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bilis to some of our subseribers in arreara, atid shall coutiuue sending weekly installments. Wo hope that these bilis will receive prompt attention. J5S Letters from friends in the 3d Michigan Oavalry and 26th Miohigan Infantry carne to hand too late for this issuo, and will fitid a place inour next. fëf James E. Murdock - the popular dramatist, ve suppose - is expected ;o appear beíore the Studonts' Lecture A88ociation some time next week. Try it by All Means.- If any of our readers have been troubled to inake light and uniform biscuit, it is more than probable they do not use DeLand & Oo's Chemical Saleratus. That is a pure artiele, not detrimental to health aud sure in its effects. Try it by all rneaus. S3T The Soldiers' Aid Society of this city, gratefully ackuowledge the receipt of sixty-three dollars from the Medical Ulass of the University, it being the entire proceeds of a lecture, delivered for them by Dr, A. B PalMBR. A. A. ORMSBY, Seoy S. A Sociwty. L3T Mr. T. D. TooKBR, photographer, has presented ua a number of beautiful card pictures, oopied by him from ohoicu engruvings and paintings. Mr. Tooker has won the desyrved repOtfltion of boing one of the best artista in the State, and tiis copies as well as his origináis are irorthy a place in any Photographio Album. EF" Tho M; E Ohurph was ovcrcrowded on Wednusdny evening to hear a lecture from Ruv. 13. Cocker befpre tha'Medioal Claea. A business .engugement prevented our attend-.ince, but wo hear that it vvag an ublo and in struelive lecture. 'i he subject was, " of' the Extinot Duizeoa of the Globo. t" The March n'.iinbar of the At lantic MonthJy has a t:ible of contents above the average even of so excellent a periodical. Arnong the writers are Joseph Dana Howard, üüvor Wendell Holmes, Nuthaniel Hawthoroe, J. T. Trowbridge L. Maria Chüd, Gail Ssrailton, Julia Ward ïlowo, and Prof. Agassiz. Every paper will beur a c-.ireJul ref.ding. $3 a year. Address 'Ticknor & Fields, Boston. - Father Kemp's Old Folks Oon.eert Troupe gave concerts in Hangterter's Hall on 7ednesJay andThurs4ay evenings, to the great gratificaron of tbe largeat eoneert audiences ivhich have guthered in our city in a lonw time. They are acuomplished singers, and their rendition of olden musio and impersonation of uiden chaiacters could èarJlybebettered. Wecommend them as gentlemen, ladies and artista wharefirer they may go. L5LTle March number of the Echotic Magazine has a steel engraving rarely ■excelled, ' Napoleon I, meditating on the eve of tho battle of Austerlitz." - "The artieles are from eleven of the lead og English periodicals. Araong them ro, Life and Times of Sir Philip áidjiey; The Keign of Terrar; Bishop Colenso on tho PeDtateuch; The Piaoet Mars and its Photographs; A Lady's Dress; The Greek Revolution. $5,00 a jear, to be advaneed to $5,50 after the jfirst of April. Address, W. II. Bidwbll,5 Beekman Street, N. Y. Lecture by William Sikes. A Locture oq " tho Vagttriea of the Insane" will ba delivered ia tho M. E ■Church on Wednesday evening, Murch 4th, by William Wirt Sikes, M. D. The lectnre will diseuss the Philoso phy of the Bralo. Ar)d the phenomena cif Insanity in its intelectual, emotionul and melancholio aspects. The ineidents and illustrations ernployed in tbe lenture, a:-o the resulta of the L'joturr's personal experiences and observations in Insane Apylurns and will be new to every hearer. Tha entire proceeds will be appropriated to the Librai-y ot the M. E. Church Sunda}' School. Tickets to be bad at the Book stores, and at Stebbiis & Wilson'a store. A propocítion is being considcrod by the Legislature to endow tho Michigan Fatruld College at Ia.n8ÍDg asía State Ins'.itutioti for the education of young ladies. Such an nstitütion is needed to coinpletu our educutional Bytom, and uu U-utstüoiucUiing may be daue to secure it. I


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