lie ia now nranufecturiog and keeps constuntiy on bind a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! such as Pork a tul Cldr Baxrelfl, Kcgs, Fij'kïns, Churas, Well Bnckcts, &c5 Which wili be sold cheap for cash. CXJSTOM -WOttls: Made to order on short notice. llepairing done with nealneás and dispatch, 1 would cali particular attention to Merchante in want of Iluitrr Ffrtins I am maanfacturlng the N'iw Voile tState Klrkln, wliich isa better Firkin thao bfts evtr bct'ore been of fered in this market. ï would invite all who waut Firkin- to Cali and exanine for tbemselves beft Te purchasing elsewliro, a ad I will couvince you that you have ca led at the rfght place. 1 would ulso cali the attention of Brewcrs in want of BEER KEGS, I am now prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls, in large or (small lots, and of a Better Quality tlian eau be had in Detroit or ulsewhere. -"All wórk warranted to give entire satis 'action. Ihankful fot p at favo! and by a strict atteotion to business, I liop to meril contmueC liberal supply of tlie public patronage. üo not furget to cali at tlie City Cooper Shop. O. O. SPAFFORD. DattoltSi Ann Arbor, llich. 888jl á. uctioneers ïiiotice. BTRON OREEN, baring anplled for a license, now holdrt liimselt in ruadinesp to altend to all calU - ilavini; hadexjieiiinco, heis poBltive ho can give good lati.ifaction. Áil V8 promptly ttended to. Charges easonable. Aiii'ly at the Franklin House BÏRON GREKN. .uu ArboT, Oct. e.', 1SCJ. cTóif Commissioncrs Notice; 8TATE OF M1CHIOÁN, Coiiniy of Washtonaw, B8 The undcrsigned having bee,a appointed by the Probate Court for said County Cumminsioners to receiye, cxdmim; and adjust all claims and demanda of all perdona againt ibe eiriate pf Juseph Kel.sey late pS the Tmvuship of Vorlt, in .siucïOanty, dece:inedr her? by give Dotice tliat sis uionthx fraai date, are, by orderot' the said I'robate Court, allowed for créditors to pre.Bent thcir claims againat said eeeaqed, rad that they will meet at the reidonce of the undersigncd, CaJfe lldore, to theTownsbip of York, in said Connty, ons Pridfty, the eighth day 01' Mav, and Friday, the ?ev enth day, of August next, nt one o'chck, I'. il., of eaeb day to receíve examine and adju&t utid eJaima CALKli MOOJÏK, V ÜEANUKR LkHAÍíON, -Commissioners. OTUNIKL SOODINft, J Pated, Februarv, 9tb, 1863Bfiltd Attacbment Noüce. 7OTICE ishsreby given tbat on the 24th day of II November, A L.,eighti;eii hundredjind sixtytwo, a writ of altachment wae isuied out o the Circuit Cmirt for the County of Wa&htenaw, in favor of lliomls Morman, plainiitl, against the gooÁs, chattels, lamly, teñamente, moneya and eflcct-s of l'eter tchaier aud Wllliain Sclnvitzer defendants, for the =nni of two hun dred and sixty aix dollaxa tima iiliy-two etnta whiU Líiid writ was returnable on Tuesdn v the f-econd day of1 December, A. lí.eíghteen hundred and eixtj-twö, and t)r.{ it appears by the rtturns of tlie proper ofticer tasa id writ that propertv has been attached therton, thlx neither of said defcadaBt could bc found. THOMAS MOl:GAN, Plaintiff. FT; J. BbakTïh, Attorncy lm PlaiMiffDated, Ann Arbor, liec mber 24, 1862. Mortgage 8ale DEFAULT having been male n the condition of a eertain indenture of ínortae. executed by Jame lïcCftrthy and Margaret MoCarUry his wife Of th City of Ann Aibor, County of Waslitenaw an.l tétate ot Mich.igan, to Nelson Cole of the same place, bearing date the fii-stday of May, in the year of our Ixrd one thousaiid eight hundred and fiftj-six, and recorded in tlie Office of the Kegister of Deeds Ja and for said Cou&ty of Washtenaw, on thefifth day of May. A. D. íS5ETio Líber No. 22 of Mortpagcs on pfge ÖÖ2, which tiaid indeuture of Mort gage was duly asigned bj the said Nrisoii Cole to hdward Ryan, of Pittsüclil, in said County, by bis ftnigtimeat undtr lus iiand an-J soul, bearing date the s xtcenth day of Decemoèr, A. D. 1S6', and peoorded In the office oï' said RegiBttf of locds on the twentysixth day of CecetttVr, A. I). 1S62, U. Líber JJo ÜO ui Mortgage.s on page J&i, by which default the pover of Bale contained ín said mortgage became operative and the amount ciaimed to be du e on aid inden ture of Mortgage, at the date of this notitie, ce:cg ñvchundred and t ily eiglil dollar ani. thirty -eigli: ceiit andno suit or prooeedipg having been instituted at. law,. op in chancery, to recover tlie debt nuw remainining due and secured by said mortgage or part tbereefr Notice is therefore hereby gïen. that on taturday. the ínurihdíiy of April, A. I. 1S63. at ten of the clock in the forenüon of that day, at the south door of the Court ilnn-i-, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said í.'m;ntv o% Wafihteoaw aaii State of Michigan, (saiil Court House being the place for holding the Circuit Court for said: üotifityj 1 hhall sí-11 or cause to be soM at public ar,ction in foreckture of said mortgüge to the highest bid der, tlie premisos described therein, or j muoh tli-reofi as Bhall be necessary to atisfy the amount due on said" indenture of Mortgage, with interest and all the rea sonable costo, dbuiements and expendes of all jiriceedings relative to the foreclosure of the s:;ine ir'clnding nasonabl( charge.s tor attorneys' .services ai; pro virled in Baid indenture of mortgnge; that is to attj . nil ihost' cerlain tracts'or pareéis of laad oitaafed in the said city of Ann Arbor, known, bounded #nil desciibed as fotl'iws, viz: Bein boa numbered one (l),two (2, ihree, (3), and four (4), in blocknumber two (2) sou'hr in rnnge numbfr ten (10) east, in the said city of Apn Arln r, Couaty of Washtenaw, and State of "Michigan.. Dated. Peeembi-i Sltt, 1B62. EDAVAHD RYAN, A. Felcií, Astiigitee of Mortgage. Attui-iiey for Assignee. SS5td L am Bcurd fcr M. GUITERMAN CO'S ! o DispiUe the fact if yon can, It fekes theTAILOR after all togive appearance to the onter man. lf you wlsh to appear well Yuu must accüidingly üress Wcll. Go to SI. Guiterman & Co's., ïhere you will find tbings exactly SO. SONDHEIMüWaya ready to tak your measure, GÚITEEMAN witï sell you Goore with great plensnre, At figures L0WER thao you will find in he State, Take heed - call early, else vou are too LATE. The INDCCEMENT8 are Dow greater than ever, Our Cj,stjes you will find oblrgïng and clever. We will show yon gtvxJ CLOTHING ol our own cktting up, Füling our Store from Botto.m to rop. STUDENTS especially will find it to TH Kilt ABVANTAOK, For ft tiikes but L1TTLE MONEY to replonïsb. 1500 OVERCCATSof Cloth, Beaver, and Benr, Warranted for alinost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassiraere of our Ovn IMPORTAT1ON. Forwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and France, Such ns you can stand ur in. or wear, at the dance. Tants ! Paiits ! ! Paiits ! ! ! Fancy CiSSIMERES and DOESKIN oí every grade, We sell them froin ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGIIT. TEPTS, &C., of every description, You will find it so without fiction, 'uroiSnina; atparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS This ia all -we sav now, Tüerefore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever go, M GÜITKRMAN. & Co., Pruit and Ornamental T R E E S , J'F iLiO-W PE1CES. HUIK SCBSCRIBERS are now propnrcd to recoive orX (er all kinds of Fruit anti Ornttmefitfel Trees,. Shrubs, l'lants. Flowers and Vines of every dMerlptÍ9A :m.l varit-ty. for the Fall of 182 and Spring of 1868.- We have ë iATgt stock now [WMTfaig, mul inteud to inakc lacge import-a tiuns f min time tn time as 1] ♦■ a D-ts of the country dcmand. We invite the people to m;.kathemselvps icquainted with our fa ei lit i es for doing busiaess, )ft(ire ptirchasing elsewhere. We warrant all varit'tit's to be truc to napie, and to he viporou.s and heaJtbfy Hpétfmeng . AUconinn:nicatinnsvili pr mptIy responded to. Ourofficeis in llogeis' Agricultural Store, Detroit st., Aun Albor. Micli . DuBOÏS, CARE &- CO. nn Arbor, June 24.1S62. 858tf D1VRLLI1VG FOR SAL.E ! IF YOU with to buy a good two-story brick thvelling, convenient to the business part of the C i i y , with pronndf and yards well stocked with choice Kruit of all kinds, A Peam, Peaches l'lums, Raspberrie, OrlaiiM'í trüos, Shrubber ííC.,Vc, inquirc at the Noy. II, ISS2. ARGUS ÜFFICK. Ayer's Ague Cur@.


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Michigan Argus