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The Senate Has Passed The

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House - Howell's - resolutions on tho UnioD, by a vote of 18 to 9. Mr. Jay, sonator from tbis district, introduced a substituto series, and rtuide a speech endorsing thg enjaocipation pfoclamamation and all the future acts of the administration, but finally voied for the Howell'eët The Tribune thus eompHments him : " Senator Jay, a FuMonist, ubo has J()]lowed the Demócrata fiiithfully since the seseiori oponed, repented of hia folly and yoted witfa the Republicans." And with the eompli'inents of such radicáis as run tho Tribune llma2heen" he will have to be saüsfud, for both his speech and vote have sadly dis:;ppoïnted nino out of ten of tho men who voted for him. Democrats considur it one thing to endorse the government and all lawful means necessary to put down tho cursed rebellion, and quite another thing to endorse the vagaries of the men vvho admimster the gov'ernment. " The king can do wrong" is a maxim the Democracy never endorsed, and they certainly oannot swear in ad vanee by all the measures the radical " power behind the throno " may compel the President tu extract from the " war power." We may recur to thiü subject at another time. SiST The Fríe Press is airing the politica] career of Hon. W. T. Howell, of Newago at present but who will migrate to some other county as soon as the public teat is withdrawn. We wöuld reriiind our cotemporary that the game ia hardly worth the powder. - He should be disposed of on the principie that " a short horse ia soon curried." We rernember a resolution passed by the citizena of Branch county, rnany years ago when Hovfell was a Democrat, and as a Djm.ocrat owed his election to theSenat.e to tha Branch Oounty Democracy. He had fói'gotten some pledges made before electmn, and other Senators being in the samo boat an indignation meeting was held. The other recreants were treated at length, but Howbll was thus briefly disposed of: " Resolved, That -W:n. T. Howell ie a bad egg." That, and nothing more. And we submit that the Free Press should take this as a pattorn, and not wrte him into notoriety. LS We cannot give the reason why a resident of. Ann Arbor was not nomin ited. If the Argus has any light on the subject, will he iaform us ? - State News. Very wel], until the News is able to asdign reasons for the aetioo of a Repubücan convention it should not be so roady to teil why the Democratie conj vention nominated Mr. Eiciimoxd, and didn't nomiiiate some ono else. We are not supposed iü be in the secrets of the Eepubliean party, but being of Yankee descent can '' guess '"' why itn convention did not Domínate "a resident of Ann Arbor," and we may "guess" aoud when the proper time comes. Until then we wait for sorne Kepublican toinswer the question wo put to the News. JL3T The " thrice threo hundred thousand meu " promised to the President if he vvould proelairn emancipation are vet prating about abolition all through the North, nary a tliousand of them liaving shouldered their muskets and gone into the ranks, and so t is said a.draft of "600,000 more" is to be ordered as soon as thu conseripüon bilí becomes a law. Greeley, Phillips & Co., ahould enlist aocording to agreement. E3P Allen O. Titus, a lad of 16 years who had enlisted in the Tth Gavalry, was discharged on Tuesday, on a writ of hnheas corpus issued by Judge WrniKUELL, of tho Wayne Circuit Court. - On tho name day Judge Wilki.ns of the United States Court, discharged a minor from the 16th Infantry. - It wou ld seem that neither of the abovo patriotio judges recognize tho suspension oí the writ of liabeas j pus, JKST The llepublican Judicial Convention for this district has beun called to meet at Jackson on the lOtl) of March. L3T" ïlie Free Press publishes a list of seventy five attorneys who heve taken out liceuse in Detroit under the internal reverme law. The Kecessity for a "local" Eegant Iu speaking of the llepublicau candidatos for Regents of the University, the State JSieics of this city saya, aud well says : The nominoes for regents are all true to the interests of tho University, but we thitik the Convention eommitted a gi-eat blunder ia uot givicg Washtenaw County one of thoin. It seems to us almost a cecessity that ono of the Regenta should reside in this city. Tho resident regent bas mucb more to do, and to see to, than ïnerely to altend the meetiugs of the board. - He is 'ooked upou as a sort of Superiutendont, and it is necessary, w.e think, that he should keep a sharp look out, or the interests of the University are üable tosuft'cr. The State has spent alargo ainouüt of nwney in adorning and itnproving the rounds, and it needs some one who is officially oonneeted with the University to look after the grounds, and keep a vigilant oye upon thetii. or the money so judiciously spent in tlioir improvement and embellisbment, will have been spent in vaio. A numborof good men were proposed, but the Oonvention oould not, or rather did not agree upon any one of the;n. - It was bad poliey, vory bad polioy. Mr. Riohmond, the Democratie candidato resident in our City has both the taste and the leisure to euable him satisfactorily to discharge the duties pointed out by the News f b-a shall be elected, and if bis colloagues sball devolve those duties upon him. The vefters of the State, and especially those of this city aud county should think of this, and when the day of elcction comes give Mr. 11. a largo vote.


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Michigan Argus