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The Michigan Argus

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Pubiíshed every Fridav moiniiip, in thethird tory of the brick blocs, cornerof Main an 1 Hurón .-t.. A.N ARBOÍt, Mich. Kntranceun llurua StrwtioppoMte tlw Fiankün. ELIHU B. PONB, Editor and Publisher. Termi, $l,rO n Year Ín Advance Advcrtlsing- One square (12 lines nr less) , nne week, ÜOjtent; and 25 cents for every inaertion xliereafter, les-í than tliree munths. One square 3 mu S:!.iO Qunrior col. 1 year Í'O Üoe square O ui s H.tíO ll;ilt"culumn fí láoa 1 One sq u,i re 1 year 80' Halfcolumn 1 vear -5 Trt'O sq'res fi m 8 (-0 One column f mos. 36 Two sq'res 1 yrar 12.(10 Ode column 1 year GO L3p" Advert Ueste nU unaccumpanied liy writton or will be pubhshed uotil ordered out, and cliargcd itöcordingly. Legal advertí smeuts, first insertion, 50 cents per folio, 25 cents per folitf for vneh sul èqueni irt-'eítion Wi.ena postpi aemeat [sadded to an adertiannt th whole will b chargfd theamo a for first insertion. Job Pttlttlng- rim[-hrots, Hund Billa, Circulara, Cardrt, li.,ii Lip.kets, Lal.fls Blnnks, Bill Befcds, and other variaties nf Plain an1 Fancy Job lr:nt;ng, execu td wifb prompineita, and n ilr be t .--ty'.t' Oanl#- We have a ffgle? RoaryCnrl Prons.:ind a lai-e vaiK-ty ut tli-latest .Stylus oí Catd typ" whicli euablts uh lo print C;rds o( nll in iht-neatest poasible.tyie atui clie-ipt'r tlian iin otber Uoose in tho city. Husin nard for m n of all avocations anl pro fesüions, Rail, W.'dd.njr i.nd Visi'ing Carda, printed on short notice. l.all and see samples. BOOK ÏÏIVDIVG- '..nnec'edwHh the Office ís a BooK. Bin in charge tf two oompetent workmen - Countv fteoordñ, Le tger, Juurnuls; and all Biank Books made to order, and uf thp bMit stock. Papifhleta and Periodicals bound ln a neal aad durable mannW, at ne■troit prices. Eatranco to Bindery luuugh ile Argus Office.


Old News
Michigan Argus