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Mtw MvtxtiMmmíz. J o Chaneery Noti.e. tjTATE OF MICHIGAN Snit: pending in the Circuit Cou rt for Uie Comity of Washtt-n ,w. in chancery. Beforellon E. L.uvrence. Circuit Judge,'aC chamUm. Olaiu.J. (J-.VE.V. Cümplainant,") v=. L Manvki.rA. Owh, DefcDdant.J It satisfactoria appearing to the uudei-signel by añidavit tbat the dflftndant in this cause resides out of ibis tatü, on nvttion of L. I. Xorriw, solicitar for the complainaat: It isoiuoied thattbehaid def. ndant eaup appemranee "ti this cause to b- outered witliin torno montlis tri. ni the date of tlii order. And it is furthep ord red that, witbin tweutj ilays, the compliiinaut cause thíi order lo he imbli.-hediii thJ Micuigan Argus, a newspaper publishert in said county, and such publicación be contnmed, at lefcat poce tn each, for iii ueek. in succession, or thiit she cüiisc a copv of tilia or. dei to b ■ p i - mally sorna q& said cefendant, at leawt twoty days bcfore the time prescribed for his apptarance E. I.AWHKNCE, Circuit Judge. L. O. Norria, SoHcitor for Cümj-lainaut. Dated, Feb. 23, 1863. 893w5 NOL'ICE OF D1TCH SALE. THE UNDEESISNBD will offer for ale to the lowoi.t bidder, at Hnwi U's oln stam!, foor miles west of tho villagoof Dextei, onTuoiJaj, Marcli 24th, A. D., 1S63, at il o'clock, A. M. , the maKing oí live miles and ]3 roda of drteh - known as Dexter ditcb Xo, 1, in accorilance with the etipulation.s, surveys, and table of cntf. Eaid rlitcli is to be one foot wide on the bottcin and of a depth a.s marked oc each station stake Ri-t in the lino ol Baid ditcli, and the banks (o sk-pe oqo foot for orer foot in depth. J. B. STARK, JUS. I'KAY, J. J. PARSHALL. Drainage Commiaaioncrs for the Countv of Waht. naw. Uated, Feb. Slth, 1803. DÜ.A.'W SCHOOL OF Harvard College, 1863. rpWO TFRMS of nïnotoon weeks each, commeucing X 11 VRCH -D and SEPTEUBEK 7tii Fot Catalogue and Circular address JÜtIL I'ARiKR, Rnyal Prof usar . Cabridgu, fosa January ÍÍ9, 18b3 8'J3w3 OOCNTÏ Cl.SBK ÜKF1CÍ, Ax.v AMOR, Keb. 11, 1863. ƒ Tn tlie city nnd township CltTks of the countj of Washtenav, vu aie ]ereby iiotilled that the tweptjsixth Report of the Superintendent öf I'tiblia In.structiuns ol llie late of Michigan, has been reCeivedatthia offlco,aad íí ready for destributionin packagea mm six to twelve in numbi'r. THACY W.1Ï00T, Clerk. PEE&ERVE AND IMPROVE YOÜR VISION. JOSÉrH BLACK, Agent fw a BI.ACK'S Detroit Optáual Establishment, takea pleasure in Informing n gftaorous pub! ir, that h e will stop for a few dyfl al MesM-.v chnti" Sc Milii-r' Bookstore, whero fae wm offer fbr sale those CELEBRATED SPHEROIDAL GLASSES w'-.ich are so eminent tl jadapted tn improvo the failioit eyesight. Aleo, ;i gfeoeral assortment oí MAGNIF1ERS, TELESCQPE8, MICROSCOPES, &o., (in hand, Te gure and cali in time at Messrö. Scboff t Millor's Bookstor, HOUSE &1.ÜTS FOR 8ALE! IWI il to poll my honso, wjtfa nearly two lotp pf Innd, frontín on Braad way aud ronatog throtwb to Tuttle Ëtreetj ia tUe if tU Wurd. Terras reasonabV. S. H. ICCCACSXM, Sm Arb3T, 3á% LC,lSCo.


Old News
Michigan Argus