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A Yankee Device

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One of our peculiar, olab-sidod, g.vint Y a il Rees latelv emigrated and nettled down in the Wes'. He was the very piulure of a mean man, but a lia pin hiiiiself to work in good earnest to gut liis house td rights, tlie ne ghbors wil! ingly lent liiin a hand. Ai er lio hud got verytfiing fixbd tn his uotion, a tíiought struck him that he h:id no ühickuas, and he was poweríuj foud tf suokiütr raw eggs lio wua '.do honest to steal them, ;nd too mean lo buv theii). At hist a thmjght struck hini, he eould borrovv. He went to i neighbor, and thud accosted him : - " Wil. I reckon yon hain't got no oíd hen nor nolhin' yon'd lend trie for a few weeks, have von, neiiíhbor ?" " I wil] lend yon olio with pleasure' replied the gentil muí!, pioking out the very tínest in the coop Tho Yankee took Uie hen homo, and then went to another neighhor and borrowed a dozen egi;s. He thon .et the hen, and in dua eotirso of (iinu she liatc.hed out a dozen ehickans Tho Yankee whs agnin puzzied : he could re urn the hen but how whs he to return the eggtt ? Another idea - and who ever saw a live Yankee without one 'Í - he would keep the hun uutil shu had lal'l a dozen Bggx. This liu did, and thcn returned the hen and eggs to their respective ownrn, retnnrkiog as hu did sn : " Wal, I Teckon I'vo got ns fino a (iü.L'ii of chickens is over yoii lai1 your eyes on, a;d they didfl't cost me u cent nuther. ÜZS" A. certain Juciga was nco obliired tosleepwith u WHg nained Juok in i crowdad hotel, wheo the fallöwing cvmvcrfation eriKued : " Jaitk yo W()illd havo remainod a lon! tinie in Iti i old country belore you could huveslept with a Judare, woujd yon" "Yes, ver honor," sairt Jack, "and I think yer honor would have heen ;t !"i)g timo in the old country beiore ye'd bten a JudffP. too." Ths Invulnerabihty of the Montauk. A correspondent of tlio New York Herald g ves tliu f.illowiug details of the late engagement of the Montauk at Fort McAllister: The rebels were not slow to take up the gage of battle, and responded to our fire by a heavy gun, the shot htriking the turret fairly betweeu the port-holes, but luving no more effect on the Montauk thati to leave a slight inden tat ion in tho outer piafe. A slitiht tremor was experienced by those iñ the pilot-honse and turret Then the ball struck. Tbis spier. - did exbibitioH of rebel guunery plainly shuwcd that they had obtained the range lo a nicety, and that their guus bore upon all parts of the channe1. The rebels secmed to devote their particular attention to the Montauk, aa ahe was in easy range, witii tlio view of siuking her, and direeted iheir fire tbr ome time againsi her and sueceedod in hitting her a Dimber of times with shell aud'solid siiot.- With the exception of slight indentations on the annor, and a solid tbirty-two. which knocked a hole iu the lauuch filled with water and towed astern, no dimage was dono the Moutauk in tho action. - Not a plato was brokea nor a bolt siarted on her, and those below were havdlj corisciou.s of the blow whon she was hit. : The crew in the turret, with faces begrimed with powder, and blackened with smoke, and worn out with the fatigues and exeitement of the day and the ioise of the conflict, wore the only evideuce that a battle had been fought. The ship her-elf was as tight as a bot' tle, and ready for a second conflict. Shé proved herself impregnable to all assaults frora the Ogeechee battery, and then, a fbg oomitig. on, withdrew herjclf frotn tho conflict at two o'clock P. M., after three guris out of thirteon had been silenced, and much damage inflicted uporj the fort. Not a single vessel except tho Montauk was struck and not a man was" injured in the fleet, although the eneuiy, alter they had Batisfied theinselves of the futiliry of their efforts to aink or daimge the Montauk, direeted thoir firé upou the woodon guuboats. Their practice agaiost thein was oxtremely bad and proved conclusively that, beyond s few poiuts that they covered aft;.r long practice, their tiring V7as wild and unsatisfactory to them. Havinggiven the order to ceaso firing the Montauk dropped down the st-oam and carne to anchor with the rest of tha fleet, out of range, ready, when m fresh Bupply of aniniunitiou for tho shell and one hundred pounder Parrot guns shall arrivp, to begin tlie eouflict, and aceomplish the design formed by Captain Wordtn during the actiou. Ou Thui'sday, if nothing oeours to cliangti the plan, we shall agaiu ittaok the fortj and try our pet ironclad again. I may add that the firinir during the day wus frequently desultory on botk sides, and at one tima the fort ceased altogether for two huura; and at no time, on our side, was it as hot as we could tnake it. Having learued what we Ac sfired we are preparad now for an earncst fight, and I am sure I shall be able to chropiele it. Captain Worden and the ofHoerS of the Slontauk are in the best of spirits, and expre8S in the bigbeet terms their confideneft in the couiplute suocess of the Montauk, iud are anxious to te3t her defensive qualitieg at cloaer range, which they believe to bj proof agaiust any ordinance iu the world.


Old News
Michigan Argus