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Freaks Of Fortune

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■We extract the foilowing from a private letter ro ceived from a ueighboring county, a county not fortúnate enough to escape the draft. It affords a study for ono e:ocustomed to the ''calculution of chanoes." If tliia is a sample of the workings o the draft, it is at as easy to teil who will be hit as to point out the place where lightning will strike, and a little easier. Well, the lueky men nobusiness to be demócrata, and then no business to live in a Ropublicaa couuty : " The draft has taken place here without muoh excitement, as it feil móstly on democrats. Iu one town two wore draft ed, one a staunch dcraoorat, the other a man who takes but little interest in polit icalmattcra, each party claiming hiin. I ara told,however, that last fall he deolared himsclf a de moor at. In the township west of me, two democrats were drafted; the town south one demoerat; in the town east eighteen out of twenty were democrats. Our Sheriff has shown a pecular slight at drawing demoerats. The last I heard was that tho sheriff was having a;i ïnteresting tirue oolleetina them togothor, sorae had fled to Cauada, and some to the pine forests " EST Wo notice that the Grand Haven iVWi places at the head of its columns the names of the two candidates at large for Regent, and only one district candidato, Mr. Roof. The eight Rcgents aro to be eleeted by general ticket, and the distriot desiguation amounts to aothing and should be entirely ignored in printing the ballot ; and we take it for granted that whatever the Legisliiture may enact the eight candidates having the largest number of votes will be eleeted. We hope that the State Commitmittee will see that the tickets are properly priuted and distributed, or at least that a correct form ia furnished to every Democratie County Gonnnittoe and Demcratic publisher. JSS" The Legislature has appropriated 25,000 acres of Swatnp Lmds to a German-American Seminary in Detroit, and bas refused to appropriate lands iu aid of five of the principal Colleges of the State, on the ground of constitutional prohibition. Consistent, indeed ; but then the dominant party wants the German yote. SS" The Nisw ïork Times aays there is trouble ia Gen. Banks' command, and that forty-five or fifty officers of the New York 133d have resigned beoause of the introduction of negro troops. JS" Winchell, the ventriloquist and drollerist, died at Lafayette, Ind., last week, of erysipel.ns. Hia remains were brought to Jackson for in terment. LS" A bilí has pussed thft House authorizing an increaso of the salary of the City Clerk of Ypsilanti to $200. LS" The estáte of the late Nicholas Longworth, the Cincinnati Catawba and Strawberry millionaire is estimatcd at from $6,000,000 to $7,000,000. USE" The Col. Giluekt who dispersed a rebel couvention at Fraukfort, Ky., - we say rebel convention on the authority of the Louisville Journal - is a nephew of Gen. Cass. He is a nativo ofZar.esville, Ohio, and commauds the Ohio 41th. Pleasiü Gokbeot. - We notice that some of our democratie cotemporaries have the name of Mr. Righmond, candidate for Recent in the 3d district, incorrectly printed. The namu is Ciiakles H. Richjiond, and not Charles A. as it appearsiu tho Monroo Monitor aud perhaps other journals. Please correct, brother Editors. SS" The bilí anitínding tho charter of tuin city, passed the Sánate on Monday, It had passed the House previously.


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